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Broken glass BITES

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  • Broken glass BITES

    So yesterday, at half-8, we get the delivery we ordered from the distributor.

    Just that is FAIL. We close at 9. They know they have to get it there by 8 so we have time to make sure nothing is broken and the delivery is correct.

    Especially when said delivery is FORTY NINE cases of wine. One. Single. Delivery. We are *not* a large store.


    Then, two things are backordered. Not the fault of the delivery people, but this is a problem we're having more and more often with this particular distributor. Their computer system doesn't tell the reps taking the orders that wine X and wine Y are out of stock, so we don't find out until the order comes and we see that awful line.... BACKORDERED, REORDER. I hate those words.


    They give us one too many cases of one of the wines. They're lucky we're honest, and told them so they weren't short at their next stop.


    Yup. Two bottles broken. In the wine that we REALLY need. Our most popular wine. That I have to give an extra case to our other store, because they have a special order for 18 bottles. Which leaves me with 10 bottles of a VERY popular wine to last me until next Tuesday at the EARLIEST.

    And the best part about broken bottles? The remainder of the case is COVERED in broken glass. Which I have to get off each of the remaining bottles. Because we can't run the risk (duh) of having a customer pick up a bottle and cut themselves on glass.


    Can I start drinking yet?

  • #2
    OT and something I've always wanted to ask...if you work in a wine store, how good are you at spotting fake IDs? And how bad are the fake IDs? Sorry, just always wondered that
    A lion however, will only devour your corpse, whereas an SC is not sated until they have destroyed your soul. (Quote per infinitemonkies)


    • #3
      *points at label under name* Don't ever worry about going off-topic in one of my threads =)

      And I'm pretty good. Spotted more than a couple fakes. One, the only reason I knew it was because it was my home state, where I got my first driver's license. The was bad. Really bad. Like photocopy-bad.

      We don't get that many fakes though. We did have one girl who showed her ID and turned out to be a couple months shy of 21...but claim that she should still be able to get the wine, because she showed us her ID. That one took a few minutes to filter through the brain.


      • #4
        We recently had a guy (and oh how I wish he came through my line) where he scotch-taped his photo onto the ID. Yeah, you read that right. Can't believe the lack of effort. That, and the sheer volume of people trying to show me their work ID (the scan card that lets you in the door) or their EBT card.
        A lion however, will only devour your corpse, whereas an SC is not sated until they have destroyed your soul. (Quote per infinitemonkies)

