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Never freelance for someone you can't fire as a customer

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  • Never freelance for someone you can't fire as a customer

    So I was trying to do some design work for a family member last week and all I'm going to say about that particular branch of the family is two things:

    1. I love them madly and fiercely.

    2. Everytime I enter into any sort of deal with them where either they are paying me or I'm paying them, I find myself very quickly looking for an escape hatch.

    I did two days worth of work which I'm not going to see a dime for. Not because they won't pay, it's because I'm not going to finish it. I'm done. Stick a fork in me. She doesn't have to pay me, it's fine. It's worth it to me to not have to bother with this anymore.

    The deadlines are impossible. Project not thought out. Trying to get info to do the job is like squeezing blood out of a turnip. Everytime we discuss project, it changes. Then the kicker...request to start over with all new fonts and all new pics pretty much an hour after project was supposedly due.

    I am not working like that. I sent her a quick fix she could do herself and called it a day.

    Next time, I will only freelance for people I would feel fine about telling to fuck off if I had to. Lesson learned.

  • #2
    That sounds pretty much exactly why I won't help certain friends and family move. I can't tell you how many times I've shown up ready to pack the truck and they haven't started packing boxes or have no idea what goes where. Even better is waiting around for an hour or two because they are just now going to the truck rental place.

    It's not that I don't like to help. Helping people is something I like to do. But I don't like giving up my time for people who can't even be arsed to make decisions, get organized or plan ahead. If you want to use my time, please be ready to use it effectively. Otherwise, I've got stuff of my own I need to take care of.

    So yeah. Even though it's not the same situation, I know what you mean.
    Last edited by Dips; 03-09-2009, 09:57 PM.
    The best karma is letting a jerk bash himself senseless on the wall of your polite indifference.

    The stupid is strong with this one.


    • #3
      That exact thing happened to me once, also helping a friend move.

      People like this are legion.

      They don't MEAN to cause problems, but they do, and keep on doing it and never really seem to learn from it.

      I called it a day on this project when, after two days of me working on her stuff, she decides to send me the fonts and graphics she wants to use. I'm talking end of day Friday. After I'd repeatedly told her I had Thursday and Friday scheduled to do her project.

      Seriously? It didn't behoove her to do that Thursday morning? She's gonna let me clock in two days worth of work she knows she's not gonna use and THEN send the stuff she wants to use?

      Hahahahaha. No. I just leaned back in my chair, sighed, and turned the monitor off. Then I packed up the fixings for some martinis and headed off to band practice with a cooler fulla vodka, olives, and other mixers. At that point, I needed a little medication because needless to say I was wound pretty tight.

      Came home at about midnight, and sent her a very nice, professional email saying I wasn't gonna be able to finish the project and sorry and all that.

      If she's mad, she's at least got the sense to not tell me she's mad. Because that would not be a good thing.
      Last edited by RecoveringKinkoid; 03-10-2009, 04:13 AM.


      • #4
        Non-refundable deposit before any work is done, collected at the FIRST offical meeting.

        This is what has saved K from countless hours of work for family.

        All of a sudden they dont actually want something drafted after all.
        I wasnt put on this earth to make you feel like a man ~ Mary Bertone


        • #5
          That's one reason I don't do things for friends/family -- except if it's known that:
          1) business is business (I'd fire a friend without a second thought - and they know it);
          2) What I say goes - I'll listen to what they want, do what they want, but if you can't decide I'll decide for you - if it's something minor, you can change it later, if not well you should've made your mind up before

          Granted, I generally wouldn't carry out either of those, but if they know I will do them and still want me to help them -- it saves time as they end up being the best clients and actually provide info as needed (and know not to even say "but it's not done yet" because they know they'll get a reply of "and now it won't ever be")

          Some of my friends have said I'm the best person to work for. I don't show favoritism -- I once asked a friend "what the hell are you doing?" (in a stern "you're in trouble" way) when doing some food service based thing (can't remember what now) -- and after his reply said "so who's coming for cards tonight?" (like nothing was said prior). I separate the two -- and that really throws people off. People that have worked for me that have seen me outside of work say I was completely different, almost a different personality.
          Last edited by JLRodgers; 03-10-2009, 05:50 AM.


