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Bad day + bad neighbor...

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  • Bad day + bad neighbor...

    So not sure which this would go in.

    So the day started out okay. one of the other girls was really grumpy and stuff. I never did get along with her. Whenever some famous person messes up in the news, or whenever the news reports some new crimininal, her answer is "They're on crack, I know it." in 'I do know it' tones...

    She's the persons who believe the news that say Cell Phones cause brain cancer, and that water bottles cause breast cancer. And criticizes me for not watching TV. I can't STAND her. her bigotry really gets on my nerves, The boss just encourages me to ignore her, etc... but knows I'm angry at her, and wouldnt blame me when I go to have lunch on the OTHER side of the building.

    Today though was the last straw. I'm NOT having lunch with her anymore (we usually take a coffee break together).

    We were talking about politics, the election, etc... and then somehow the topic goes to Hitler. I wont give you the details in case we go to Fratching about it, but she and I disagreed. I got upset, and I didnt want to say anything, so I took my food and left.

    She yelled at me: Learn your history!

    I snapped, yelling back "I DID!"

    grrrr. So I ate in the back, mood sour. The boss came by and we talked and I told him I didnt appreciate her comments and stuff. He tried to reassure me, telling me its just 'her way ' and pretty much said she was stupid and all that. He got me to laugh a few times, and I did relax some.

    THEN she came by a little later idnt' you finish high school? You lied about that didnt you?


    Now, if I'm wrong, I will admit it. I may be annoyed at first but I will not refuse to believe it if I am wrong. in this case, I WAS wrong as I found out later, about Hitler. I also dropped out of high school. not for lack of smarts, but for reasons best left again, to Fratching.

    But how DARE SHE accuse me of not only being STUPID... but of LYING!

    And THAT got to me more than anything. NOBODY accuses me of LYING! I wont say I've never lied, but I have, in my belief, a VERY high sense of honor.

    I haven't told the boss yet, but I cried and cried all day, and refused to go near her or even speak to her. She'd speak to me, I said NOTHING. not a thing.

    Then, when I got home, my downstairs neighbor (The one who flooded.) Gave me back the gift card I got for her in apology for flooding her bathroom (I also mopped it up MYSELF).... She's batty in the head by the way - thinks that myself and her downstairs neighbor are dliberately trying to drive her out. Told the landlord I've been running water CONSTANTLY since JUNE

    and said, quote: Here. I dont want your money. Taxis are going up everything is going up and your rent is going up because of the water you waste."

    Again... then I got home, stomped around a bit (Childish I know), then sat down to again.

    I called the rental manager, but the office was closed. I left a bawling message about the rent and asked if it was REALLY going up, that I HAVENT been running water constantly and that the sink flooding was an ACCIDENT.

    God, I hope the landlord knows how insane this woman is. I've never had a problem with her till now.
    Do radioactive cats have 18 half-lives?

  • #2
    I just want to give you a big freakin' hug. I empathize with this so much--we all have moments like this and I'm bad about dwelling on things like this. I would try your best to get it out of your system and store it with other repressed memories. I hope you feel better about the whole thing. We know you are intelligent, you know who you are and what you are about. Don't let people like that interfere. I know it would be naive of me to tell you not to cry because I'd bawl---just work it out and keep going.

