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Ah, Threats of Bodily Harm

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  • Ah, Threats of Bodily Harm

    Threats against my boss, not me.

    Over the weekend, my boss left the country to visit friends and relatives. He does this roughly twice a year. For those of you who check my previous threads, this is "Boss A" I'm talking about. Of course once he's gone, the shit hits the proverbial fan.

    Today, I spoke with two customers who are out for blood, and were both livid when they found out the boss was not in this country. One customer believes we owe him some repair work. This guy told me that he's considering siccing his attorney on us, and that if something doesn't get done soon, the next time he sees Boss A he will take a bat to his head.

    The other guy wanted Boss A to do a small job as favor, and has lost money due to the work not being done, plus he has some dispute with Boss A over other money owed. When I told him that I spoke to the boss, and he said he would call once he got back home, the guy said "Don't bother having him call me. I will find him when he comes back, he will face me, and I will Fuck. Him. Up."

    The first guy has no real basis for complaint. He wants the repair at no charge, but since the original job was done a few years ago (with a 1-year guarantee), and the repair he wants is no fault of the work we did, we'll have to charge him for it. I'm going to hate calling him back later today to tell him that. I can understand that he's more upset because he called Boss A several times, and got ignored. If I could have told him why we have to charge for repairs weeks ago when he first complained, the whole matter would probably be settled by now. But no, now he's had weeks for his rage to build up, and Boss B and I will have to deal with it.

    The second guy seems to have personal issues with Boss A. Thankfully, I don't think I'll be in the middle of any future conflicts between the two of them, but boy would I like to be present when this guy finds my boss after he comes back.

    For some reason, as both these guys foamed at the mouth spewing threats, I had a damn hard time holding back my laughter. Hell, I'm giggling as I type this. Bat to the head, heh.