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Indignities Done in Dress Clothing

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  • Indignities Done in Dress Clothing

    Quite a few of us here are required by our jobs to wear nice clothes to work. I, as a hotel front desk clerk, am among them. Today in fact, I'm wearing gray flannel pants, and a pink shirt that always gets the compliments. I would be wearing a matching tie, but frankly I didn't feel like putting it on.

    So basically here, I'm wearing very nice clothing, and on top of that, the gray and the pink are just light enough to show a really good stain should one happen to be lurking, lying in wait for just the right opportunity.

    And where might stains have been lurking today, you ask? Well, first off, while delivering towels, I discovered a snake in the hallway, near the air conditioning unit. It got away before I could catch it though, and we don't know where it went. Hopefully back outside or else it got into the walls, where it may very well die, rot, and cause us no end of shame and pity here in a few days. We -- myself and my boss, who is wearing a blouse and long skirt -- tried our best, but neither we nor our handyman could find it. In the end, since we figured it must have come in through the AC, all we could do was liberally apply duct tape along the few inches of wall between the AC and the molding and floor. Guess who got to do it?

    I laid on my side in the hall, on that carpet where God alone knows how many people with God alone knows what on their shoes have been strolling past today. I got drywall dust down my sleeve and it itched like you wouldn't believe there for a while.

    Next up, the lobby chandelier had something like seven bulbs burned out among its 20-odd candelabrum branches. Changing them involved tracking down the ladder, which necessitated a trip to the storage building, and that took me out the back door where it appeared someone had either thrown up or dumped old gravy just outside. Then, when the ladder wasn't in the storage building, I had to look in the utility room, which is just a wonderland of exposed fiberglass insulation. The ladder was there, and needless to say, it was coated in old plaster and dust.

    I took it up front, and then climbed up and down five or six times changing dusty lightbulbs.

    Of course, over the course of my employment here, I'd had to do laundry, clean rooms, make beds, and clean up every form of human excretion except snot. I also caught a mouse, helped chase down a lizard, and killed a snake with a rock -- all in dress clothes.

    And so, what are your stories? What sorts of unpleasant and unfortunate things have you had to do in your best clothing?
    Drive it like it's a county car.

  • #2
    My office is beside our plant. There is concrete dust and other dirty, dirty things here.

    The owner told me to where a suit one day because a former employee was coming in and he wanted to play a joke on him. Turned out the joke was on me because no one else did it. So I ended up getting my only suit dirty for no reason.

    Not as bad as yours but still made me mad.


    • #3
      when I first started working in a kitchen years and years ago, I would wear a white Tshirt and black pants or jeans. I was told I HAD to wear a blouse.

      I'm like, Why? Nobody sees me and I'm not ruining a good shirt, plus Tshirts are much more convenient to wear and cooler usually than blouses. needless to say I never did...
      Do radioactive cats have 18 half-lives?


      • #4
        I had to clean out all the garbage that overflowed out of the trash compactor and all the liquids that dripped out of the bottom once.

        The next two days, I was painting.

        For some reason I couldn't find either of these in the job description for "cashier"

        Needless to say, my uniform got ruined.

        They charged me for a new one.
        free from the evil clutches of crappy tire


        • #5
          At my store , we can wear a white button-down dress shirt as part of our uniform.

          I never do. I just wear the store-issued polo shirt. I do so much dirty work my white shirt would turn brown or black before the end of the shift.
          Knowledge is power. Power corrupts. Study hard. Be evil.

          "I never said I wasn't a horrible person."--Me, almost daily


          • #6
            The first time I had to help unload the truck after getting switched to day shift, I found out the hard way that you get all filthy from doing it. So I started wearing regular clothes on truck days, and changing clothes after I was done.

            In this story, which inspired this cartoon, it caused something of a problem one time.
            Sometimes life is altered.
            Break from the ropes your hands are tied.
            Uneasy with confrontation.
            Won't turn out right. Can't turn out right


            • #7
              When I was in college, I worked second shift as a file clerk at Blue Cross Blue Sheild. I filed piles of shit no one would every want or need again, packed it into boxes, then humped the boxes back to storage. Usually, I was wearing jeans and sneakers, and often ended up helping co-workers move furniture and haul crates up from the mail room and such. I had no problem with this.

              Then we moved to a new building and the idiots in charge decided we had to wear professional business attire. Now, remember, we worked second shift in a building that was populated ONLY by paper pushers, and none of us ever saw any customers, clients, or ANYONE but each other, ever. Plus, I personally spent most of my nights in a storage room in the back. So even my coworkers didn't see me much.

              And yet, I had to dress up like a professional, instead of a part time grunt making five bucks an hour. Needless to say, I didn't like this much.

              And it didnt' take long for this to bite them in the ass. They came back there two days after this was implemented needing some shit taken down to the mail room.
              I just said, very cheerfully, "Yeah, I'm sorry about that. I can't help you."


              Me: Oh, I don't lift wearing heels and hose. This is my best skirt. That's what the mail room guys are for. Here's the phone number.

              S: Uhhh....look there's nobody down there after hours, you know.

              Me: Oh, that's right. Hm. I dunno, maybe you can leave them a message for in the morning.

              I did NOT end up moving anything for anyone after that.

              At the time, I was 117 pounds, did I LOOK like a freaking power lifter to anyone? Sorry, I was just a little girl in a dress. Don't know why they were looking at me to move their stuff. Guess they blew THAT little perk for themselves.

