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That HURT (injury)

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  • #46
    Quoth ThinMick
    I had to get these boxes down the chipped, cracked concrete stairs that passed under the asbestos warning sign on their way to the basement.

    Not a problem, I think to myself. I'll take them one at a time and just drag them instead of carrying them. A co-irker pointed me at a hand trolley in the corner and suggested I use it. She made a big point about how sturdy it looked.

    Great! I'll just lower it down the stairs in front of me!

    Turns out it was made of aluminum. I found that out when the metal tore and the cart burst on the way down the stairs. I caught both boxes in an acrobatic feat that cost me a broken finger and managed to get them both put away.

    My finger swelled up to almost twice its normal size in the time it took to get back upstairs. My co-irker just sat there and smirked and gloated while she insisted that I fill out an accident report... myself... with a broken middle finger on the hand I hold a pen with.
    Your co-irker is some sort of sadistic !!!!!!!!! I hope you told someone (ANYONE!!!!!!!!) in a position of authority about that. Holy crap. If I were you, I would've brought out the trusty woodchipper.
    Unseen but seeing
    oh dear, now they're masquerading as sane-KiaKat
    There isn't enough interpretive dance in the workplace these days-Irv
    3rd shift needs love, too
    RIP, mo bhrionglóid


    • #47
      At a coffee shop I got a lot of burns & a wasp sting (from out by the garbage - the garbage men said they wouldn't pick up any more garbage until we got rid of them). Then, I was carrying a big crate of milk (heavy, couldn't see the floor underneath it) and someone left a broom on the floor - which I happened to trip over and fall on top of the milk crate - owwww!! And then my oh so helpful co-workers when it came time for their own response to my incident report said they had no idea what happened and hadn't seen it at all - I was SPRAWLED on the floor.......... what do you THINK happened?


      • #48
        I'm kinda like RB; I could hurt myself in a padded room. I've fallen up stairs and I frequently run into the edge of walls and doors; I think its a depth perception thing. But I digress. I used to work for a fire department. At night we'd sleep at the fire station in BUNK beds. Being the newbie I got a top bunk. You can see this being a problem can't you? So did my co-workers. 2am (or whatever), half alseep, lights flashing and alarm beeping does NOT make me more coherant. In fact it generally made me fall right out of bed. After the first time or two of kinda landing on my feet the guys knew someone had to be there to catch me.

        One night when we were fairly busy, we went on a call, transported to the hospital and go back to the station everyone gets back in bed. Before we could get back to sleep we got another call. So I attempt to graceful climb out of bed and miss the bottom rung. Ouch. I fall on my butt and my ankle lands kinda funny. It hurt but we had a call to run. We went on the call and again transported to the hospital. We get back to the station and my ankle that had been hurting is now cause me so much pain I'm crying. I had a fun time explaining to the hospital why we were back so soon.


        • #49
          the craft store had its walls covered with long hooks, stabbed myself many a time when I would trip over the rips in the carpet, the other staff did it to, it was almost a daily event

          a customer did it ONCE and headoffice got wind and wanted it fixed... so they sent us duct tape..... to tape the carpet to the floor

          I also had a fight with some sharp metal shelving, me and my $90 pants lost, massive bleeding gash, blood dripping down my leg and the store manager didnt want me to put it in the accident book because we were 60 days without an accident

          gee thanks boss
          I wasnt put on this earth to make you feel like a man ~ Mary Bertone


          • #50
            Lately, at work, they've been documenting every injury that happens, no matter how minor. We have a meeting every month to discuss safety and shrink issues, and the minutes of these meetings, along with the reported injuries, are typed up and posted in the break room.

            Among of some of our recent mishaps...

            -there were two reports of people being hit in the back of the heel by flatbeds. This is really no big deal. I do it all the time. When it happens I just hop up and down and try not to curse too loudly and walk it off.
            -somebody was walking backwards and tripped over a flatbed and fell backwards on their butt.
            -somebody else tried to lift a box by the plastic strap holding it shut, and the strap broke and the person punched themself in the face.
            -lastly, somebody else got hit in the knee by a box while unloading truck. Must've been a pretty big box.
            Knowledge is power. Power corrupts. Study hard. Be evil.

