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Thanks for Getting Me Fired, SC!

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  • #16
    Yes I was fired from DHL, because of a customer. They refused me any account info, then called to complain since there was no case from me I was fired. Everyone that disliked me there (for being a good employee and all) said I would be stuck in Mc Ds, however I got a $4 pay raise for a new job.
    Crono: sounds like the machine update became a clusterf*ck..
    pedersen: No. A clusterf*ck involves at least one pleasurable thing (the orgasm at the end).


    • #17
      Quoth Rapscallion View Post
      Was under consideration, but we don't get that many firing stories (fortunately).

      That's becuase you don't allow revenge stories. A majority of the people in those stories deserved to be fired. Made for some interesting reading though.
      Losing faith in humanity, one customer at a time


      • #18
        Plus, there's already a couple of sites about firings or containing stories of firings: simplyfired and jobschmob come to mind.
        My formula for living is quite simple. I get up in the morning and I go to bed at night. In between, I occupy myself as best I can.---Cary Grant


        • #19
          Oh,I've been fired from my job before where I work now. I was fired for having a severe asthma attack. I ended up in the bushes throwing up with an epipen hanging out of my thigh. The reason I was given was that I had 'created a disturbance' The person firing me? The doctor I worked for. I was going into anaphalatic shock and he decided since he was busy that day I must be faking it, without even examining me. And he had been treating me for the sudden debilitating worsening of my asthma.

          I sued and won. The justice dept provided the lawyers and I sued under the violation of ADA act. I also made sure the state medical licensing board slapped him on the wrist with a report that he refused treatment to someone in a medical crisis and got him in trouble with my insurance company.

          But it worked out in the long run. I got a nice large cash influx to put in my IRA and now I have a job making almost twice as much money.
          "No, I will not poop a shopping cart out for you." - Irving Patrick Freleigh


          • #20
            Quoth Ghengis51 View Post
            That's becuase you don't allow revenge stories. A majority of the people in those stories deserved to be fired. Made for some interesting reading though.
            Story A: Customer lies to manager, worker gets fired, posts on here.

            Story B: As above, but worker goes out and keys customer's car/sleeps with their spouse.

            First one is acceptable, but unfortunate, second one is pretty much inciting more people to do similar and boast about it, which is a road we're not going down.

            Sound like a reasonable difference?



            • #21
              That's why I must point out that if a "customer" makes a false report against you that costs you your job then you sue them. Perfectly legal way to get vengeance on them. Bury their ass right in front of the public in front of a judge. AND, you get some money for it. Sit back and make THEM work hard to pay for YOUR house and car. Sounds good to me.

              And the best part of it all???? Your former bosses can't do a goddamn thing about it!


              • #22
                Proving it would be the hard part, and you'd need your onetime employers as witnesses.



                • #23
                  I almost did once when there was an SC that I had known for a long time and we had a history of jokingly giving each other shit whenever she saw me. One day she came in and said something nasty, I fired something back at her as per our routine, but that day she was raggin' it and decided she was going to get offended.

                  The worst part was how she handled it. Couldn't have said "Hey jon, I really took offense to that." Couldn't have called my boss and said "Hey bossman, jon said something really rude to me today, can you speak to him?" No no no. She had to call up the corporate hotline and tell them I made threatening statements to her.


                  • #24
                    Actually, it happened to me this past October only I don't think I was given "the whole story."

                    I worked at a local diner (waitress) for more than 12 years. The last day before my scheduled vacation I worked my 8-hour shift, counted my tips when it was over, filled out my time card, put it in the slot, had my jacket and purse over my shoulder and my hand on the doorknob.

                    Boss runs back and says "hey, come in here for a minute" meaning she wanted me to come into her office. No problem. I wasn't even nervous as I knew I hadn't done anything wrong. I thought she wanted to talk to me about the schedule for when I came back from vacation or something.

                    Nope. She said "this is really hard for me, and I don't want to do it but I'm letting you go." I just stood there staring at her. WTF?!

                    She said "you do a lot of things right, and this isn't because of anything you've done this weekend or even recently, but I've just had one too many complaints." Funny, she always shows us the guest comment cards that get filled out and I hadn't had a bad one in a long time. Over 12 years there might have been a dozen bad ones from upset customers.

                    I never had any inkling she was going to fire me. Never a warning like "if you keep doing such-and-such I'm going to have to let you go." No warnings whatsoever.

                    But. It was kind of funny because a few months earlier her favorite waitress had quit to take on a full-time job with health insurance. But, she came back and covered for someone else the weekend before my vacation started, and she told the boss she would like to come back. So I think my boss got rid of me, so she could give my hours to her favorite waitress.

                    But karma bit her in the butt on that one, because her favorite waitress worked one week and then quit to move to Colorado!!

                    And if I was such a "terrible waitress" that she felt she had to get rid of me why did she ask me to cover other shifts when people were on vacation? Her son was a waiter there but went to Germany for a couple of weeks and I covered several of his shifts.

                    Plus I used to work Monday nights, for a couple of years, but got sick of them because she only has one waitress on Monday nights - me. It came to a head one night when I was waiting on about 50 people, all in different stages of their meal, and trying to do my best for everyone when one woman actually got up from her table and followed me into the other room, ranting and raving loudly at me, because I didn't get her husband's coffee to him quick enough. She just kept on and on, and at one point I told her she could have my apron if she thought she could do better! Every other person, when I checked them out at the register, said she had no right to yell at me like that. 95% of people on Monday nights were very understanding when it got busy and they could see I was the only waitress, and running the cash register, answering the phone, bussing tables. But it was those few rotten people that made me want to give up Monday nights. The boss wouldn't let me!! She made me work 2 more months' of Monday nights before she got someone else to take them.

                    Now I just wonder if she wanted me to get to the end of my rope and quit, since she wouldn't let me give up Monday nights.

                    I'm sure I'll never know the whole story. But I firmly believe in "the customer is NOT always right!"