          • #6
            Quoth Kiwi View Post
            Non-refundable deposit before any work is done, collected at the FIRST offical meeting.

            This is what has saved K from countless hours of work for family.

            All of a sudden they dont actually want something drafted after all.
            Exactly. It's not that he wants the money, it's that he doesn't want to spend energy on a time pit.

            By knowing what they aren't willing to pay and setting that for the price, you can make them think not using your services was THEIR idea.

            Quoth RecoveringKinkoid View Post
            If she's mad, she's at least got the sense to not tell me she's mad. Because that would not be a good thing.
            Well, yeah. You gave her as much time as you said you would AND you didn't charge her for it. She came out ahead.
            Last edited by Dips; 03-10-2009, 05:50 PM.
            The best karma is letting a jerk bash himself senseless on the wall of your polite indifference.

            The stupid is strong with this one.


            • #7
              Things like that are *exactly* why I no longer provide certain family members with tech support. They want me to fix their machine, but then feel free to bitch when it's "taking too long?" Well, that's what happens when you haven't updated your virus defs since 1988 and have the entire drive loaded with spyware. Pay me, or bugger off

              And yes, I've been "volunteered" to help people move. Most are pretty damn appreciative...but I no longer do that. The last time I helped someone move, I soon regretted it. Why? Well, the person was a nutjob. When I say that, I mean that she was certifiably crazy. Now, I'm not trying to bash those who have mental issues, since I've had to deal with depression. However, I draw the line at apartments so nasty that even the *roaches* leave. The stench and filth in that place was unbearable

              This woman, who had just lost her daughter, was moving into a smaller unit in another building. My brother and I got stuck carrying all the nasty furniture downstairs, and into the new unit. As soon as I even walked into the *building* I found myself trying not to It was even worse inside her apartment

              So nasty, in fact, that as soon as she left...we started being less careful with the furniture. Sorry, but I didn't feel good to begin with, and I was trying to get out of there as fast as I could.

              Then the nutjob started on when we were going to move everything else. Things that were light enough that a 2-year-old could carry. We drew the line at her bed--I carried the frame and box springs, but didn't want to touch the mattress. Instead, that got tossed off the balcony...and dragged across the lawn. I wasn't getting paid for this, and I'll be damned if catch some nasty illness!

              Still, at least I got paid $50...but it wasn't worth it. I mean, I used up several bottles of Febreeze trying to get that stench out of my coat and clothes! I don't know about you, but I have this thing about it stinking up my house!
              Aerodynamics are for people who can't build engines. --Enzo Ferrari


              • #8
                The only people I will do free tech support for are my mom and dad. My dad's fairly knowledgeable but there are some things that just need a second brain to figure out. My mom knows she doesn't know a hell of a lot, but she does keep her antivirus/antispyware updated which makes things a lot easier. We have an agreement where if the computer needs a new part, she covers the cost of the part only.

                A family friend who doesn't like to spend money had me helping her for free for quite awhile--small stuff like organizing folders. Something happened to her computer where against technician advice (new acronym? ATA) she took it to a local guy who did fix the original issue, but mangled something else that should not have been messed with if he really did only what she told me.

                After spending three hours researching the issue I decided to stop until I have a contract signed (mom is backing me on this). She wants a mess cleaned up by someone who knows what they're doing, she needs to pay for that work.
                "I am quite confident that I do exist."
                "Excuse me, I'm making perfect sense. You're just not keeping up." The Doctor


                • #9
                  Yeah, I know I should have written up a contract and all this this stuff, gotten deposits, etc. and normally I would have, but I was just kind of trying to help my cousin out.

                  Why I didn't realize it would turn into clusterfuck of the year is beyond me because I do know better. I just let my guard down, I guess.

                  I really don't care about the money, I wasn't charging her enough to worry about anyways. That's not even the issue, I just feel like my time got totally wasted for no good reason, and that's what really pisses me off. Absolute disregard for my time, the printer's time, and heck, any reasonable expectation of ANYONE'S time. I mean, in the long run, she's the one that really got screwed, not me. She's not going to be getting her project done, and not through any fault of mine. Her slackness and lack of even basic planning made it IMPOSSIBLE to do this job by her deadline.

