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Still Not Sure If I Was Dreaming....

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  • Still Not Sure If I Was Dreaming....

    It's a possibility I was dozing off at work, or I hallucinated it, or maybe I was at home sleeping and dreaming about work yet again...

    But if it really DID happen...last night, one of the lazy worthless people actually DID get yelled at. In front of everyone, by Ramsay. Loud enough for the whole room to hear!

    Amongst the many lazy worthless idiots....we have a new supercouple who came to our shift a while back and cannot be seperated. They bitch and whine if they can't be near one another. If the shift leads actually do their job right and schedule them as far away from one another as possible, they retaliate by leaving their stations and going to talk to one another. They sometimes refuse to take break with everyone else at our assigned times. This has been going on way too long with nothing being done about it by the leads or the boss.

    Then somehow, last night, Ramsay came into the room and saw the girl screwing around talking to her neighbor, and he bellowed at her "HEY, MELISSA! I NEED THAT ORDER DONE......RIGHT AWAY!"

    Oh it was beautiful. I nearly cried. Everyone heard and turned to look ather. She deserved that kind of humiliation.

    Now I'm this the start of something new and great (people actually doing their jobs and discipling the bad seeds?!) or was it just a one time thing because Ramsay was in a foul mood?
    You really need to see a neurologist. - Wagegoth

  • #2
    Given your descriptions... Ramsay was in a foul mood and just happened to catch a 'good' person to yell at for once.


    • #3
      Unless he's been getting a chewing from his overseers and he needs to improve numbers.

      Miracles can happen. The ridiculous takes a little longer.



      • #4
        you weren't dreaming

        if you were dreaming Ann would be the one getting yelled at.


        • #5
          If I were dreaming, Ann and the couple and a few others would be shown the door and kicked in the ass on the way out, and some of the harder working temps who got laid off could come back to replace them.
          You really need to see a neurologist. - Wagegoth

