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It's no reason to cry about it!

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  • It's no reason to cry about it!

    Just recently we got a new maintenance person who transfered from Demos. At first glance this seems like something positive but it really isn't. For one thing, she's awfully SLOW. She takes forever walking from the back of the store to the front. Now that's all fine & good when we're having a slow day BUT when we're busy, especially during the weekends, you just can't take your sweet time answering calls that deal with spills & disasters in the bathrooms. Or even when doing a spot when it's required that you be quick & prompt.
    Lollygaging like a turtle aint gonna cut it. We've had complaints already from around the store about how slow she is. & don't get me started about how she takes her sweet time cleaning the bathrooms!
    Second thing...she's taken to leaving the cleaning cart at the front even when it's not needed for cleaning the bathrooms. Her reasoning is that when she's on a break or on lunch that she can "keep an eye on it". We've told her many times that when you're not using the cleaning cart that it has to be put back in the maintenance area. This is for safety cause all it would take is some kid to start playing with the chemicals & the spray themselves or drink it & get sick. then all of maintenance would get into BIG TIME trouble.
    She says she had to go to manangement cause she claims that the one girl tells her it's ok to leave it out & we tell her otherwise. I told her don't listen to what's---her-face cause she'll get her in trouble. I so much want to say "What part of SAFETY don't you understand??????"
    & today was the real kicker. I come back from a spot & get together with the other girl in maintenance ( the nice one ) & decide to do the bathrooms. So I tell the new girl that she could do a trash run & we could do the bathrroms IF SHE WANTS & then the new girl starts CRYING!!!
    She tells us people keep telling her different things & doesn't like being told what to do! We simply said, or least tried to make her understand that as far as the bathrooms goes, that the cleaning cart MUST stay in the back when not being used. we stressed to her it's for safety's sake but it seems she doesn't understand or WON'T. & we told her that we're not telling her what to do, just suggesting what she'd like to do.
    The main thing that concerns us is how slow she is. She just can't take her sweet time doing cleaning jobs around the store. We feel she'd be better suited as a door greeter but that's not our call. That's up to the bosses.
    I don't think we need to slow down to accomodate her. You see, when they call for a spill or what-have-you we just can't take forever to take care of it. Management would have a fit & customers would complain.
    Now I understand that we have to be patient with her & help her out from time toi time. Work as a team, yes. But I don't feel we need to babysit her for every little thing. That's NOT in our job description.
    So what do you think should be done?

  • #2
    Quoth Bright_Star View Post
    So what do you think should be done?
    Can her, she's a liability.

    Granted, she could be completely and totally new to the idea of "working" so she might genuinely be confused.

    Unless someone can willingly mentor her, I don't see her working out at your store.
    Now a member of that alien race called Management.

    Yeah, you see that right. Pink. Harness.


    • #3
      Fire her or move her someplace else.

      When I started my job, while unloading a truck one night I asked for the guy on the truck throwing boxes down to slow down. I was told "We don't slow down, you speed up."

      And that's how it's gone ever since. We don't have enough people that we can drag tasks out.
      Knowledge is power. Power corrupts. Study hard. Be evil.

      "I never said I wasn't a horrible person."--Me, almost daily

