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5 Day Mail delivery

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  • 5 Day Mail delivery

    Not sure where to put this but the Postmaster General of the USPS went to congress today about dropping mail delivery one day a week to only be delivering 5 days a week. Whats weird is that they want to drop Tuesday (if they were to drop a day why not Saturday or Monday?)...

    If they do this that means the one who cover the sixth day on the routes would loose their positions...they are contemplating lay offs. USPS has never had to do that before...I'm starting to get worried guys. I think my job is starting to become in question.

  • #2
    The article I read said something about cutting the day where the volume of delivery is the least. Apparently that's Tuesday. Though I agree that it makes more sense to just cut out Saturdays.
    I am Wolverine.............and Wolverine does not do high kicks.

    He was a hero to me....and heroes are not supposed to die.

    Oh good, my dog found the chainsaw!


    • #3

      If they drop Tuesday, then the Wednesday carrier is going to be stuck with all the piled-up mail after a Monday holiday.
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      • #4
        Yup...Monday holidays are HORRIBLE on Tuesdays. Plus I find I pick UP the most mail on Tuesdays.


        • #5
          I've heard grumbling from our local post office even during the Christmas season. Even with the upswing of Christmas mail, locally they weren't allowing overtime and were actually cutting hours. Yet employees were still expected to manage more work in the same or less amount of time. No wonder everyone's stressed.

          Best of luck to you.
          A lion however, will only devour your corpse, whereas an SC is not sated until they have destroyed your soul. (Quote per infinitemonkies)

