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Ever just need a day off??

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  • #16
    I use a $6,000 beeper. (What I call my insulin pump.) Makes it easier cause you only have to stick yourself every three days. I only take it off for two reasons, one is to take a shower. I'll let you figure out the other reason. :-)
    If a dog will not come to you after having looked you in the face, you should go home and examine your conscience.
    --Woodrow Willson


    • #17
      Quoth MadMike View Post
      I've done that myself. Let's just say I don't get migraines quite as often as I claim to.

      Of course, sometimes that bites me in the ass, and I'll get one for real the next day.
      I learned early on that calling in with a specific excuse was a self fulfilling prophesy so I don't do it anymore. I figure the flat out truth (someone getting slapped for being stupid) is better since that is a self fulfilling prophesy I can live with


      • #18
        I took a Personal Mental Health Day this past Tuesday.

        Shift is at 11. I finally consciously respond to the alarm at 10am (and it's been getting "snoozed" since 9:30), and lay there, unable to muster the energy to get out of bed. "No problem," I think. "Just still waking up. I'll wait a few minutes, I still have time to shower, shave, dress, and get food on my way to work."

        10:30. I'm in the same spot. The kind of mental fatigue where you're not really tired enough to sleep, but too tired to do anything. I call up work and tell them I'm not gonna be able to make it in. Then I roll over and try to force myself to sleep. I muster up enough energy to drag myself downstairs and leave a note for my folks, letting them know I've called in sick, then drag myself back upstairs.

        2:30pm. I finally emerge from my funk to shower and dress, and get myself some lunch. I start feeling a lot better, not so tired.

        The next day at work, I'm feeling a lot more refreshed.

        Sometimes, you just need to take a day with no demands on your time, to recharge the batteries.
        PWNADE(TM) - Serve up a glass today! | PWNZER - An act of pwnage so awesome, it's like the victim got hit by a tank.

        There are only Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse because I choose to walk!


        • #19
          [QUOTE][I've done that myself. Let's just say I don't get migraines quite as often as I claim to.

          Of course, sometimes that bites me in the ass, and I'll get one for real the next day.

          Haha. I was going on a trip out of town over Halloween weekend, and since I had sick days left but no vacation days, I planned to call in sick over the weekend. So of course at the start of that week I get hit with the flu, and had to drag myself into work because I didn't want to end up calling off the WHOLE week.


          • #20
            *Offers hugs to everyone*

            I took one this Wednesday.

            I had surgery earlier this year and had to top up my sick leave with my vacation days so I don't have anymore vac or sick days until January. That's wayyyy too long to go without a day off.

            I also have insomnia (2 - 3 hours a night on ave.) so on Wednesday, after only sleeping about 2 hours, I just couldn't make my sorry ass in to work. I could. not. function. At. all!

            Fortunately, the person at work I have to let know if I'm sick is sympathetic to my woes and we back each other up. I more than make up my time during the week (but I still don't get paid for Wednesday - but I really needed that time for me!)
            One day closer to retirement!
            No... Just No! And I mean it this time!


            • #21
              We are having voluntary layoffs the week of Thanksgiving.

              I know that financially, I shouldn't do it. Even if I can get unemployment. But I signed up anyway, and considering the past few days I have contemplated more often than ever just walking out and spitting in someone's face......I really need it.

              Now all I will do is sit and hope and pray (and I hope everyone crosses their fingers for me) that I get that week off. I really, really need it. I am so sick of that place, I am so ready to just throw in the towel and walk out.
              You really need to see a neurologist. - Wagegoth


              • #22
                Quoth Irving Patrick Freleigh View Post

                If I don't take my vacation and personal time, I lose it at the end of January.
                That's just ridiculous. A place I worked at a few years ago did that also. We also had a "time-off blackout" from Halloween-week after New Year's. So there were always two people off at a time after that so everyone could use up all of the time that had accrued.

                It makes NO sense. If someone had something to go to in Feb or March, they got screwed. So glad I don't have to deal with that anymore, wish you didn't have to also.

                Oh, I could work 4 10hr shifts this week so I could get a day off (it could even be Friday! ) but I don't know......I'm glad my sup is easy about that stuff, my attendance record is stellar, and my job just requires me to be there to get it done rather than be there for staffing purposes....but those 10-hour shifts (11 when you count lunch) just get long. LOL and I used to do 14 hour days!

