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So I fought the write-up...

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  • So I fought the write-up...

    and I won!

    A few weeks ago, I had a customer come in who was complaining of people calling her, asking for somebody she did not know. I explained to her that cellular phone numbers are recycled, so when somebody disconnects their phone number, the number is released for use again. This explains why people are calling her, asking for somebody else, because *gasp* that person had the phone number before her. Not too complicated, right?

    Well apparently that was unacceptable for this lady. She went on about how there should be a way to somehow let those people know it isn't who they think it is, BEFORE they call her.

    Me: "Ma'am..your only solution to this problem would be to change the phone number, or let the unknown calls go unanswered, and hopefully when they hear your name when the voicemail greeting is announced, they will get the clue."

    SC: "Well i've already given all my friends and family this phone number!"

    Me: "I understand, but your options are limited in this case. Chances are, the number you were given when you started your account was a number that was disconnected only days prior to you getting it. If you'd like, I can help you pick out a phone number that has been disconnected for a little while, so hopefully you won't get too many calls like that."

    SC: "And that'll be free, of course."

    Me: "Actually, it's just a $5 fee."

    SC: "WHAT!?"

    Me: "Unless we receive court or police orders to change a phone number, we must charge the fee. It's company policy."

    SC: Pfft. "That's unacceptable. I guess i'll just have to live with it then, since you're obviously no help!"

    Now fast forward to today. I'm pulled into the office by my manager.

    Manager: "Chris, do you remember a customer a few weeks ago who complained that people she doesn't know are calling her?"

    Me: "Yeah..she was a complete bitch...why?"

    Manager: "Well she's actually a secret shopper. Her report is right here."

    With that, I grab the report from the desk and review it. She gives me an F and states in her comments that I was insensitive, unknowledgeable, and failed to take control of the issue. She states that I told her she'd have to "live with it" and that "the company must train its employees better."

    Me: "Well that's bullshit. There's nothing I could do about people dialing her number thinking it's somebody elses. I offered to change her phone number and recommended she let the voicemail play her name when it takes a message. What else was there to do?"

    Manager: "I can only go by what I read in the report. It doesn't say anything about you offering to change her number for her. Because it's such a low score, i'm going to have to write you up for it."

    Me: "I don't think so." Only today did my manager find out that I keep track of every account I work on, and have been doing so since my first or second day. I log into my account on the computer and match up the time and date of the report to the time and date of the account I was working on at the time (she conveniently left her account information off the report...the bitch probably knows we notate the accounts once we're done and figured she'd be sneaky about it).

    I pull up the account and scroll to the memos for that date. And it is there, clear as can be, where I wrote "Offered to change customer's phone number for $5 fee. Customer refused."

    I showed this to my manager, who proceeded to rip up the write-up and help me file a dispute against the score I received, given that she BLATANTLY lied about what I had told her. Since we oh so shockingly couldn't telepathically tell her unknown callers that the telephone number doesn't belong to the person they want to speak to anymore, I somehow provided BAD service and I NEED to be RETRAINED. And I was polite to her the whole time too. Go figure.

    The rebuttal will be sent within the next few days. As for me, the mystery shop is erased from my record. Now, all there's left to do is hope that a tongue lashing is in store for that mystery shopper.

    Lesson of the day -- GET EVERYTHING IN WRITING!
    Last edited by cellconnect89; 09-25-2008, 01:28 AM.

  • #2
    Mystery there any lower form of life?

    /ripping off C. Montgomery Burns.
    Knowledge is power. Power corrupts. Study hard. Be evil.

    "I never said I wasn't a horrible person."--Me, almost daily


    • #3
      That stinks for the store, also. If your store is anything like mine used to be, mystery shops were a big deal and doing poorly was a really big deal. Especially when it tied into manager bonuses (of course ) and other store funding. Doing poorly also meant more sales goals and hoops the lowly peons had to jump through. Doing poorly on secret shops was baaad.
      A lion however, will only devour your corpse, whereas an SC is not sated until they have destroyed your soul. (Quote per infinitemonkies)


      • #4
        Secret shopper.

        if you were a DELIBERATE sucky cutomer, who actually enjoys affecting someone else's livelihood, what would be the perfect job?


        • #5
          Uh.. GO FARTHER!!!

          Threaten legal action. I know it seems sucky, but this person ASSAULTED YOU via your career. This moron should be fired, and you are due compensation. If you weren't so good at what you do, this person would've aggrandized themselves at your store's and your own expense!


          • #6
            It kinda makes you wonder about the secret shopper scores she handed out before yours. I would ask your boss to pull all the secret shopper reports that she submitted and get them thrown out and cleared from the records of the employees.

            Send us updates as to what happens to the SSS (Sucky Secret Shopper).
            I'm tolerant of everyone and everything except for assholes. - Mongo Skruddgemire


            • #7
              Quoth Crazeyal View Post
              Uh.. GO FARTHER!!!

              Threaten legal action. I know it seems sucky, but this person ASSAULTED YOU via your career. This moron should be fired, and you are due compensation. If you weren't so good at what you do, this person would've aggrandized themselves at your store's and your own expense!
              I agree...the prospect of a slander/libel/defamation of character suit ought to have the secret shopper think twice before she lies again.


              • #8
                There needs to be a 'secret shopper sting'... a store set up with hidden cameras where the Sucky Secret Shoppers are sent to see if their conduct (and the conduct of the customer service rep) matches their report.