            "I never said I wasn't a horrible person."--Me, almost daily


            • #51
              This might be a little long....sorry...

              Working for Burger King in the late 1980's (my first job) I was washing dishes. I bent down to get the stainless steel iced tea container off the floor. Someone distracted me and I turned my head. My left hand whacks into the top of the tea container between my index finger and middle finger.

              Blood starts to gush...I had to ask another employee who was just getting off work to drive me to the hospital to get stitches. Get there and find out that I'm not the legal age of consent to get stitches without a parent. (I was age of consent was 19!) Called my mom, got my stitches, went home, didnt sleep and walked to the store the next morning at 6am to fill out the accident report and get breakfast.

              Working at McD's I injured myself several times (was there 8yrs). Not every injury was noteworthy.

              One day I was making Big Macs, and we had this special toaster that would toast all three of the Mac buns at (heel, club, and crown) at the same time. Toaster must be about 200something degrees. I pull the slider that holds the crowns on the toaster towards myself to pull the crowns off the toaster and onto the Big Macs. Pulled a little too far and it slides all the way off the toaster. Slams into my left arm.

              I got a 2nd degree burn that went from my wrist to the elbow, and a nice trip to the Quack-in-the-Box for some burn cream. Had to wrap gauze around my arm for several weeks. Loved that burn cream tho...used it everytime I got a little burn. (Silvadene Cream) worked wonders.

              Also at McD's

              Was squatting down to get straws from underneath the pick-up window's cash register. Left knee makes a popping sound and an excrutiating pain goes thru my leg. Another trip to the Quack-in-the-Box and I get a nice Ace bandage and diagnosis of Patellar Tendonitis.

              Telemarketing job.

              Got a nasty paper cut doing a manual order. Gosh those hurt!


              Worked in the Fabric's and Crafts department. Sliced my hand on the scissors when some SC yanked some fabric off the table as I was cutting it. (mentioned this before in another thread)

              While the store was still being built, I was helping some other employees set up a row of shelving. There was an electrician on a scissor lift working on some wiring in the same aisle. I was just below the lift. Suddenly I felt a horrible pain on the top of my head and heard a ping of something hitting the floor. The electrician had just stripped some heavy gauge wire and clipped the excess off. That piece fell onto my head and gave me a nice little puncture wound. Electrician denied doing anything. Management didnt have any band-aids and wouldnt open up a box from stock. Had to walk around with blood in my hair till I got off work.

              The day before our store opened, we had a party and the grocery side cooked up a bunch of food for us. Some dimwit cooked the fried mushrooms in the same vat that someone else did some fried shrimp. I ate the mushrooms...and about 10 minutes later had an allergic reaction to the cross contamination from the shrimp. I'm not deathly allergic (yet) but got lots of hives. Management let me go an hour early, but acted as if I was faking it. How can you fake dozens of hives all over your body?

              A week or two later, I was working in my dept, when I squatted down to pick up a piece of paper. (just like I squatted to get the straws at McD's) there was a loud popping noise and a horrible pain shot thru my ankle. I screamed. Several customers and the other person I was working with heard the pop from several aisles over. I could barely walk. Management wouldnt let me fill out an accident report. (no one actually saw me do it) The fact that I could barely walk didnt convince them.

              I walked 9 months on that ankle before I got to a doctor. (about 3 months past when WM fired me) I had ruptured my Achilles tendon, and had to wear a moon boot for 4 months before my ankle healed. Ankle has never been the same since. This is the biggest reason I hate WM. I had to pay out of pocket for the treatment.

