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Hit and run in the parking lot

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  • Hit and run in the parking lot

    So we stock people were taking our last break of the day in front of Radio Shack, just BS'ing when all of a sudden....

    GRUNTCH! and all our heads jerk in unison....

    Turns out somebody was backing out of their parking space and caught another car on the way on. The guy next to me evidently saw the car rock a bit so he knew it had been hit.

    And the offender just drove off. This happened somewhat deep into the lot, so none of us got a license plate number; we just saw it was a gray car that hit the other car and drove off.

    Somebody else might have gotten the license plate number though. The owner came out to the damaged car not long after it got hit (maybe she was paged) and there was a woman by the car, and they were talking about something.

    Our parking lot is pretty bad. We always seem to see a near-miss or two every time we take a break outside.
    Knowledge is power. Power corrupts. Study hard. Be evil.

    "I never said I wasn't a horrible person."--Me, almost daily

  • #2
    That happens all the time. In fact, yesterday it happened to me. While I was still sitting in the car with my husband. The prick backed into me (the aisle was wide as hell and there were NO other cars around, so there was absolutely no excuse for it) and drove off. Husband got the license plate number, but my car is a 1992 Buick LeSabre and built like a tank, so there was no damage. No damage = cops don't care. I really really want this asshole to get in trouble though; I want them to know you can't gt away with things like that!

    My consolation is that the back of their (tiny, made-of-fiberglass) car struck mine squarely in the corner of the left front bumper, and as they sped off we saw a huge crack right down the middle of their back bumper.


    • #3
      I got rear-ended once turning onto my street and the prick drove off. He hit me hard, too. Luckily, the Taurus I was driving at the time took it in stride. The back was dented a bit, but all the lights still worked.
      I am no longer of capable of the emotion you humans call “compassion”. Though I can feign it in exchange for an hourly wage. (Gravekeeper)


      • #4
        After I got into my accident at work and people were trying to make me feel better, one coworker said that when she was younger, she actually rear ended someone...and THEY drove off.

        I'm starting to think the person whose car I hit is a criminal or really doesn't want to deal with higher insurance, as it's been almost 2 months and still no claim filed. Granted, they have 2 years to do so, but a normal person would have gotten their car fixed already, considering it's on my insurance's dime.
        You really need to see a neurologist. - Wagegoth


        • #5
          Quoth blas87 View Post
          After I got into my accident at work and people were trying to make me feel better, one coworker said that when she was younger, she actually rear ended someone...and THEY drove off.

          I'm starting to think the person whose car I hit is a criminal or really doesn't want to deal with higher insurance, as it's been almost 2 months and still no claim filed. Granted, they have 2 years to do so, but a normal person would have gotten their car fixed already, considering it's on my insurance's dime.
          It's much more likely that they are either unlicensed and/or uninsured. A criminal with a license and insurance would have no reason NOT to file a claim, as it's not like your insurance company would be investigating them for anything if you admit fault.

          In my local paper, we have a section caled the "Daily Docket," which lists all of the previous day's police/court reports and activity. I'd say that a good 25% of the items reported pertain to either unlicensed or uninsured drivers.

          Maybe it's different where you live, though.
          "She didn't observe the cardinal rule: Don't F**K with people who handle your food"
          -Ryan Reynolds in 'Waiting'


          • #6
            THE hit and run story

            My roommate (RM) had the most f'ed up thing happen to her in our apartment complex. About three in the morning, the complex manager comes to our door to talk to RM. We go out to the parking lot... Someone had backed into her truck instead of the next space. Hit her truck just in front of the driver's side door, dented the entire side of the truck, continued in that straight line, into a tree and then putting a hole in the apartment building.

            I still can't figure out how you miss the fact that you've hit a car, and just KEEP GOING! Someone else got the other car out of the building, and sent her on her way before anyone came out to investigate the noise and discovered the damage.

            The only positive note is whoever it was completely shattered her tail light assembly. We were looking for a car that matched that damage forever.


            • #7
              Quoth radiocerk View Post
              My roommate (RM)
              completely OT, but roommate isn't the first thing that comes to mind when I hear RM... it's a Utah thing

              on topic, I had an interesting one... I rear ended a guy (and I knew who it was too, he was my direct superior in JROTC ) and he drove off... he claimed he didn't even feel me hit him...
              Last edited by smileyeagle1021; 09-19-2008, 07:22 PM.
              If you wish to find meaning, listen to the music not the song


              • #8
                My family and I got rear ended a few months back. The woman called the police and said it was her fault( It was, at least she was truthful). Then when the police came out, she started calling someone and mentioning that it was our fault
                Under The Moon Paranormal Research
                San Joaquin Valley Paranormal Research


                • #9
                  We got rear-ended at a red light last summer. He slammed into us so hard the THREE cars in front of us ended up with bumper damage! I ended up with scrapes and bruises all over and my wife ended up with a broken leg. He tried to drive off but a woman from one of the other cars jumped on her hood and told him he wasn't going anywhere! Geez, I was just gonna get his plate number and let him go and let the cops throw the book at him later.


