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I Am Officially An Idiot

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  • I Am Officially An Idiot

    My place of employment offers free computer classes to the public. Each class has a corresponding handout, plus evaluation forms, all of which we keep in a large filing cabinet. My fellow employees have been, shall we say, less than dilligent in making sure the cabinet stays stocked with handouts. I've lost count of the number of e-mails I've sent them to PLEASE replace the stuff they use so I don't end up being the one restocking the entire fsking cabinet. Again. And it's not like they don't know where the master files are located on the server, or how to just use the feking copy machine because I TOLD THEM.

    Also in recent months, we have stopped offering a few classes and started offering others. Said cabinet hasn't been updated with the new class stuff probably since I was hired 2.5 years ago.

    So, anywho, there was an MS Publisher class today, and a few people wanted copies of the handouts for a few other classes. Personally, I'm stingy with the handouts. We're in a bit of a budget crisis ATM, so my normally unlimited paper supply is now extremely, well, limited. I have to beg, cheat, and steal for just a couple reams. My opinion is, you don't come to class, no handout for you. My employers, however, bend over backwards for every yahoo that walks through the door, so to them a few extra handouts is no biggie. Whatever. I went to get the extra handouts, and whaddya know, they weren't there. So I have taken it upon myself to reorganize, redo, and restock the feking cabinet. *headdesk* I really need to stop caring about such things, but dangit the first person who screws up my cabinet is getting strung up by their ears!
    I am no longer of capable of the emotion you humans call “compassion”. Though I can feign it in exchange for an hourly wage. (Gravekeeper)

  • #2
    if but only a new cabinet with lock and keys could be had. that might help. and only you have the keys heh. hugs
    maybe its because you appear to have self appointed yourself to managing it that everyone else doesn't care?


    • #3
      They better start caring. I'm outta there once I graduate in May. Possibly sooner if I can get a different job.
      I am no longer of capable of the emotion you humans call “compassion”. Though I can feign it in exchange for an hourly wage. (Gravekeeper)