              I found out why my left knee got patellar tendonitis at McD's and why the left Achilles tendon ruptured. I have a previously undiagnosed birth defect that somehow affects my joints, tendons, and some other things. I had unexplained injuries like this my entire life, and never knew why it was happening. It's one of the big reasons I'm not working now.


              • #52
                Thinking back on it more, the worst injury I got at work wasn't bad in the physical sense, just kinda embarassing. Somebody had accidentally smashed a glass jar on the floor, and I was sent to clean it up. As I'm cleaning it up, this lady passes by and gives me a "You'd better put gloves on or else you're going to cut yourslef. Glass is sharp." That annoyed me because I hate it when people tell me how to do my job. I told her I'll be fine, as I had cleaned up glass tons of times before and had NEVER cut myself, besides this was all big shards that are easy to pick up. Two seconds later I stab my finger with the one tiny shard of glass and start bleeding. I go to the service desk to get a bandaid and of course that women happens to be there to see me get the bandaid. "You cut yourself didn't you?" I slink away in embarassment.


                • #53
                  When we moved the bookstore to the space next door I was thinking "I'm a manly man, I don't need to lift properly.". I had no problems the three days we were moving the store. Two day after that I couldn't stand up straight and that lasted a week with several weeks of pain after that. I now know that I'm not a manly man and do need to lift properly.
                  Proud to be a Walmart virgin.


                  • #54
                    New Injury!!!!!

                    I got stung by a bee. I put my arm down in the window-sill at the studio. It felt like someone had stabbed me hard with a thumb-tack or a pushpin. My arm swelled up...

                    It was not fun... Not to mention the fact that it's been a week and I'm getting a funny itchy reaction around the sting for some reason. If I was allergic wouldn't this have happened like when I got stung?!


                    • #55
                      Have I hurt myself on the job? Are we kidding?

                      Delivering newspapers was always fun in the winter. Falling on ice really sucks. There was this one house that usually had an icy porch. This was because the owner was too cheap to replace the gutter...which would leak during the day and then freeze at night. At least I could climb up the railing. However, if that was frozen too, I risked falling on the steps, and then bashing my face against the outward-tilting window

                      Then there's the time I knocked myself out at camp. I was picking up some things off the floor, when I bashed my head on the soda cooler handle. All I remember is getting up, hearing a "crunch" and then seeing stars Oh well, at least it knocked some sense into me and I got to sleep for a few hours.
                      Aerodynamics are for people who can't build engines. --Enzo Ferrari


                      • #56
                        Hmm. have I been hurt? RB's right. That's a trick question.

                        1. Non Retail. Working as a CNC saw operator.
                        A.) Saw blade disintigrates into a million bits of tiny metal. Small chunks in arm, and one bit stuck in my safety glasses. They later used those glasses as an example why you should wear them.
                        B.) Broken Leg. Forklift operator caused stack of 4x8 plywood to shift and slip off the lift table. Managed to dump it in my direction. I didn't dodge fast enough.
                        C.) Broken foot. Accidentally had a pallet with a heavy arsed metal die set down on my foot. Much jumping about and yelling "Get it off! Get it off!"
                        D.) Nice stripe/bruise on my neck: Machine threw a part and caused the wire (bout an inch thick) to spring back and smack me right in the throat. I was hoarse for a week.

                        2.) Retail. Working at Wal-Mart.
                        A.) Fell off a ladder. Missed a step halfway up. No breaks, beyond pride.

                        3.) Retail. Quincey's.
                        A.) Second degree burns on both hands after trying to catch a pot of coffee. Another server had dropped it and I didn't want the customer to get hurt. I wasn't thinking, and just reached out to catch it like a basketball. Hurt very much bad.
                        B.) Bumps and bruises after being hit in parkinglot by car. Not sure if this was my fault or not. (maybe my service was bad.)

                        4.) Non Retail. (Temp work) Paint Company:
                        A.) Chemical burns over legs and feet. Mixing vat valve broke and dumped concentrated purple power on four of us. I lost all the hair on my legs for two years.

