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Newly Minted as a Supervisor, and Nervous

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  • Newly Minted as a Supervisor, and Nervous

    Well, it's official, as of Monday, I will be a supervisor of Security at the site where I work, in charge of Graveyrd shift.

    This might not sound like a huge deal, but... it's my first time as a supervisor. My immediately bosses (And no co-supervisors) have a great deal of confidence in me, and pushed for me to get this position, but my lack of experience in security AND supervisory duties makes the upper management nervous, and they've mandated the site supervisor switch to my shift and basically handhold for a week or two. It was the deal he had to strike to keep them from kiboshing the promotion entirely.

    So, I've got a double shot of nervous. One, because my bosses have such high expectations of me, and second because upper management isn't sure I can do the job.

    So, any words of encouragement?
    Check out my webcomic!

  • #2
    Don't choke.
    Ridiculous 2009 Predictions: Evil Queen will beat Martha Stewart to death with a muffin pan. All hail Evil Queen! (Some things don't need elaboration.....) -- Jester

    Ridiculous 2010 Predictions: Evil Queen, after escaping prison for last years prediction, goes out and waffle irons Rachel Ray to death. -- SG15Z

    Ridiculous 2011 Prediction: Evil Queen will beat Gordon Ramsay over the head with a cast-iron skillet. -- FireHeart


    • #3
      Talk extensively with the guy that stood up for you. Ask as many question as you need to of him to find out what is expected of you.

      Listen to your underlings ... but, don't let them guide you to decisions. Gather data, make your own decision.

      Again, make sure you know what is expected of you.
      "Always stand near the door." -- Doctor Who

      Kuya's Kitchen -- Cooking, Cooking Gadgets, and Food Related Blather from a Transplanted Foodie


      • #4
        As a Security Director, I can forward you this information:

        1. Get all the information you need to properly operate, and get it fast. Ask questions, but take good notes, and make sure you are on the ball when it comes to referencing that information. It would not be a bad idea to brush up on the local laws you might have to deal with in your job.

        2. Adapt to the workplace; you're going to be the new guy here, and the people under you have their own style going. They need to adapt to you, but that goes both ways, you can't just take without giving at the same time.

        3. Communicate early, and often, with everyone you work with. You need to keep tabs and start a good working relationship with them quickly, it's the easiest way to make sure you succeed with your staff.

        4. In security measures where you have to make the call, make your decision and stand firm with it. Make it based on good information, and don't just flounder around pretending you are thinking when you're really just stalling. Make the call.

        5. Most important, you're a boss, not a gestapo. There are times when you can take a step back and let the staff operate. You need to keep your nose in their business to some extent, but don't smother them; give them a chance to grow, and advance themselves. By building up your staff and creating opportunities for them, you will also create some for yourself to continue moving onward and upward.
        "That's too bad. Hospitals aren't fun to fight through."
        "What IS fun to fight through?"
        "Gardens. Electronics shops. Antique stores, but only if they're classy."


        • #5
          Since you've never been in charge of something, you should learn how to lead. Start reading some books about management for REFERANCE, they are a tool, not a proceedure. Everytime I've been tasked with being in charge of something, the staff usually ran itself. Me telling people what to do was usually counter-productive. The last time that happened, a few people took advantage of me, because I didn't know what the REAL proceedures were. Find out how things are supposed to run, how they DO run, and what management wants you to do about the differances.

          You'll make it. It's not as hard as it seems right now. Just don't let the power to lead turn into the power to bully and you'll be better than 95% of the managers out there! (okay.. maybe a LITTLE less than 95%...)


          • #6
            Just be yourself... remember that everyone has the potential to do the right thing, and no one wants you to fail. I don't know where you live, so this may not apply, but I tell my staff that in this country there is NOTHING that serious you can do wrong, that qualifies you for the death penalty, so NOTHING is that important that it can't be fixed.

            I got stuck guarding this government complex when I was a young cop. Let me tell you, boring as hell, but I can honestly say that while I was there, NOBODY stole that fricking building.


            • #7
              Listen to the people working under you and get every side of the story before taking action.
              Under The Moon Paranormal Research
              San Joaquin Valley Paranormal Research

