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Cleaning Crew Cart Conniption

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  • Cleaning Crew Cart Conniption

    It is just a circus with this cleaning company, I tells ya.

    Today, the cleaning people were Trainer and Trainee from this thread.

    My coworker and I started the day by sorting the HBA/ Grocery repack totes. To do this we line up shopping carts down each aisle in HBA, and a few extras for baby HBA, pharmacy, grocery and register candy, take the totes off the cart or pallet, and sort the items within by aisle, tossing them into the appropriate shopping cart. The full carts are then brought to the backroom for somebody to fill after all the totes are sorted out.

    No sooner than we started this, Trainer took two of our carts to put his garbage in.

    Co-worker: Did you take our carts we had over here?
    Trainer: Yeah, I'll bring them right back.
    Co-worker: We need them. Please bring them back and take some carts from over by the door there if you need them.

    Note: The carts by the door are just a few steps away from where he was.

    Trainer: I'll bring them back when I'm done.
    Co-worker: You bring them back now please. I told you we need them.
    Trainer: You doan talk to me like that.
    Co-worker: I'll talk to you how I want to, now get your trash out of them and bring those carts back so we can sort our totes into them!

    Voices get raised and the argument continues. "You doan talk to me like that! You talk to me better than that!" "I told you several times we need those carts, give them back already!" The other people in the store heard it plain as day and started making their way over to see what the fuss was about.

    Pretty soon Trainer and Co-worker are in each other's faces and I'm thinking punches are about to be thrown.

    Trainer: Who do you think I am, stupid? I like this store, but yo need to talk to me better than that!
    Co-worker: I don't care who you are, we're taking those carts back. You can go get all the carts you want over there! (Dumps the trash out of the carts and goes to take them back).
    Trainer: You askin' fo it!

    And then I snapped. This is probably extremely sucky of me, but we had an 1800-piece truck, a shorthanded crew, and a wide array of FUBARS left for us by last night's unload crew, which I'll detail in a different post, so I was in no mood to engage in an extended pissing match:

    Me: Give us back those fucking carts and get the fuck out of here. I don't have time for this shit.
    Trainer: Yo doan talk to me like that, honky.
    Me: I do, and I will. You don't get to tell us what to do. We're shorthanded and we don't have time to argue with you. There are plenty of carts over by that door there. If you can't walk 15 feet over there to grab some, there's a problem. We had these carts out for a reason.
    Other Co-worker who ventured over to see what the ruckus was about: Here. I'll go bring you some carts. (Gets two carts from by the door and brings them over to Trainer.)

    Trainer finally retreated, with his carts, and then waltzed back up front to loudly complain to Trainee about what a bunch of arrogant asshats we are. He apparently also called up his company's office (whoever they are) to complain, and they called up the SM, and he hauled us into his office to get our side of the story. None of us are going to get in any trouble, and he's going to complain to the maintenance contractor again. Besides, he's more than had it with them anyway. I didn't bring up the racial slur from Trainer since I did swear at him first.

    Seriously, they can't fire these people soon enough.
    Knowledge is power. Power corrupts. Study hard. Be evil.

    "I never said I wasn't a horrible person."--Me, almost daily

  • #2
    Me and a coworker had a similar problem also. This was at my last factory job. I came on about 6 months before him. His first few days he tried telling me how to do and what to do. He was pissing me off and I took my hammer. And hit the wooden steps that we had and broke it with that one hit. The next day, we were great friends there. Helped each other without being told too.
    Under The Moon Paranormal Research
    San Joaquin Valley Paranormal Research


    • #3
      Uh, racial slur trumps swearing.

      I don't understand why so many people are such wimps about swearing. They could have cut off one of your legs, but if you call them a "fucking moron" .. somehow YOU become the bad guy.
      "Always stand near the door." -- Doctor Who

      Kuya's Kitchen -- Cooking, Cooking Gadgets, and Food Related Blather from a Transplanted Foodie


      • #4
        You're right, you can't fire these idiots fast enough.

