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when co-workers steal

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  • when co-workers steal

    I wasn't sure if I should put this in crappy co-workers, because the co-worker I am talking about is one that I truly enjoyed working with and I'm in just utter, complete shock...

    He was a great guy and worked and managed at my store for several years before recently moving to a different company. The folks at my store still keep in good contact with him, mainly because a large number of former employees work at this company.

    A few days ago, he was busted for internal theft. I'm not talking minor theft either--several thousand dollars worth. It is even worse because he did this on federal property.

    And I just can't believe it. I am in so much shock that I cried. How could he do this? He is such a sweet, nice guy and he always worked so hard. He has a lovely family and I know that money was always tight for them.

    Now, everyone at the store that knew him is asking questions..."Did he steal from us?" "Did we give him too much leeway?" "How do we treat him?" "What should we do?"

    This was the kind of guy that...if you had a problem, you would go to him for advice. He was so trusted that everyone pretty much let him do what he wanted.

    I want to help him...some co-workers are talking about raising money to help with possible fines that he might have to pay. I don't know. I don't even think I'm angry at him--I'm just so disappointed.

  • #2
    I hate to say it, but it's not always the jerks who steal. The charmers and "nice guys/girls" are just as likely to steal, and they could probably steal more without getting caught. If jerks steal, people will likely catch them sooner because they will have already been looking for an excuse to get rid of them. However, if a nice guy steals, people will generally not suspect him, or even if they do, they may look the other way.
    Osoroshii kangae nimo osoware masu...


    • #3
      I, personally, have a BS limit. Go over it, and you don't exist. Whatever reason he had, is done. He got caught, made your company look bad, and is probably going to jail. That's a deal breaker. If you are my friend, and you need help, ASK. You hurt me by making me worry for MY JOB... GDIAF...


      • #4
        Yeah, ditto. People will look the other way if it's a nice guy or gal ripping the place off, but will turn on an asshole but quick.

        He wouldn't see a dime from me. Better to get him the hell out quickly than to have LP and management cracking down on everybody because theft is happening and they don't know who's doing it yet.
        Knowledge is power. Power corrupts. Study hard. Be evil.

        "I never said I wasn't a horrible person."--Me, almost daily


        • #5
          Yes, part of me wants to just never talk to him again, but then I remember all the great things that he's done for me and for many people at my company.

          I am a little angry at him, now that I think about it...I'm angry that he gives my company's workers a bad name. I am mad that he might have stolen from my company.

          I'm mad because ex-employees of my company worked so hard to bring him into the other company and this is how he repays them.

          I suppose I still don't believe it, though I've heard from friends in the other company that it is entirely true and that he's facing tough punishments.

          I just don't get why he did it! He was such a great guy and someone I completely trusted.


          • #6
            Yeah, that is disappointing if he seemed as nice as you say. Some of my ex-coworkers who were caught stealing did the dead because they felt the company "owed" them something. Something beyond a paycheck, that is. Certain habits usually don't suddenly start out of the blue, but perhaps he wasn't as happy at the new company as some might've thought. Still makes him an ass for being a thief, though. I certainly wouldn't raise money to help him out if he's as guilty as you say.
            A lion however, will only devour your corpse, whereas an SC is not sated until they have destroyed your soul. (Quote per infinitemonkies)

