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Say a Prayer or something..

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  • Say a Prayer or something..

    I'm going back to the big red chapter 11 computer box just in time for Black Friday. New management. I'm petrified, becuase I despise retail, but I'm hoping that growing a little wiser will allow me to let the BS roll off my shoulders and realize what a headgame managers play sometimes.

    FEelings are mixed between elation and fright. Very scared, but excited to be making money. Pissed off that they're giving me 2 dollars an hour less than what I made there, but those are the seasonal hire rules (seasonal first in this time of year, they keep you or let you go depending on payroll allotment and hours at that time)

    Bleh... here's hoping everything goes ok.

  • #2
    I just thought I'd mention too, that I guess I'm afraid that I'll have scheduling difficulties when school starts. It's always a fight in retail to get off for my classes. But it's a means to an end. A job means I can GET my degree

    I'm trying to pick through and find positives. Helps me focus and change my mindset.

