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I iwsh he'd watched his mouth

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  • I iwsh he'd watched his mouth

    Ok now I've mentioned that I am a rural person. I'm somewhat of a redneck and country/good ol boy who is not racist nor has a problem with people over petty thigns like skin color and such. Just how a person acts is more important than how they look. Unfortuantely too many people don't feel that way and then to give them a badge is not a good thing.

    First off the company had an account guarding an all night UDF in Norwood. Norwood is an area of cincinnati that is probably more non-caucasion than caucasion and if you do see a caucasion then they probably are friends with or related to a non-caucasion. So I am really really shocked at how stupid one of my fellow "officers" was.

    I got a call to go cover the UDF because we had an officer down. Fortunately I was on a post that had three officers (construction site) that was not too far away. Unfortunately I didnt have seniority over the other two on that site.

    I get to the UDF and talk to the post jumper who was covering the UDf til I got there and found out that bubba redneck was jumped, beat to a pulp and tossed in the dumpster and was now enroute to the hospital. Being told this at 1 in the morning on a friday night was not very good to hear considering looking around I was the only caucasion in sight and I was wearing a badge after the PJ drove off.

    So I go inside and talk to the store manager. They told me what happened: Apparently bubba saw an african american male leave the store with a purchase. Bubba called out "Hey boy let me see your receipt for that." Very, very wrong thign to say. Apparently things went downhill from there as Bubba follwed him outside and exchanged words. A little while later the same subject came back stood outside and flipped bubba off then ran around the building. Apparently bubba was wearing his hat too tight as he went outside followed the subject around the back of the store and proceeded to get used as a hacky sack.

    Fast forward a bit to having clean cut very caucasion me standing there when subject and several of his friends come walking back in cracking honkey jokes and basically trying to push the buttons. Fortuantely I just act polite and dont bother them and they dont bother me and leave. No further trouble and I get to go home. Another successful shift.
    Last edited by Rahmota; 10-02-2006, 05:14 AM. Reason: Clarity and revision of word choice.

  • #2
    This is what I can't wrap my brain around.

    I understand the stupid thing that bubba did. He got his ass handed to him for it. So far it seems nobody got any problem with this.

    Why the hell. When subject and his buddies comes around making racist remarks, that nobody says they should gotten a beat down just like bubba for being a racist.
    I've lost my mind ages ago. If you find it, please hide it.


    • #3
      Quoth LostMyMind View Post
      This is what I can't wrap my brain around.

      I understand the stupid thing that bubba did. He got his ass handed to him for it. So far it seems nobody got any problem with this.

      Why the hell. When subject and his buddies comes around making racist remarks, that nobody says they should gotten a beat down just like bubba for being a racist.
      Because, sadly, it's only racism in America when the target is non-Caucasian, or so listening to many people would make you believe.
      "Enough expository banter. It's time we fight like men. And ladies. And ladies who dress like men. For Gilgamesh...IT'S MORPHING TIME!"
      - Gilgamesh, Final Fantasy V


      • #4
        It's called the terror of the "minority" where those people supposedly in the majority are afraid to do anything to upset groups smaller than they are, so that they aren't perceived as terrorizing the minority.
        Thus the group in the minority is allowed to proceed with any act they choose in the guise of asserting themselves and standing up to the majority.
        Ba'al: I'm a god. Gods are all-knowing.


        • #5
          No, it's because the black guy was trying to bait the OP just as he had been baited by the first white guy. Just because he responded to the baiting and gave the first white guy a beat down doesn't mean it is the appropriate response for that situation. By trying to continue the confrontation with someone who wasn't even involved in the first, he is just as much in the wrong as the guy who started the whole thing.


          • #6
            Yeah the potential for ugliness was quite high. As for what the subject was thinking I am betting it was a combination of 1) he was a minority and I am the "majority" (Not in that neighborhood!) 2) that since for the past several hundred years "my kind" have kept "his kind" (whatever that means I thought we where all humankind) down he had the right to be as trashy and insulting to me as bubba had been to him without my being allowed to respond. 3) and that like broomjockey said if a white calls an african american a name its racism and hate speech but if an african american (er person of color to be PC) does it its freedom of speech and standing up for their race.

            Not to mention Cincinnati did not have a great track record for racial interaction and that was a year or two before the race riots in Over the Rhine (another burb) and Downtown (minor one mind you nothign like the LA riots but still big news for around here.) They've improved slightly but its still not great down there. One reason I'm glad I'm out of the city.

            Oh and for not giving them a beat down several reasons 1) There where more of them than the 1 of me (I'm crazy not stupid.) 2) that account didn't really seem to want us to do more than stand there and be another eyewitness or just look pretty as they specifically requested in the contract we where to be unarmed and did not require us to write up formal reports. and 3) The response time for the police was not the greatest in that neighborhood so if there had been a rumble and I got hurt I didn't exactly wanna wind up in the dumpster for who knows how long. Bubba had been in there about a half an hour supposedly before the post jumper arrived and no one noticed or mentioned that he was missing.