              Anyway, I think I worked that job less than a month after that before finding another one and moving on.


              • #8
                i'm glad that at work all clothes are supplied and laundered by the company. although we have to wear nice stuff, it costs us nothing. i could rock up in a pair of shorts a tshirt and flip fops and get changed at work.
                The mere fact that we have the flamethrower means that someone, somewhere once said "You know, I'd really like to set those customers over there on fire, but don't possess the means to do it"


                • #9
                  I wear my nicest clothes to the gallery, corporate wear with a creative twist, and they aint cheap unfortunetly. I take REALLY good care of them, they come off the second I get home and I stop wearing them once they dont look new anymore.

                  The only time I have a problem is when I have to move the stupid stock dolly, they like me to pick it up when its empty and then get all confused when I make a face and carry it as far from my body as I can. Ive only ever had to use it once but I was so not impressed.

                  99% of the time Im sitting or standing behind a desk so my clothes stay clean, and I certainly plan on it staying that way.
                  I wasnt put on this earth to make you feel like a man ~ Mary Bertone


                  • #10
                    In ascending order of idiocy, the three dumbest things to wear to work at a gas station would be 1.) khaki pants, 2.) a white dress shirt, and 3.) a necktie. It naturally follows, of course, that I have to wear khaki pants, a white dress shirt, and a necktie every damn day.

                    Tonight I cleaned up a 64 oz Mountain Dew tsunami, washed condiment tubs and drip trays (by hand), cleaned a roller grill, changed out eight trash cans (including the three outside, in the sleet, and I swear one of those must have had most of a body inside it was so goddamn heavy) scrubbed the toilet, stocked a cooler, and mopped a 1400 sq ft floor twice. This wasn't that unusual of a night, either.

                    I own twelve white or off-white shirts, none more expensive than $15, that I wash with the dish towels. I have several pair of tan, olive, or brownish colored jeans, and the day anyone calls me out for wearing them to work is the day I tender my resignation with one finger. I keep one dark green, '80s vintage, $1.00 at Goodwill tie under the counter and wear it every day.

                    At the end of the night, the shirt I wore to work today was spotless. I truly am that good.
                    "Love keeps her in the air when she ought fall down, let's you know she's hurting 'fore she keens...makes her a home."


                    • #11
                      This happened a long time ago when I was working as a Sales Coordinator for a heavy equipment company. We weren't required to dress up, but I would occasionally wear a dress or skirt, something nicer than jeans.

                      Anyway, my boyfriend who I lived with at the time also worked at said company as a mechanic. His mother stopped by the house before we both went to work one morning. I was dressed up, he was in his mechanics uniform - one meant to get dirty and gritty, right?

                      He leaves. I am about ready to get into my car when she asks me to come and help her with something. She wanted me to lift a gas tank taken off her truck into her van so she could go and get it fixed. Me? The one who is dressed up for work and not your son who was IN HIS MECHANICS UNIFORM? So, I reluctantly help her.

                      Of course, the tank tips, it's not quite empty and who gets the gas on her? ME! All over my pantyhose and shoes. By the time we finished with this ordeal, it was too late for me to change I had to leave for work. I took the pantyhose off and washed my shoe and my leg when I got to work.

                      My boyfriend got a freakin' earful! I mean, I let him have it. He turned around and let his mother have it. Not because he thought she was wrong by any means, but more so because I bitched at him in front of all the guys in the shop!
                      "I'm still walking, so I'm sure that I can dance!" from Saint of Circumstance - Grateful Dead


                      • #12
                        When I worked at the grocery store I had to wear a nice white dress shirt with a velour or velvet bow tie (ok it was the 70's), we were allowed to wear fairly new jeans and sneakers. Any gross job you could think of in a grocery store I did wearing said getup. My mom washed and ironed my shirts for me. She said years later if she had all themoney back she spent on bleach.....
                        Bow down before me for I am ROOT

                        Preserving precious bodily fluids sine 1952


                        • #13
                          I'm sort of the newsroom grunt in that I'm not terribly concerned about getting dirty, so when the copier or the printer needs toner powder, I dive right in to get it. I've gotten so that I only get toner on my fingertips now so it's no big deal to me, change it and go wash my hands.

                          One day, the copier had other ideas. I had just changed the toner cartridge maybe a day before and it was saying that the toner was low. Well, that wasn't right, so I pinched one of the sports guys off his desk to come help me take the top off the thing and see what was up.

                          POOF was actually a pretty good description of the sound it made when we opened it. The toner cartridge had SPLIT OPEN and so when we lifted the vacumm-sealed know what happens when you open a vacuum-sealed anything.

                          Good thing I was wearing black that day, heh.
                          "Maybe the problem just went away...maybe it was the magical sniper fairy that comes and gives silenced hollow point rounds to people who don't eat their vegetables."


                          • #14
                            Good grief. What kind of hoity toity, delusions-of-grandeur kind of gas station makes their workers wear a dress shirt and a tie?


                            • #15
                              When I worked at the dealership, one Monday the GM was flipping out because the cleaning crew didn't show up over the weekend. She asked me if I would clean the bathrooms

                              Excuse me? Um, NO. I'm not going to put on a miniskirt, hose, very expensive shoes and let's not forget the cashmere sweater and clean the TOILET which our ever so stinky lot boys would take a dump on. FORGET IT! If it's that important to you, do it yourself.

