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When morons apply for jobs...

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  • When morons apply for jobs...

    I just had a beauty of a twit come in to apply for work.

    A scraggly high school guy with his cell phone glued to his ear approaches, wearing jeans and a stained tee-shirt.

    "Are you guys hiring?"

    Giving him the benefit of the doubt, I said, "Not right now, but we do have three other properties here in town, plus I'm not sure about the Generic Inn, the Random Inn and Suites, and the Nondescriptive Inn. You could try them too, in addition to ours."

    Here comes the good part.

    "How hard is it do your job? It looks easy. Is it hard? It looks like it would be brain dead work."

    I gestured at him with a pen.

    "That question right there is probably not going to get you hired."

    He shrugged, resumed his conversation with whoever was on the cell phone, and straggled on out.

    Dolt. Do not insult the people you're trying to entice to hire you.
    Drive it like it's a county car.

  • #2
    We had someone come in and do that. She just came up to drop off an app, and the manager was trying to set up an interview for her, cause they do group interviews here, and the girl's says "God, do I have to? You're all so dumb I'll be running this whole store in a month anyway."

    I don't think she even got an interview for that.


    • #3
      Well, to play devil's advocate here, it's entirely possible that the applicants are receiving unemployment benfits, and are merely filling out aps as part of a quota.

      I got laid off and had to play this game myself. I had to fill out x number of aps a day to prove I was job hunting. In some cases, I wanted the job, and took the appropriate steps. In some, I would eat cat food before working a particular job. These jobs I made sure they would not be interested in interviewing me. I'd slop up the ap, or look like slob when I went in.

      Wasnt' trying to take advantage, just wanted to be able to look for a job I wanted without having to waste a lot of time. Plus, if someone wanted to hire me and I declined employment, I could have lost my benefits. I was doing a little freelance in the meantime, and didn't want to be working a job I didn't want while I continued to look.

      I got the job I wanted, by the way.


      • #4
        Quoth RecoveringKinkoid View Post
        Well, to play devil's advocate here, it's entirely possible that the applicants are receiving unemployment benfits, and are merely filling out aps as part of a quota.

        I got laid off and had to play this game myself. I had to fill out x number of aps a day to prove I was job hunting. In some cases, I wanted the job, and took the appropriate steps. In some, I would eat cat food before working a particular job. These jobs I made sure they would not be interested in interviewing me. I'd slop up the ap, or look like slob when I went in.

        Wasnt' trying to take advantage, just wanted to be able to look for a job I wanted without having to waste a lot of time. Plus, if someone wanted to hire me and I declined employment, I could have lost my benefits. I was doing a little freelance in the meantime, and didn't want to be working a job I didn't want while I continued to look.

        I got the job I wanted, by the way.

        I was just like that. Would dress like a slob, and what-not.
        Under The Moon Paranormal Research
        San Joaquin Valley Paranormal Research


        • #5
          Quoth Kika View Post
          "God, do I have to? You're all so dumb I'll be running this whole store in a month anyway."
          Man, if that doesn't sound like an energetic, self-motivated, upper-management type, I don't know what does.

          In fact, if you were to invite her in for an interview, I bet that she would find a way to streamline the crumpling of her resume into a little ball and throwing it into the garbage can Air Jordan-style. That would save the company, literally, dozens of pennies over the fiscal year-pennies that go straight to her bottom line, which she'll probably be watching like a hawk.
          I pray for the strength to change what I can, the inability to change what I can't, and the incapacity to tell the difference -Calvin, Calvin & Hobbes

          Being a pessimist and cynical wouldn't be so bad if I wasn't right so often!


          • #6
            Quoth RecoveringKinkoid View Post
            I had to fill out x number of aps a day to prove I was job hunting. In some cases, I wanted the job, and took the appropriate steps. In some, I would eat cat food before working a particular job. These jobs I made sure they would not be interested in interviewing me.
            Wow, a certain number a day? In WI, I believe it was at least 2 a week.