                "DATELINE PRESENTS: To Catch a Sucky Secret Shopper with Chris Hansen..."
                "Kamala the Ugandan Giant" 1950-2020 • "Bullet" Bob Armstrong 1939-2020 • "Road Warrior Animal" 1960-2020 • "Zeus" Tiny Lister Jr. 1958-2020 • "Hacksaw" Butch Reed 1954-2021 • "New Jack" Jerome Young 1963-2021 • "Mr. Wonderful" Paul Orndorff 1949-2021 • "Beautiful" Bobby Eaton 1958-2021 • Daffney 1975-2021


                • #9
                  This is why there should be no secret shoppers. Bitches like her ruin it for the few goods ones.
                  Under The Moon Paranormal Research
                  San Joaquin Valley Paranormal Research


                  • #10
                    I guess I shouldn't be admitting this here, but here goes. I've done secret shopping before. I like it, I'd do it again. The pay is nice and the side benefits are too, the work is pretty darn easy.

                    The thing that is essential, however, is that I've also worked in retail for around 15 years and I know what to look for. I also know that giving a good report is going to pay me the same as giving a bad one, but I've always worked for reputable firms that don't push to find negatives so that they can keep their accounts.

                    One bad apple, yes, but you might also want to check out the barrel the apple is from. If they're encouraging bad reports for your company, what good is the whole process doing? Not to mention that they're basically stealing the company's money if that's the case.

                    She might have had a bad day, might have been exacting her revenge on all cell phone service people she reported, might have just truly been sucky and entitled, but I've seen this kind of thing too often not to start eyeballing the place that hires them instead. Maybe you could have your manager take it up with whoever in your company hires the secret shopper company and go over the other reports. It's worth a look.

                    I think if the secret shopper is doing a phoned in shop, they should have to record it for just this reason. That's a nice slice of accountability. Unfortunately, I don't know how that could be done for someone that actually goes into a store but it's a start. I also think one of their job requirements is having worked in retail before, but I'm evil that way.
                    "You are the dumbest smart person I have ever met in my life!" Will Smith, 'I, Robot'.

                    "You LOSE! Good day, sir!" Gene Wilder, 'Willy Wonka and the Chocolate Factory'.


                    • #11
                      Quoth Irving Patrick Freleigh View Post
                      Mystery there any lower form of life?
                      Sure there is. EWs who claim to be mystery shoppers in hopes of getting better service/products/respect.


                      • #12
                        Quoth Snowbird View Post
                        The thing that is essential, however, is that I've also worked in retail for around 15 years and I know what to look for. I also know that giving a good report is going to pay me the same as giving a bad one
                        And you're the exception, not the rule, near as I can tell. Most of the secret shoppers I've had personal experience with are like the guys who want to be cops so that people will "RESPECT THAHR AUTHORITAH!" They're out to nitpick, to bully, to "ensure that their shopping experience is the best that they can experience." The fact that they want a "shopping experience", rather than just buying the stuff they need, is indicative.


                        • #13
                          "mystery shopper having a bad day"

                          Yeah, but if the employee has a bad day he/she is expected to just put it aside to get the job done. So... to me that's not much of an excuse for a MS lying in her report.


                          • #14
                            Quoth Gurndigarn View Post
                            And you're the exception, not the rule, near as I can tell.
                            Unfortunately, this is all too true. There was just a little generalized lumping in about secret shoppers, not all of them are oozing pots of scum and villainy. Honest!

                            Quoth PepperElf View Post
                            "mystery shopper having a bad day"

                            Yeah, but if the employee has a bad day he/she is expected to just put it aside to get the job done. So... to me that's not much of an excuse for a MS lying in her report.
                            I agree. There's no excuse for it at all, just as there isn't an excuse for secret shopper companies that might encourage dishonest reports.
                            "You are the dumbest smart person I have ever met in my life!" Will Smith, 'I, Robot'.

                            "You LOSE! Good day, sir!" Gene Wilder, 'Willy Wonka and the Chocolate Factory'.


                            • #15
                              It kinda makes you wonder about the secret shopper scores she handed out before yours. I would ask your boss to pull all the secret shopper reports that she submitted and get them thrown out and cleared from the records of the employees.
                              You's so funny you mention that, because I actually did look into the mystery shop file for the store to investigate this. She has shopped us twice prior to the incident I posted. The first time, she shopped an employee who has since been terminated, and who couldn't give a rat's ass about how good of service he provided his customers. She failed him because of his attitude. We all knew what an attitude he had anyway, so we didn't take that into that much consideration.

                              However, the second time she shopped us, she ended up shopping somebody who has been with the company for 5 years, provides excellent service, and knows a LOT about cell phones and the industry as a whole. She gave him a D. The report indicates she came in because she "mistakenly paid the bill of her daughter's account when she should have paid her own." Generally that isn't a problem..payments can definitely be transferred, as long as you can verify the security code on both accounts. Her problem was that she had made the payment so recent to her visit that she hadn't allowed the system to even process the payment and POST to her account. This process takes only 2 hours. And since no payment was posted to the account, our employee didn't have a payment to transfer, and couldn't help her THAT second.

                              We're in the process of finding out which agency she's from. The problem is that secret shoppers are independent contractors, not employees of their agency. This is making it somewhat more difficult to track her down, but by golly we're not giving up.

