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Wherein I take a week off

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  • Wherein I take a week off


    I go back Wednesday
    "First time I ever seen a chainsaw go down anybody's britches,"

  • #2
    Boy that relaxation does not last long, does it?

    On my week off, they get in just 3 pallets on Wed. (warehouse was doing inventory and manager was at market) and it took them till this Tuesday to check it in.

    This week we got 12 pallets to make up for last week and I had it checked in by the end of the day and will have it stocked tomorow, right after I finish spray painting a piece of cardboard black. ( Boss project, don't ask)

    Of course I am spending half of my time stocking actually re-stocking everything that was put in the wrong place last week. I especially liked the Paper Towels, there was room for about 6, but they put all 30 in the box on the shelf,......well on several shelves,......either that or the Easter Bunny was shopping here last week.

    Oh and the paint computer bought the farm last week. The power supply went and spiked the motherboard on its way out. It was the oldest computer we have, it has a micro-disc drive

    Oh and you know how we are supposed to jump on those customers, make sure they get want they want and make those add-on sales?? That is hard to do when you don't have a paint computer. And it is even harder when the bosses don't want to spend any extra money on faster shipping. I'll be lucky if the new computer gets here by next Friday.

    And of course they started the next sale while I was off, but nobody could be bothered to actually hang the sale signs and set up new endcaps. All day today we had people looking for sale items that had not been pulled from the store room yet. So I had to stop one thing to do another while someone in complaining that this has not been done yet.

    And the few plant we have? HA! Without me there, Boss #2 pulled all the pansies and mums inside the store where they got no water or sun for a week. I hope I can revive them enough for me to at least plant them in the parking lot flower beds.

    I need a vacation!
    "First time I ever seen a chainsaw go down anybody's britches,"


    • #3
      Sounds like you ought to write down what they do wrong when you leave... Then bring it up during your performance review!!!

