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Um, I don't think there's anything I can do ...

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  • Um, I don't think there's anything I can do ...

    Greetings all, long-time lurker, first-time poster. I just had to share this amusing episode. Well, amusing to me anyway.

    I work in PC support for a financial company in a 35-story-tall building. Every now and then a department will move from one floor to another. We hire movers for office furniture and such, but we're responsible for moving the PC's and printers, and making sure they all work at their new location. We recently had a department move all the way up to the 32nd floor. We moved all their stuff on Friday evening, and Monday morning I was sent to walk around the new location making sure everyone could log on, print, etc.

    I happen to see a woman standing outside of her office frowning. Uh oh. The offices each only have one set of outlets on one wall, so the desk has to be placed against that wall so we can plug the PC's in. Sometimes users aren't happy with this as they want their desks facing the window or the door or something. I head over her way expecting to have to explain the outlet situation to her. I'm just about to open my mouth to ask her what's wrong when I notice what she's looking at.

    Her desk is against the left wall, and the right side of the desk is up against the window. There, on the ledge outside the window, roughly five feet from her chair, is a falcon. Completely disemboweling a pigeon.

    I'd like to see her call the help desk on that one.

  • #2
    Oh that is so cool! Nature at its finest I say . . .


    • #3
      Nothing quite like a dinner show....

      Mom will have people over for dinner sometimes, and they'll look out the window, and see the dog crapping on the lawn, the cats toying with some small rodent, and/or chickens "giving piggy back rides". to the farm!


      • #4
        Sounds like dinner at my Mom's place, except for the occasional gunshot in the distance from somewhere down the valley.

        The city-folk that visit get stunned by it, we keep on talking like nothing happened, they're like "aren't you going to call the police"

        We're like

        "about what? The gunshot? Eh, coffee was just probably cold, happens all the time"
        - They say nothing good happens at 2AM, they're right, I happen at 2AM.


        • #5
          Quoth Chattonne View Post
          Her desk is against the left wall, and the right side of the desk is up against the window. There, on the ledge outside the window, roughly five feet from her chair, is a falcon. Completely disemboweling a pigeon.
          Ah, yes, that's why falcons exist. And why we want them to exist.


          • #6
            rofl. Wow. I'd love to have seen the look on her face. Seriously... what do you do about something like that?


            • #7
              Awesome!! Falcons are AWESOME birds!!! Amazingly agile!

              I had an odd critte day yesterday myself... Stopped to pluck some seeds out of a sunflower plant in the shadow of my company's headquarters. I see a squirrel about 30 feet away, searching in the grass for something. There is a stand of trees about 20 feet wide that divides two sections of the field. All of a sudden, out darts a red-tailed fox which pounces on the squirrel, killing it instantly. Then, the fox carries the squirrel across the street and buries it in the mulch underneath a pine tree, and trots back off into the woods. (I snagged some pics with my camera phone, but haven't uploaded them yet)

              Then, I stop to get gas 10 minutes later, and open the back door on the Mountaineer to listen to the radio while I'm pumping the gas. I finish, hang up the pump nozzle, and when I reached up to close the door, I discovered a pigeon standing right there... nearly jumped out of my skin from the surprise!! He wouldn;t leave either... I just about picked him up off the door to get him to leave!!

              It's the harvest moon, I'm sure!


              • #8
                Knowing me, I'd have walked over to her desk, casually looked out the window and asked her What she was having for Lunch/

                Nothing like having a room with a to speak.

