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Do I secrete creaper attration pheremones?

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  • Do I secrete creaper attration pheremones?

    Okay, first off, I work at a college police dept as dispatch during 2nd shift. The office is very open so anyone who walks by can see me and walk up to the desk and talk to me.

    2nd. There is a group of kids that hang out about 100 ft away in a lounge area that we have dubbed "The Magic Kids" because they play Magic, D&D, and who the hell knows. They are loud, obnoxious and never go home. They stay until it's time to lock up the building (around 10 pm).

    3rd. Last semester, one of these kids was in a class with me. He sat in front of me, and he had longish hair, never showered, smelled of cat pee, wore a coat that was 10 times too big for him and was just generally anxious and creepy.

    Now said kid had a thing for me. I made the mistake of talking to him, or more correctly, asking him to please stop leaning on my stuff. Then my cell phone went off one morning and it was a Zelda ringtone. Should have known better to have that on there. Next thing I know, he's asking me questions like "What's your favorite Zelda game?" Should have ignored him. Then after a month of this, he asks me out. That was too weird, turned him down and informed him that I am engaged and sry.

    Cut to this semester, I'm working and said kid walks back and forth in front of the office and he's pysching himself out trying to come up here. Sometimes he does it and ends up talking to my coworker. However earlier he came up and was shaking while he said (paraphrasing) "Oh, are you still engaged? Have you set a date? Oh, okay, well good luck."

    I forgot to mention that my coworkers all give me crap for it and think it's hilarious.

    Tonight was kind of a WTF. I had 3 different people hit on me in some creepy way. First this kid that's one of the magic group who always is singing and is handicapped comes hobbling up the stairs on his way out and is like "Night, M'am *wink wink wink wink*" THEN, this other guy walks up and said "Okay. I'm going to do it. *pause* I'm gonna scream and run away because I'm scared. *giggles and runs as fast as he can*. Then about an hour ago, there is this creeper old man who follows women around campus and he walks up and says "Now that's not a proper uniform for an officer to be wearing." I HAVE ON A SWEATER AND JEANS ON. AHHH
    Last edited by kaetchen; 10-30-2008, 04:31 AM. Reason: spelling

  • #2
    Quoth kaetchen View Post
    2nd. There is a group of kids that hang out about 100 ft away in a lounge area that we have dubbed "The Magic Kids" because they play Magic, D&D, and who the hell knows. They are loud, obnoxious and never go home. They stay until it's time to lock up the building (around 10 pm).
    Pfft. And because they're magically awesome. I have to say, some of them aren't bad...but some of them are really kind of odd. Oh yeah and loud. Very loud

    Quoth kaetchen View Post
    First this kid that's one of the magic group who always is singing and is handicapped comes hobbling up the stairs on his way out and is like "Night, M'am *wink wink wink wink*"
    Is that the guy with the green hat? He tried to date my sister He's actually not too bad.

    Quoth kaetchen View Post
    "Now that's not a proper uniform for an officer to be wearing."
    He meant that he disliked the fact that you were wearing a shirt.
    "Man, having a conversation with you is like walking through a salvador dali painting." - Mac Hall


    • #3
      WTF these are college students. College sure was a whole lot different in my day. Maybe you just need to invite the dice and poker players to take care of the magic players (they will kill each other and your days will return to peacefulness again).

      But jesus, in college and they hang around the campus police station playing those kinds of games (no offense to folks who play, but in college shouldn't they be out either studying, working, partying or getting laid....not neccessarily in that order).
      My Karma ran over your dogma.


      • #4
        Quoth digilight View Post
        But jesus, in college and they hang around the campus police station playing those kinds of games (no offense to folks who play, but in college shouldn't they be out either studying, working, partying or getting laid....not neccessarily in that order).
        It's one big building so really, they are in a lounge right by our department. I think some of them might not be actual students and are there in the evenings (the aren't there as much during the day) to hang out with friends. Since we're a community college, so long as you're not causing trouble we don't really care if you're hanging out when we're open.
        "Man, having a conversation with you is like walking through a salvador dali painting." - Mac Hall


        • #5
          Quoth digilight View Post
          WTF these are college students. College sure was a whole lot different in my day. Maybe you just need to invite the dice and poker players to take care of the magic players (they will kill each other and your days will return to peacefulness again).

          But jesus, in college and they hang around the campus police station playing those kinds of games (no offense to folks who play, but in college shouldn't they be out either studying, working, partying or getting laid....not neccessarily in that order).

          I think it's because they "can't" get laid that they stay here so long. In fact, one night, two little kids came up to me asking where their uncle was, and it was one of these "magic" kids. It was sad.


          • #6
            Quoth digilight View Post
            But jesus, in college and they hang around the campus police station playing those kinds of games (no offense to folks who play, but in college shouldn't they be out either studying, working, partying or getting laid....not neccessarily in that order).
            Where I go to school we use the engineering building!

            No, really, our gaming club (mainly video games and Magic) reserves the majority of the first floor of the engineering building every night from 10 PM until whenever we decide to stumble back to our rooms. The main lobby is usually home to Magic players, and a bunch of classrooms house DDR, Rock Band, Smash Bros., and whatever else we feel like playing.

            It's not like we're taking away from study time (after 10 on weekend nights), and none of us are really the "party" crowd (read: we hate the huge sorority/fraternity presence on campus).

