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I'm so bored!!

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  • I'm so bored!!

    I've been here at work since 10 am in a tent in the store parking lot. The tent is suppose to be some convienient flower place for vday. So I'm here gaurding flowers and a register bored out of my skull!

    I've only had 1 customer so far. 1 customer. At like 1030! And none since! Ug and I still have 2 1/2 hours left! Someone kill me please! I'm going nuts out here. Gods I have to do this tomorrow too! I use to think graveyard at the registers were bad but boy was I wrong.

    At least we actually get customers in there! I mean come on who's gonna go to Kroger at 3am on Feb 13 for Flowers. I know, NO ONE! Maybe tomorrow we'll have people at this ungodly hour but not today. *sigh* Thank God I can surf the interwebnetz on my phone or I'm sure I would have fallen asleep by now.

    Come on 6am!!!

    Crap now its raining!
    Last edited by SG15Z; 02-13-2009, 08:50 AM.

  • #2
    At least you have the internet, I had to rely on books and newspapers at work!
    No longer a flight atttendant!


    • #3
      SG, welcome to my job... I go AT LEAST 4 hours a day with no other human contact... small hotel, only person on the clock... oh yeah, this place and instant messenger *glares at all the cs friends who haven't been on messenger recently, yes RHPG, that does also mean you ) are my lifeline... seroiusly, I don't do well with this whole being alone thing (I think it has to do with being an only child... I spent 18 years alone, then after a year in the dorms constantly having others around it kind of became addicting)... oh, movies help too

      and sorry, didn't mean to thread jack... today it was 5 hours with no human contact... Smiley is not all with it right now.
      If you wish to find meaning, listen to the music not the song


      • #4
        I guess I'm the exact opposite of you guys. I love my alone time. For the last couple of years, I've barely had time that I'm truly alone, except for the commute to/from work. Give me a good book and as many hours alone as I can get and I'm just peachy keen.

        Sorry you're trapped in a tent, though. Why would that even be open at 3:00 AM? Just close it all down until morning.


        • #5
          Quoth Gerrinson View Post
          I guess I'm the exact opposite of you guys. I love my alone time. For the last couple of years, I've barely had time that I'm truly alone, except for the commute to/from work. Give me a good book and as many hours alone as I can get and I'm just peachy keen.
          I feel exactly the same way, especially since I had kids. I love them to pieces and usually look forward to seeing them, but sometimes I really need a day off from everything.
          Labor boards have info on local laws for free
          HR believes the first person in the door
          Learn how to go over whackamole bosses' heads safely
          Document everything
          CS proves Dunning-Kruger effect


          • #6
            Smiley, I went 6 1/2 hours with no customers. I would say no human contact but a local cop came by a couple times to check up on me. After all it would suck if I was robbed.

            Quoth Gerrinson View Post
            Sorry you're trapped in a tent, though. Why would that even be open at 3:00 AM? Just close it all down until morning.
            Because the only way to secure all that merchandise (plus two registers) is to haul it all back inside which would be a pain and take too long, plus they have to take it all back out in the morning, so they figure just leave a cashier out there to keep an eye on the stuff and ring people up if they actually come out so early.

            I might actually get some customers tonight, you know last minute BFs/husbands/etc. But still! I'd rather be inside because you only go 2 hours without customers instead of 6! I mean I had like 3 customers that whole shift. At least inside I would have 10x that amount.

            Oh well I had a book to pass the time as well and I'm thinking of just taking a tv tonight and hooking up my Wii to add more entertainment to make the time go by. I just wish more of my IM buddies would get on at night.

