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New Store Woes

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  • New Store Woes

    Hi everyone! After some time away from the boards, I've come back. We recently got rid of my old store (yay!) and have moved into a very beautiful location in downtown SF's new center. Believe me, its a weird feeling being in a store, store again as apposed to our kiosk like store that we had before. That was refreshing, but this has a much better feel to it. All in all, the construction crew did an excellent job with the whole mall and the dome is simply fantastic (see attached picture).

    The big restored Dome

    Anyways, within the first week and a half of being open a couple of....."fun" things have happened to our store:

    - Someone ran into the side of our store and totally broke one of our windows. I mean, it shattered like a car window. Stopped our sales for the whole day and forced us to put up plywood to cover the space. The dude just ran off when I asked him what happened and what he did. *sigh*

    - Someone at the graphics department that produces our signs can't cut worth squat. I have recieved 3 different sets of signs of which all of them have been either too short, too long or not cut in the right spot. Hopefully the 4th time's the charm.

    - A display Treo was already stolen and not by some normal dude, some 12 year old kid who the mall security couldn't even catch. Then, the mall tells me that I can't ask them for help if someone steals from my store. Oh, sure...go ahead steal from me...not like you'll be stopped (I advise you to not steal from me >.>). Then after the kids had stolen the device, one kid comes by my store to gloat about it. Security is called to help detain the kid and guess what..."they'll look into it". That's a big F U to my face if I've ever seen it.

    - Our store's AC hasn't been working since we opened the store. It's gotten to upwards of 85 degrees in the store and I'm sweating like a pig in a blanket (hmmm....pigs in a blanket *drool*). Hopefully that's going to be fixed today.

    All in all, everything remains the same. The same silly customers; the good ones, the bad ones, the ones that make you want to rip their heads off and eat it. It should be a good run though =3.
    Movie, Music, Anime and many more reviews...coming soon!

  • #2
    Quoth toolbert View Post

    The big restored Dome

    Oooohhhh.... Pretty....


    • #3
      I am going to have to go to SF now. I only live in Stockton, so it would not be a problem. I might even steal from you . I would never steal, because I hav money to actully buy what I need.
      Under The Moon Paranormal Research
      San Joaquin Valley Paranormal Research