        I wonder if their bosses will figure out why they lost the account.


        • #5

          Things have been going from bad to worse with these cleaning people. If that was even possible.

          I think it's time to rename Trainer "Angry Dude", since that's pretty much what he is. It turns out anytime he's asked to do something, like throw his garbage in the compactor which we have unlocked and opened for him, he goes off on this "You be disrespectin' me!" horseshit.

          "AD, you're running the floor scrubber with the pads up and dribbling water all over the place." "You need to talk better than that to me!"
          "AD, you need to dust-mop the floors before you scrub." "You talk better than that to me!"
          "AD, there's dried-up fecal matter on the stalls in the mens bathroom. Do you think you could clean that off today?" "Doan' disrespect me like that!"

          and so on.

          Evidently we have been so cruel to him, he's been calling up whoever he works for and complaining about us. He also tried to complain to store management about us. He called the store one morning, trying to get ahold of the store manager, and was told the only manager-ish person working was our supervisor. So he hollered at the service desk person answering the call "I'm not talking to her! She's the one I have the problem with!"

          But wait, it gets better. Last week a second guy began showing up at the store working along with Angry Dude. This guy was scary-looking, to be honest.

          He had piercings in his eyebrow and his nose, tattoos up and down his sleeves and possibly a small one on his face, a shaved head, a piercing vacant stare, and three metal spikes implanted in his back that were visible underneath his shirt. I do not mean to imply that people into bodily modifications are scary looking; it's just that something about him gave me the heebie-jeebies.

          Evidently I wasn't alone in feeling this way. Several store employees went to management saying they didn't feel safe with this second guy in the store and they went to talk to AD about him. It turns out that the second guy wasn't even an employee of the cleaning company--he was just some guy AD "hired" to help him out without telling anybody. So now he isn't allowed in the store.

          Shit, couldn't we have gone with a semi-reputable company like Servicemaster when we outsourced the cleaning crews? That's a rhetorical question, BTW. I'd ask how the suit who came up with the idea sleeps at night, but I think I know the answer to that one: On top of a pile of hundred-dollar bills, surrounded by several scantily-clad females.
          Knowledge is power. Power corrupts. Study hard. Be evil.

          "I never said I wasn't a horrible person."--Me, almost daily


          • #6

            Sounds like you SHOULD have brought the racism up. He certainly has!


            • #7
              Wherein things get even worse

              Thursday morning our supervisor was in. After everybody came in at 5 she turned on the store alarms and announced that the store was armed; please don't answer the door until the store is disarmed again.

              At about 5:15 a couple guys came and rang the doorbell, evidently to help Angry Dude. Angry Dude opened the door and let them in, triggering the alarms.

              Alarm company called, and supervisor told them somebody must have opened up the door so there was no need to send the police. Evidently the police came anyway, so we get hit with a citation for a false alarm AGAIN.

              Supervisor found Angry Dude and told him he's not to open the door while the store is armed unless he calls somebody first to turn off the alarm.

              Angry Dude completely flipped his shit. He got right up close in the supervisor's face and started yelling at her about this and that and nothing at all. Some excerpts I heard secondhand were "You get out of my fucking face, bitch," "You're white and I'm black so I can do anything I want to you and I won't get in trouble," "You're on my list" (whatever his "list" is), "I got all these complaints in about you."

              And then he stomped upstairs to the offices and screamed some more at the opening manager, scaring her immensely too.

              Supervisor was so shook up about this, she didn't come into work today. She had some telephone conversations with co-workers and the store manager yesterday, and they all told her to take a personal day if she was that afraid of Angry Dude.

              Good news is, Angry Dude is no longer allowed on the premises. And corporate HR and the legal department are investigating.
              Knowledge is power. Power corrupts. Study hard. Be evil.

              "I never said I wasn't a horrible person."--Me, almost daily


              • #8
                Oy. It sounds like the police should have stayed around a little after the alarm went off. I'm sure they'd have given the guy a nice gift of chrome "bracelets" if they'd seen that aggressive rant.

