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Pleasant working

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  • Pleasant working

    First night shift that I've pulled in a while and I'm sitting here in my home office having a mojito while talking to customers. Okay, so I know this violates my job's substances rules but it's making me all smiley and warm and fuzzy towards the customers. I'm selling shitloads..

    I could get very used to this.
    "No, I will not poop a shopping cart out for you." - Irving Patrick Freleigh

  • #2
    Careful now, or else once your bosses see how much you're selling, they'll make drinking mandatory before hopping on the phones.

    "You must be this potched before you begin taking calls."
    Knowledge is power. Power corrupts. Study hard. Be evil.

    "I never said I wasn't a horrible person."--Me, almost daily


    • #3
      That actually might improve most of the calls.
      I am no longer of capable of the emotion you humans call “compassion”. Though I can feign it in exchange for an hourly wage. (Gravekeeper)


      • #4
        RIMMER: How many of those are you going to drink?
        LISTER: I told you not to talk. Game on.
        RIMMER: You're going to drink an entire six-pack of wicked-strength
        LISTER: I'm not gonna get plastered, Rimmer, just ... just nicely drunk.
        RIMMER: Define "nicely drunk." Is "nicely drunk" horizontal or
        LISTER: Rimmer, I can handle it.
        KRYTEN: I'm not sure I can.
        LISTER: We're in the wrong position. It's an easier shot if we go over
        here. (He moves into the "better" position and lines up the shot.)
        RIMMER: But that's right in the orbital path of the planet! If you miss,
        we're going to get a planet in the face.
        LISTER: I'm not gonna mish.
        RIMMER: "Mish?"
        LISTER: What?
        RIMMER: You said "mish." "I'm not gonna mish," you said. You've only had
        two cans and you're steaming!
        LISTER: Rimmer, will you relax? I know what I'm doing! I am not pished!
        cuz you know it's cold outside with no kind of atmosphere....
        Bark like a chicken!


        • #5
          I was introduced to that show just the other day.

          I'll see if anyone else catches the reference before I spoil it though.
          You're focusing on the problem. If you focus on the problem, you can't see the solution. Never focus on the problem! --From Patch Adams


          • #6
            just tell Rimmer to smeg off and give him the finger

            Red Dwarf LIVES.
            I'm lost without a paddle and headed up SH*T creek.
            -- Life Sucks Then You Die.

            "I'll believe corp. are people when Texas executes one."


            • #7
              .....FYI, Netflix has Red Dwarf full seasons, and they are available as instant view for PC or other streaming devices as well as rental.... that is all....

