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Assorted Random Suckiness

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  • Assorted Random Suckiness

    Hello all. (I almost typed 'Hell all,' which given this week, would be about right)

    I haven't been updating everyone on my sucktastic job lately, not because it's gotten better, but mostly because it's just been the same crap week after week.

    Til this week.

    First off: my company is nearly broke, due in part to our EW members who want everything free, and in part to the fact that our CEO is totally incompetent at the day-to-day handling of a company. She has many fine skills, but this is not one of them.

    Anyway. Our company is in the hole, and falling fast. We have some sponsorships/partnerships coming up in January, and if we can hang on till then, we should be ok. However, this means cutbacks. We've fired half our staff, moved from 2 buildings to one, and closed down our store. There are 5 people in my office alone, which is the size of a medium bedroom. Box, papers, folders, etc, are EVERYWHERE.

    CEO decided that it was time the members knew how serious the situation was. However, instead of talking this action over with the Marketing team, the membership team, or anyone...she gets up on stage at a big event and starts crying and tells the members we need money.

    So this week has been in part damage control, in part getting correct info out to members. Now, we do need money. And I think it's good we told them. But that is NOT the way to do it. To add insult to injury, CEO has demanded that we send out an email to all members letting them know the situation, and that this takes precedence over everything else. We do this: everything else is late and rushed, but email goes out.

    Then yesterday. CEO calls a meeting. Gets mad at us for doing "sloppy" work, says the letter (that she and another woman wrote--I was not involved) didn't have the right messaging (she approved it before it was sent), and that we are not following our processes and why aren't we following them?

    We are all This, coming from the woman who interrupts us 2-3 times a day to change our direction, messaging, etc. This is the woman who wanted the damn letter rushed through ahead of everything else. This is the woman who tells one person something, forgets to tell everyone else, and is mad when people are confused. This is the woman who asks you a question, you tell her "A, B, C," and her instant response is to ask for the EXACT same information (seriously, not three seconds later).

    Today, me and my coworkers were telling our boss (who, generally, is pretty cool and highly competent) about this meeting. Boss got so mad at CEO that we just closed the door to our office and ranted for a while. (Boss is usually really big on keeping everyone positive and not saying anything negative)

    Eventually, boss and coworker took CEO outside and had...well, we couldn't hear them clearly through the window, but it sounded like a heated exchange of ideas. Boss finally came back and said she'd convinced CEO to stop shoving projects through our department so quickly because she's always unhappy with the results.

    Oh, and the weekly email that I write and approve to send out?'s supposed to be approved by me on Thursday so that we can put it in the scheduler to be sent out around 1 am Fridays. Well, the last two Fridays, the money emails have taken precedence, so email gets sent on Friday afternoon. But this week, email didn't even get approved by boss until 5:30 (i'm supposed to go home at 5) because CEO threw a hissy fit about bits of it at 4 and it had to be rewritten. I finally got the thing approved and ready to go at 6 pm.

    And yes, I am looking for a new job. I can't take this crap every week anymore. I so don't have the energy for it.
    "Eventually, everything that you have said becomes everything you will ever say." Eireann

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