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Security Issues

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  • Security Issues

    Ok I was out in the shed today and found one of my old notebooks from when I worked security. So I got a few more thigns to talk about.
    1) I was on shack duty at a private lake/housing development third shift. The county sheriff's would sometimes stop by to check on things, use our restroom and grab some coffee and BS. Well one night I brought in some jelly donuts for my lunch/snack and had put them in the fridge. One of the deputies drops by and I'm filling out my report when I just good naturedly and sharing say "Oh hey there's some donuts in the fridge if you want any."

    Well he didn't exactly take it so well and went totally cold vader voice and said "I don't eat donuts." and stomped out without any coffee or BS. Oops. I did manage to explain things to him later but it was kinda funny, at least to me at the time. BTW some cops are rather sensitive about the donut jokes thing, but some actually find it funny.
    2) Holiday Inn. I'm walking through the restraunt area and see a guy sitting at a booth in the corner. Now its 2 in the morning so I go over and ask him what's going on. He just tells me he's waiting for breakfast since he couldn't sleep. He's not doing anything and doesn't present a threat so I just chekc on him once in a while. He really does wait until breakfast. Very wierd.
    3) Holiday inn again. Had a young lady decide to do some sun tanning by the pool. Topless. Had to ask her to cover up. (unfortunately) Turns out she was from England and forgot that it wasn't cool stateside to do that.
    4) Airport. Vehicle patrol. I come pulling up on a car along the access road with what looks like a body on the ground by the back bumper. Yep it was a body. Guy was drunk pulled over to take a leak and passed out hard core. Thought I'd seen my first DB that night but the paramedics took him off and we had his car towed.
    5) Factory. Office manager come sback askign if I had a spare key for handcuffs one weekend. Turns out he and his secretary where playing some games in the offices and he lost his key. (Don't know why they was using real ones for that!) Gave it to him and didn't ask anything else.
    6) Construction site. Supposedly building is being built on old indian holy grounds. Partner comes screaming up from the basement claiming a flaming wolf ran out of the wall at him. Go back down while he stays upstairs cowering. Never saw anything.
    7) Another construction site. Show up to relieve guard on duty. He is hiding under a tarp in the corner. Claims the VC are coming and to watch out. (Yeah he had a flashback. Not a comfortable moment.) Didn't report him as he was usually quite calm and reliable, just had a moment I guess.
    8) Yet another construction site (do you see a pattern here). Show up to find the on duty guard playing lightsabers with one of his buddies with scrap PVC from the site. Widn up challenging him to a duel and winning.
    9) Back at the holiday inn. Classic car show so we had extra people on hand for the overnight guests cars. Got to sit in a mint 59 caddy when the owner stopped to talk to me. (My most favorite car on earth!)
    10) And yet another construction site. Middle of winter it starts snowing so had a snowball fight with the other guard. (Hey third shift is rather boring and you can't stay stiff and "professional" all the time!) when Post jumper shows up. Wind up gettign him to join in, not exactly by his choice either. :-)

    Just a few things from my old notebook where I kept track of things going on around me that didn't quite "need" to be in the official logs but I wanted to have a record of in case it became useful.

  • #2
    Quoth Rahmota
    6) Construction site. Supposedly building is being built on old indian holy grounds. Partner comes screaming up from the basement claiming a flaming wolf ran out of the wall at him. Go back down while he stays upstairs cowering. Never saw anything.
    Dear me.
    Drive it like it's a county car.


    • #3
      Quoth Rahmota View Post
      5) Factory. Office manager come sback askign if I had a spare key for handcuffs one weekend. Turns out he and his secretary where playing some games in the offices and he lost his key. (Don't know why they was using real ones for that!) Gave it to him and didn't ask anything else.

      I sincerely hope he came out fully clothed.

      Unseen but seeing
      oh dear, now they're masquerading as sane-KiaKat
      There isn't enough interpretive dance in the workplace these days-Irv
      3rd shift needs love, too
      RIP, mo bhrionglóid


      • #4
        Hauntedheadnc: Yeah wierd things where always supposedly going on at that site but I never encountered or had anything happen to me that couldnt be explained by usual methods.

        Bekysunshine: Yes he had at least put his pants and shirt on before coming back there. Since the security lobby (which was in the back of the building away from the offices) was on camera.


        • #5
          Quoth Rahmota View Post
          Hauntedheadnc: Yeah wierd things where always supposedly going on at that site but I never encountered or had anything happen to me that couldnt be explained by usual methods.
          I can dig it. What sorts of things did you hear about, though?
          Drive it like it's a county car.


          • #6
            Hauntedheadnc:I can dig it. What sorts of things did you hear about, though?
            *Looking through my notebook*

            Well aside from the aforementioned free floating flaming apparition.

            Most of the sensations/issues happened down in the basement or the first floor north end over the same section of basement. The sensations where generally the same with some experiencing all and some only a handful. I was the only one who had nothing happen at all. Oh and wolf boy had the worst experiences out of everyone and absolutely refused to set foot back on that post. But generally the symptoms where chills, a feelign of being watched, alternating hot and cold air spots, and generally a sensation of a presence for the most part.

            Some of the guards said they could see "things" lurking in the shadows but when they shined their lights over there they didnt see anything.

            Radios where spotty in that area with a compleate dead zone where you wouldnt pick up static or anything, not to mention cell phones didnt work there either.

            The construction guys would sometimes complain to us that their stuff had been messed with. I guess as in stuff being moved from where they expected it.

            One of the guys said he got followed on foot patrol by something one night that he couldnt see.

            I dunno. I never experienced anything out of the ordinary or unusual at all.

            The cold chills and temperature differences where most likely air flow eddies and currents in the building. With stagnant air being chillier than the surrounding circulating air.

            As for the radios there where a lot of conduit and piping and rebar in that area as it was the Tornado shelter/utility room area of the building.

            The construction guys I chalk up to them not recalling where they put stuff or having someone else on the crew move it or borrow it without telling them and then put it down somewhere else.

            The rest was probably just being tired and jumpy/distracted on third shift as that is the only shift that told me about anything happening really. I don't know what happened after the building opened as I was reassigned to another post before that happened.

            I dunno. Maybe the spirits or whatever didn't have a beef with me or I was operating in a closed mind then because I've had a few other wierd things happen in my life but I went for about 5 months at that site with nothing supernaturally wierd happening to me that I was aware of. *shrug* Oh well.

            Now looking through my notes I found about this other job site where I did experience a few wierd things.

            1) Third shift. I was on detex and heard a forklift horn beep twice. I was the only person in the entire building.

            2) Had a camera move. Not usually wierd but this was a stationary camera and I was the only one in the building (at least until the cops showed up that I had summoned.) Tape verified the camera moved. Explained it away as a loose mounting.

            3) Had an automatic fire door trip and drop behind me as I walked through it on detex round. Foretunately just the one door did that so its not like there was a reason to panic.

            *looking throuhg the notebook some more* Other than that not much supernatural or unearthly happened to me at work. I did see a lot of wildlife when i was at the airport or otherwise encountered a lot of stupid, annoying or otherwise wierd people but nothign supernatural or unearthly about that.

