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Job ettiquette

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  • Job ettiquette

    I apply for two jobs, job A and job B. I REALLY want Job A. Alas, Job A doesn't call. But Job B calls! Job B is alright, but not as good as job A. So I start with Job B. Then all of a sudden, Job A calls me! They want me! Is it acceptable to quit Job B because Job A has now opened up?

  • #2
    if its what you really want, i'd say yes


    • #3
      Ether job would get rid of you in any way if they found someone much better than you - so you should do the same.
      Quote Dalesys:
      ... as in "Ifn thet dawg comes at me, Ima gonna shutz ma panz!"


      • #4
        Quoth draggar View Post
        Ether job would get rid of you in any way if they found someone much better than you - so you should do the same.
        I agree 1 million percent. Take the job you really want and don't worry about the other one.

        Steve B.


        • #5
          Right now loyalty is not what it used to be.
          Make sure that job A is really what you want . . .and it isn't just one thing like a little better pay or closer to home.
          Let job A know that you accepted something in the mean time and are they willing to wait 2 weeks. Then offer B 2 weeks notice. If they don't want you to complete the 2 weeks then let A know you can start sooner. Just make sure you have an agreement in writing with signatures before giving B notice.


          • #6
            Well, I would say yes it is okay to leave Job B, unless you'll be violating a legally binding contract by doing so. If you work in an at will state, then it really isn't an issue.

            Two caveats though:

            1. Don't ever use anyone from Job B for a recommendation. In fact, if you've only been there a few weeks, you and your resume may want to just pretend that it never happened. You'll certainly have a bad rep with them.

            2. Be sure Job A is as good as you think it is and that you'll have job security when you get there. A bird in the hand and all that.

