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Liquor distributors, and the women who work for them (longish)

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  • Liquor distributors, and the women who work for them (longish)

    I'm honestly not sure whether this is a Cursing out Coworkers or Work Chat thread. It has to do with one of our distributors. There's a touch of MOM in it as well, but mostly it's the attitude from this woman that had me going 'RAR.'

    We ended up having some issues with a couple of our outgoing payments - the invoices got shuffled in with other papers, and the company reported the wrong store to the state. So there are a couple companies who are poking at us, asking for their money. No problem with that, we screwed up, we admit it, and we're fixing it. Just have to find out how many invoices are missing, and what the amounts are, so we can send out cheques.

    One of the distributors is particularly good at calling as soon as we are a couple days late with a payment. Again, not a problem usually, it makes sense that they would want their money. A couple of the women working in their AR department are really nice, I enjoy dealing with them, because they have a sense of humour, and understand that I'm getting all the info second- or third-hand. One of the women, K, is not nice. She acts as though I am at fault for the company not paying, and that I should pony up the money immediately - because somehow in her mind, I miraculously gained the ability to write cheques, and send them over the phone to her.

    Oh, and I also, apparently, am completely responsible for whether or not the owner or GM have placed orders without checking to see if we are on COD (cheque on delivery). Even though I don't order at all, and have nothing to do with the ordering. Or the paying. Or, frankly, anything at that level of management.

    So, I am scum of the earth, dirt on the bottom of her shoe, and yet somehow responsible for everything that this nearly-5-year-old business does in terms of money. And no amount of apology or admission that we screwed up is going to make her think differently.

    Lack of communication (within the store) + too much communication (from the distributor). Bad combination.

    I may not pick up the phone again today.

  • #2
    Quoth KiaKat View Post
    I may not pick up the phone again today.
    That's why Caller ID is so awesome.
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    Learn how to go over whackamole bosses' heads safely
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