                  • #10
                    I broke a cars mirror in a parking lot (big dent in my truck). Went inside to get paper and pen to leave a note, came back and the car was gone.


                    • #11
                      Ah, car accident accounts...

                      My 1999 Honda Civic got its front left fender crunched in by some idiot in a parking lot. I wasn't even in the car at the time. It was PARKED. And no note was left. Since the car still worked fine, I never bothered to get the damaged fixed until YEARS later.

                      My sister was driving the car one day, the SUV in front of her kicks up a rock, which puts a big crack in the windshield. Again, don't bother to get it fixed until winter comes along, and frost/snow threatens to make the crack bigger.

                      Again, my sister's driving, this big SUV in front of her stops in the parking lot and starts to BACK UP. She's trying to bang the horn, but doesn't realize the horn buttons are on the sides, not the center of the wheel... big scrape along the hood. Again, minor damage, cosmetic thing. I leave it alone.

                      I was driving home from class in Annandale, stop-and-go traffic. The car in front of me stops suddenly, so I stop, and the guy behind me taps my fender. We both pull over, survey the damage. VERY minor scratches to the fender, slight paint transfer, which rubs off with our thumbs. Me and the other guy look at each other. "Not really any damage. You think it's worth bothering to exchange info?" "Doubt it." I extend my hand. "I'm Jay." "I'm John." We get back in our cars and drive off.

                      I did get into a car accident a couple of years ago. Wet pavement, the car two cars ahead of me stops suddenly, the car in front of me stops, I stop, but skid on the wet pavement and rear-end the woman in front of me. We pull off to the side, I quickly go and check on her. "You all right?" She's kind of startled, but otherwise fine. We call the police, then they call the tow company once the report is filed. I'm automatically at-fault because I rear ended her, and my car is wrecked. Not totaled, as eventually it all got fixed, including the old fender and hood damage.

                      On the plus side, because of my excellent driving record, I only had to pay court costs for my ticket.
                      PWNADE(TM) - Serve up a glass today! | PWNZER - An act of pwnage so awesome, it's like the victim got hit by a tank.

                      There are only Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse because I choose to walk!


                      • #12
                        I was driving my parents car one day and a rock came up and put a nice crack in the windshield

                        then they were driving it one day and it looks like their crack is going to connect to mine and make a "C". my state's a little hard on windshields, that's why I'm spending the $225 for the protective film.


                        • #13
                          Quoth powerboy View Post
                          My family and I got rear ended a few months back. The woman called the police and said it was her fault( It was, at least she was truthful). Then when the police came out, she started calling someone and mentioning that it was our fault
                          The more time you give someone to think about an accident, the more likely they are to rationalize it into being your fault, regardless of who actually was to blame. Best bet is to exchange insurance info, deal with the cops (if any) and get gone.


                          • #14
                            I remember a few bumps. Once, my dad had this 1991 Ford Econoline 150 he'd gotten from his work when they upsized their vehicle, wonderful van, made many moves in it. ANYWAY, we were in a Blockbuster parking lot, leaving, and he was backing up. Now it was something of a tiny aisle, and the two people parked on either side of us had parked a smidgen close. So, we backed up when CRUNCH. Dad wondered what he'd hit, but continued to wiggle this beast out. Dad then stops, exits the van to inspect the damage. Comes back a few mins later, hops in and tells us "I hit the concrete warning post. It's off-center." The he drove off, slowly enough for us to take a look out the back window. Sure enough, the pole was visibly tilted. When we got home, I went to the back to look at the bumper. Barely a dent, and just some yellow paint to indicate what we hit.

                            Another one coming to mind was a brief bump entering a grocery store parking lot. My mother was driving her husband's MR2 (which has since been relegated to a scrap yard, the back was rear-ended hard enough to impact the rear trunk corner, forcing it inwards. The cost of repair was roughly three times the worth of the car. Sad. I loved that car.) and we rear-ended this silver toyota ahead of us. We pulled over, checked the damage which was negliable (fixable with paint!), swapped info and went our ways.
                            "FUCK NO I DON'T WANT YOUR FREAKY ALIEN MOTHERSHIP ORANGES. " - Cookiesaur

                            Munkie's NaNo WC: 9648


                            • #15
                              Last year I was in a hit and run.
                              I was in BUMPER TO BUMPER stop and go traffic and the right lane had to get over. This truck moves INTO ME, damn near pushes me off the road and takes off.
                              I followed him till he realised I was prepared to follow his ass all the way home or where ever it was he was going. Then he pulls over and tied
                              1) to tell me it didn't happen. I pointed out the damage to his shiny new truck
                              2) tried to tell me that the damage showed I was far enough back that I should have just let him in the damage was from my side mirror just starting behind the driver's side door,
                              3) He never saw me there,
                              4) It was my fault for not letting him in,
                              5) "You say I came into your lane. What you own the lane?" If my car is in the lane and your car hits me to come into the lane, yes its called MY LANE!!!
                              I so would have called the cops if I'd had a cell phone at that point. Its because of that and a couple other incidents I have a cell phone.