                        5.) Non Retail. (temp) American Woodmark Cabinets.
                        A.) Psychiatric treatment for six months. Company suffered a fatality, and I happened to be friends with the maintence man.

                        6.) Retail: Lowe's. CSA/Head Cashier.
                        A.) Broken foot. The pallet thing again. This time concrete. Was not my fault. ASM took the blame.
                        B.) Stabbed knee, cut vein. Ambulance ride. Asm suggested I pull back with the box cutter. It slipped.
                        C.) Broken foot. (other one). Dropped a box of tile on my foot from waist high. Cussed loudly and for many moments. Management did not say a word. Customer didn't either oddly enough.
                        D.) Smashed hand. Sliding door did not stop as it's supposed to. Rather, it caught my hand and THEN stopped.
                        E.) Bruised pride, good laugh, some road rash. Blue cart got away from me, and stupid me tried to grab onto it to stop. It dragged me across the parkinglot.
                        Learn wisdom by the follies of others.


                        • #57
                          I have a few injuries but nothing serious.

                          Was dumb enough to lift a stack of 20 cones and walk about 300 meters to the barn where we put them. It pretty much hurt my back for the rest of the night.

                          Got hit in the shoudler by a stack of cones while riding in a truck. The truck hit a bump, knocking over a stack which struck me right square on the shoulder.

                          Almost got my foot run over by a jackass who was speeding around.

                          That's about it.
                          The Grand Galactic Inquisitor hears all and sees all.


                          • #58
                            I thought I'd bring this thread back.

                            Tonight at work I was opening boxes and breaking them down. While I was in the middle of doing it, I took out a chunk of skin from my left middle finger...

                            With the nail of my right thumb.

                            How I did that, I'm sure I don't know.

                            It takes talent to be me.

                            Oh, and I got a totally snazzy SpongeBob band-aid.
                            Last edited by Becks; 10-24-2006, 02:42 AM. Reason: forgot something
                            Unseen but seeing
                            oh dear, now they're masquerading as sane-KiaKat
                            There isn't enough interpretive dance in the workplace these days-Irv
                            3rd shift needs love, too
                            RIP, mo bhrionglóid


                            • #59
                              While at Big Bear and Giant Eagle(same building, different times), I managed to slam the meat of my thumb in the safe several times. Led to muttered cursing and big ole blisters each time... Once while I was taking a piano course... Also slammed my head on innumerable counters and open doors... once while fleeing from a MASSIVE spider. I hate spiders(to the point of making the girls I work with kill them while I cower in a corner.)

                              Also, whilst getting carts in the winter, I was normally pretty sure footed. Once though while I was getting them, I slipped and fell on my arse. Hurt nothing but my pride, though my coworkers got a laugh out of it, since I was back up in an instant, chasing after the carts that had NOT stopped...

                              Only real injury happened at WM, when a manager dropped a pallet on my foot. Got away with a broken pinky toe, but WM wouldn't let me put in an incident report since I didn't think anything of it till the next day, and I got a reprimand for slacking on the job when I could, you know, barely walk without being in severe pain...

                              Yeah... I hate Wal-Mart...
                              Character flaws aren't a philosophy -Scott Adams


                              • #60
                                Smashed my hand in a door at Dairy Queen and got a huge bruise from it. Couldn't move my thumb without pain for awhile.

                                Tore most of the skin from my palm while trying to move a bun toaster enough to plug it in at the Dakota Dome. Spent half an hour trying to find enough band-aids to cover it while bleeding everywhere. Guess what they had me do after that - popcorn. Salt and open wounds, even when covered by band-aids, don't mix.

                                While doing inventory at Hardees, I turned my head and jammed a corner of a cardboard box into my eye. Uhm, ouch! Didn't bleed but my eye watered for the rest of the day.

                                Various paper cuts, tripping going up/down stairs and catching my hand/fingers in file cabinets.
                                Figers are vicious I tell ya. They crawl up your leg and steal your belly button lint.

                                I'm a case study.

