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Well Monday is Sure Gonna Suck...

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  • Well Monday is Sure Gonna Suck...

    As you know, I started a new job the last week of January. I do billing and collections for a company in the storage business. We do this work, not only for the local franchise, but for many others across the country. They hired 4 of us to help handle the work load because they just took on 20+ new franchises. Wednesday they had a new phone system installed to handle all of the new calls. When the phone men left everything was working fine. Thursday, I get to work and we have no phones and no internet. We sat around for 6 hours talking, playing computer games and waiting for the problem to be fixed. Finally, they sent us all home. This morning, I get a call saying to hold off coming in, as we still have no phones or internet. Finally, I get a call to come on in - everything is working now. When I was almost to work, I noticed that I had 2 missed calls on my cell that turned out to be from my supervisor. When I walk in, I find that we actually still have no phone or internet. After less than 30 minutes, we all left again. They hope to have everything working by Monday... So, if everything is fixed, Monday will really suck. Calls would come in but if we tried to answer, they would disconnect. Some calls could actually get all the way to voice mail, only to disconnect while they tried to leave a message. Alot of customers call in to pay their monthly rent by phone and haven't been able to reach us. It's going to be a real mess that will probably take several days to clear up. I haven't dreaded going to work on Mondays since I started this job - when I worked at the Call Center from Hell I started getting bummed on Sunday morning knowing I had to go back there on Monday morning. But I sure don't know about this Monday...
    "I guess they see another cash cow just waiting to be dry humped." - Irving Patrick Freleigh

  • #2
    Join the club! I just posted a similar Monday rant before realizing you posted this! (sorry!)


    • #3
      Actually, it didn't suck as bad as I expected. We divided all the call backs between us and they were done fairily quickly. Of course, we did have those customers who called today and pissed and moaned about how they haven't been able to reach us for a week. I just explained that our phones and internet were only down on Thursday and Friday and then went on to address their issues. Some people will bitch just to hear their own voices. But, thankfully, it's over and we have contacted all those involved. Back to normal.
      "I guess they see another cash cow just waiting to be dry humped." - Irving Patrick Freleigh