            I'd start out with places nearby (within walking distance) that I thought I'd want to work at. Then just places nearby that looked like I could tolerate working there until I found another job. I can't say that I ever applied at a place I definately did NOT want to work at, but then, I didn't have to fill out more than the 2 apps a week.
            Unseen but seeing
            oh dear, now they're masquerading as sane-KiaKat
            There isn't enough interpretive dance in the workplace these days-Irv
            3rd shift needs love, too
            RIP, mo bhrionglóid


            • #7
              They have a system like that in the UK, or so I'm led to believe (I've not been out of work for about fifteen years).

              There are two levels of gubmint assistance - Income Support (what the gubmint thinks you can reasonably survive on) and Jobseeker's Allowance (a bit more). To get the Jobseeker's Allowance, you have to prove that you're seeking gainful employment.

              Our personnel department has a job application pinned to the wall - a famous one of yesteryear. It's one we sent out and the respondant had scrawled "You bastards - living off the backs of the working class" on it. The thing the scrawler probably didn't realise is that everyone gets the same basic rate of pay - casual/temporary employees, permanent contract workers, and members - we all get the same rate of pay and there is no forcing of overtime (save for the knowledge that the work needs to be done).

              Some people, eh?



              • #8
                Quoth BeckySunshine View Post
                Wow, a certain number a day? In WI, I believe it was at least 2 a week.

                I'd start out with places nearby (within walking distance) that I thought I'd want to work at. Then just places nearby that looked like I could tolerate working there until I found another job. I can't say that I ever applied at a place I definately did NOT want to work at, but then, I didn't have to fill out more than the 2 apps a week.
                Heck, maybe it was. This was many, many years ago, and I don't remember the particulars. All I really do remember was that I had a some kind of quota. And I remember applying to some lousy places just to fulfill said quota.

                I understand nowadays, you don't even have that. When my husband was collecting unemployment, I dont' think he had to do all that.

                So basically, I think I could probably stay drunk and in my pajamas, roll over in bed once a week, grab the bedside phone, and slur in my application over the phone to receive unemployment benefits. Nice system we got here.


                • #9
                  In response to the original post, even if he had not said all that B.S., I doubt you want someone who comes in on a cell phone. Cell phone employees, in my experience, cause so much trouble and are hated by the rest of us.

                  Olive juice you too.


                  • #10
                    When will people learn not to be an ass to the people at the front desk.....

                    I had a woman (and i use that term loosely) who called up and wanted information on an upcoming competition to win and exhibiting spot in the gallery....the information was online

                    she didnt have the internet

                    the information sheet was in the gallery

                    she didnt have a quater for I started reading off the information she needed (10-15 images in jepeg format)

                    so for anyone with a brain thats getting a digital camera and taking pictures right.... well she started SCREAMING at me becuase she wanted to show her artworks in person and have an interviw, not how the competition allowed...then ranted about how it was going to cost her thousands of dollars to get her images digatized (not what I had explained) but instead of calmly asking for an explanation she explodes into anger...

                    at which point I transfered her to the person in charge... still ranting

                    guess who wont be allowed to enter the competition anymore
                    I wasnt put on this earth to make you feel like a man ~ Mary Bertone


                    • #11
                      There was a girl who came into my work last week with her resume, because we're looking to hire (there is only 4 of us at the moment, and there always must be 2 of us working nights, so scheduling is so tight now). She had on way too much make up for this job (it's a liquor store, and we get mostly very picky seniors) and also, on her resume she listed 4 jobs. She didn't last more than three months at either job, and only has started working since March of this year. She's 18, too, but still.

                      Meh. Needless to say, she didn't get hired.


                      • #12

                        Yeah, we get the usual selection of people coming in who are either A. ) far too ghetto-fabulous/escape from the farm/butt word shorts-tastic for front desk work at a hotel, or B. ) people who mistakenly thought the position needing to be filled is a position as complimentary lady of the evening.

                        What I posted about originally though, is the first time that I can remember that someone came in and just made a total fool of themself. How "brain dead" does someone have to be to insult not only the person who already holds the job, but the work they do also?
                        Drive it like it's a county car.

