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I give up (Long and profane)

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  • I give up (Long and profane)

    As I was driving home from the clearance swamp a few minutes ago, I was listening to a local radio talk show host pontificating about people who'd rather do what they're told than do what is right, and suggesting such people are why the word "idiot" is in the dictionary. I'd normally agree with this, but not today. Not after the bullshit I went through just before I left.

    Since last November or so, company policy regarding furniture carryouts is that the cashier must print up a duplicate receipt, and the person doing the carryout has to stop at their register, pick up the duplicate receipt and hand it off to a service person, front end supervisor or a manager to have the items verified against the UPCs on the duplicate receipt. After the duplicate receipt is signed off on, the item(s) can then be delivered to the customer. This is due to people at other stores either loading incorrect items for customers, or loading items that haven't been paid for, unintentionally or otherwise.

    This has sometimes resulted in long waits for somebody to verify receipts because everybody who can do it is busy with other customers, and then these customers get pissy about having to wait and unload on the carryout people. The main front end supervisor and the service desk people have told me "Go ahead and load that up, I trust you have the right item, it'll be a while until I can get to you anyway." And so I have.

    About 15 minutes before the end of my shift, as I was dragging two storage cabinets up to the front, I got stopped by the front end manager who sternly told me "Irv, you can't go flying through anymore. You need to get those receipts checked off. You're creating a shrink concern and we will write you up if we catch you doing that again."

    I then went to get the duplicate receipt---and couldn't find one. The person who rang up those items was none other than the same front-end manager who bitched me out. I stopped at the service desk and complained to the person working there (who heard the whole thing). "I get hollered at for not doing things exactly by the book and getting receipts checked, and she can't figure out how to make a duplicate receipt so I have a receipt to verify? If she writes me up for this, I'm whipping my shirt off, throwing it in her face, and walking out. This is so much BS."

    So from now on, I'm going to be a good doobie and do carryouts exactly by the book. So customers, if you buy some big piece of furniture and I can't get your receipt verified because everybody who can do it is busy with other customers, guess what? You're going to wait. And wait. And wait some more. I don't care if it fucking takes 15 minutes, half an hour, or more to get your receipt verified. You will wait however goddamn long it takes. I am not going to shove those other customers to the side for a stupid receipt check. I am also not going to put my head on the chopping block so that you can save a few minutes and rush home and fail at assembling your item because you were paying too little attention to the instructions and too much attention to ERRRRUUUUGGGGHHHH! Masculinity's Greatest Shits or some such garbage on Spike TV.

    If you piss and moan at me about having to wait, you will be mentally sent through the several times, only because physically sending you through the would get blood stains on my shirt and those are a bitch to get out.

    And finally, to the thieving or knuckle-dragging, Duh duh duh-muttering, dry-pool diving, booger-eating, drool-cup needing condom advertisements that made this shit-witted carryout policy necessary: Fuck you very much for making my job that much harder. Please die in a fire before I find out who you are and take care of that for you.
    Knowledge is power. Power corrupts. Study hard. Be evil.

    "I never said I wasn't a horrible person."--Me, almost daily

  • #2
    Let me see if I'm understanding this correctly:

    1) Store creates policy.

    2) Bosses tell you to ignore policy because "they're too busy to enforce policy."

    3) Somehow policy becomes important again, and you're chewed out for "not following policy", even though they _told_ you to ignore it.

    And then they're not even doing their part of the policy right?

    And I thought not firing Numbnuts was the dumbest thing they'd done...


    • #3
      Actually, it wasn't the bosses telling me to ignore the policy. It was the service desk people and others who could check receipts. It was the bosses above them who decided the policy was important again.
      Knowledge is power. Power corrupts. Study hard. Be evil.

      "I never said I wasn't a horrible person."--Me, almost daily


      • #4
        Quoth Irving Patrick Freleigh View Post
        only because physically sending you through the would get blood stains on my shirt and those are a bitch to get out.

        not really-soak in cold saltwater or if you can't get to it right away coat with shampoo....


        Why is everyone looking at me like that?
        Honestly.... the image of that in my head made me go "AWESOME!"..... and then I remembered I am terribly strange.-Red dazes


        • #5
          *note to self* Don't go to Irv's store and buy furniture.

          Even if I think I know where it is.

          Quoth BlaqueKatt View Post

          Why is everyone looking at me like that?
          Because you're cute.
          Unseen but seeing
          oh dear, now they're masquerading as sane-KiaKat
          There isn't enough interpretive dance in the workplace these days-Irv
          3rd shift needs love, too
          RIP, mo bhrionglóid


          • #6
            Quoth Irving Patrick Freleigh View Post
            I was listening to a local radio talk show host...
            There's your problem right there. As annoying as some of the nationally syndicated ones can be, the local wannabes are always an extra-special breed of stupid.

            Example: When Katrina struck and thousands were stranded at the Superdome without working plumbing, one Cleveland radio personality speculated that the reason the stadium toilets wouldn't flush was because young hoodlums had intentionally clogged them. Yes, that was his theory on why the toilets weren't working during the flood.

