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If someone jumped over the counter...

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  • If someone jumped over the counter...

    I don't know if it's the economy or just a rash of people that think they have the right to drink themselves into oblivion. Yesterday I had been back from vacation for 30 minutes (9:30 AM) when I needed to call the cops on a drunk customer that refused to leave, and had I not had the phone already in hand before he returned into the store he probably would have jumped the counter because I didn't serve him.

    So I know CS doesn't condone violence against customers, but I think that if the violence was done on us first that it's deemed as defending yourself. So I'm curious if where you work has a plan or if you've already mentally planned for the day someone jumps the counter. In our business you've got to kind of consider that option.

    Like in this case. If I think someone "might" jump the counter I hold onto the phone because that is the first deterant to someone jumping the counter. It only takes a moment to call 911. But other than that in one store if someone jumped the counter you'd be blocked in with no where to run. However there's always displays built within easy reach. Like yesterday if this guy jumped the counter he would have gotten an 18 pack to the side of his head, while we speed dialed 911. Our other two stores there's enough space to run either to a place where you could grab something to slow the person down if needed and then to a room that you could lock yourself into so you could call 911.
    "It takes people like you, to make people like me" Another Night In London - Devildriver

  • #2
    Working in a bar, I have actually seen my fair share of SC's attempt to jump over the bar because they have been refused service. I've actually written about one incident before, in which an impatient customer ran around the bar and proceeded to help himself to snacks! I got such a shock, all I saw was a customer running towards the open registers, so I kicked him, HARD.

    Another incident I witnessed was when a drunk woman jumped on top of the bar in an attempt to pull a barmaids hair. The barmaid screamed and shoved her off the bar onto the floor.

    I don't think anyone can predict how they will react in that kind of situation, because it is not just about an SC anymore. Sometimes it's about protecting yourself, and your workmates.


    • #3
      it's not condoning violence in my opinion if you're just defending yourself.
      it would be silly to expect you to lie down and get beaten up

      now... say you defend yourself and use the 18-pack and the guy goes unconscious ...
      and then you were to then to turn his back into a trampoline, toss him in a vat and liquify him (while wearing a pirate hat), and stuff like that... that would be violence
      Last edited by PepperElf; 04-07-2009, 08:07 PM.


      • #4
        Heh - immediate self-defence is fine if under actual assault. Never had a problem with that. I'd do the same in that sort of position.



        • #5
          If they were far enough away, I'd grab a blunt object and hit them with it, and if not I'd kick them in the shins.
          The High Priest is an Illusion!


          • #6
            You all saw it! That orphanage attacked me!
            Bark like a chicken!


            • #7
              Thing is, each and every situation is different, I've had a knife pulled on me, I've taken a kicking, but the very worst situation I've found myself in was with a male who was waving a syringe around in a VERY enclosed space; that was not fun.
              A PSA, if I may, as well as another.

