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Trivia Hotline!

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  • Trivia Hotline!

    A quickie. My husband just called me from work to share this one, and I had to share it.

    Phone rings, and he answers.

    "Hello, *hydroponics store*, R speaking."

    "Yeah, hi, what's that commercial with the breakfast?"

    " . . . I'm sorry?"

    "You know, it's like . . . there's some guy, and there's another guy, and they want to send bacon to this chick . . . "

    " . . . uh . . . "

    "And then there's another one, where like, you don't need a hot breakfast to have a good time? Know what I'm talking about?"

    " . . . no?"

    "Do you think it might be Howard Johnson?"

    "I really don't . . . um . . . do you have a question about gardening?"

    "Nah. Thanks anyway, buddy. Have a good one!"


    Man, I never get to talk to the cool people. Apparently, the guy was completely earnest, and sounded genuinely frustrated. The next time I have a random trivia question, I'm totally throwing a dart at a phone book, too.

    And of course, the 'Hubs being who he is, he looked it up. Not in case the guy calls back. But because he can't stand not knowing anything.
    Personally, I find cleavage very helpful. In a crime-fighting sense.

  • #2
    I'm embarrassed today at how rude this behavior was, but...

    Waaaayyyy back before the internet could answer everything some friends and I were discussing old TV shows. With beers. We could not for the life of us come up with the name of a third chipmunk from 'Alvin and the Chipmunks.'

    So I got out the phone book.

    I randomly dialed and in my very best FM dj voice greeted those answering with "This is Big DJ with KFMX and YOU could be winging your way to Hawaii next weekend by answering one simple question......"

    Must have taken about half a dozen calls to get the answer. There was no Caller ID in those days either, so I could of hung up. But no.
    I gave the nice guy on the other end of the phone detailed instructions on how to get to the station to claim his prize.

    I've grown a little more mature since then.


    • #3
      I know what commercial he means - but don't remember the hotel chain!

      One night at the bookstore, none of us could remember the name of a kid's book we all knew. Couldn't find it in our system (you have to know at least the first word in the title exactly to even have a chance at finding it).

      I did call someone to get help figuring it out. But in my defense, it was my mom! And while she only knew "Miss M-?" "Miss N-?" she made me call her back if we figured it out.

      Luckily she put us on the right track - "Miss Nelson is Missing" but she did get a laugh that I called her. I can't imagine calling a random person or business!


      • #4
        When I worked for the cable company, some people thought my major function in life was to answer their TV trivia questions.

        "Who won the fight Saturday night?"

        "There was a movie on the Hallmark channel last week about whatever. Do you know the name of it?"

        "What's such and such pay-per-view movie about?"

        And so on and so forth.


        • #5
          Well, we are a Library so we do get reference calls. However, we thought it a bit strange when we got one from the staff of "Who Wants to Be a Millionaire?"

          They're question wasn't hard to answer but the answer was a little tricky so I doubt it ever made it onto the show.

          The question was, "Where did the Amazons live?"

          Because it changed from time to time, we decided the best answer was, "Just beyond the edge of the known-world."

          We did wonder why an undoubtedly well-paid staff for a major TV show couldn't have found the answer to that one. All it took was a quick look into a Dictionary of Mythology.
          Research is the art of reading what everyone has read and seeing what no one else has seen.

