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Co-Irker, Trainee, Busy-ness, and idiots (Long w/language)

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  • Co-Irker, Trainee, Busy-ness, and idiots (Long w/language)

    *warning* I am very upset from my day at work. I will be saying very harsh things towards our customers and customers in general. No offense meant to anybody.

    I generally calm down from my days at work just by reading other people's stories on this website, so I am definitely a lurker. I only post when I am about to completely melt down and lose all sanity due to experiences at work. Tonight was one of those nights.

    I work in a video department of a grocery store and we just got a new trainee. She is very nice, but she is a little slow to understand the workings of the department which is absolutely understandable. Now, I have a co-worker who is one of those people that I can just not tolerate. All day today, she was getting extremely snappy with this trainee (a mid-aged woman, slightly younger than herself). She also bossed her around all night. So, here I am, a 20-year old guy, having to play babysitter for a 57-year old evil woman to make sure she doesn't scare off the new lady.

    It didn't help that we were busier than EVER BEFORE the last two nights. I don't know what it is, but I am at the point where I want to scream every single time somebody walks in the damn door. Why won't they stop renting stupid movies!!!!

    Now, for the tons of jackasses I dealt with today:

    1.) A woman called me to ask if her rental had been returned. Upon spelling her last name, I could not make out one of the letters she said so I could not find her account. She started talking to me like I am an idiot. I then ask her to give me the DVD number on her receipt...she gave this to me and I brought up the account. I said, "Ohh, S, I thought you said F." She said, "Well,....yeah" to me as if I was retarded for not hearing her stupid voice on the damn phone.

    2.) "Hey...yo!" I don't respond to people when they bark this phrase at me, especially when it is a stupid-ass kid my age. So, I ignored this kid ...and he eventually yells "HEY BUDDY!!" I turn around and scowl at him, because at this point, I was sick of the bullcrap I was dealing with all day. It's called "excuse me"...use it, dipshit.

    3.) The SC from #2...his mother had rented a game. They wanted to exchange it for another one because "YOUR case said it was 2 player, but it ISN'T!!" Ok, fine...they had rented it that same day. Well, they get another one. Later that night, I get a call... "YOU rented me an XBOX game in a PS2 case!!!! I AM NOT coming in tonight, but I will expect something in return for my THREE trips out there!" So, I look it up. Her idiotic son ('yo) had picked up an XBOX was not a PS2 case. Entirely their fault.

    4.) The same SC's from #2 and #3....of course. We do not allow shopping carts into our department because a) it is too small, and b) they can break the door leading out into the parking lot. Well, they tried to take theirs through and I stopped them. I was immediately told how "retarded!" that is and how "fucking stupid" it is that they had to walk all the way around to the front of the store. I hate people.

    5.) NO, we don't have the movie you want. It has been so busy that everything is out. Maybe if every idiot in town didn't decide to drive through the foot of snow (risking their lives and the lives of others) just to rent a stupid-ass movie, we would have everything in stock. Don't bitch at me, I hate you.

    6.) I looked over in one of our aisles and found 5-6 grocery bags sitting in the middle of it. They were right where everybody walks. Who the HELL would set their stuff there?!?!? So, I confront these morons, clearly pointing to an area on the counter where they can put their bags. They scoff at me, but eventually pick up their stuff. A minute later, I see all the bags on our main counter were we have to wait on people!!!! There was no room to do anything!! So, I confront them again and they get VERY angry with me. They moved their bags, but were complaining how I was talking to them like they are stupid. Well I have news for you lady, you ARE stupid!!!

    7.) This is the one that put me over the edge. A guy come to our counter and yells "HEY CHIEF!!!" Not a good way to address me when I am already fuming-mad. I turned around to address his question. "Where the hell is Superman Returns!" I tell him it is not out yet and go about my business because if I had to talk to him any longer, I would lose it.

    So, then, he comes over and throws a movie on the counter and walks off again to get more. I HATE when people do this. Is it really so hard to carry a DVD case around? So, I put his movie under the counter, out of my way, so I can wait on other people.

    At this point, I say "Can I help you?" to two other customers. The idiot then cuts in front of these people with his significant other (I assume), and literally screams at me "WHERE IS MY MOVIE!!!!!!!" I angrily tell him I am helping other people at the moment and threw his movie on the counter, telling him that it was in my way and he should carry it with him if he wants to rent it. Big mistake.

    I manage to get through his transaction, but apparently when he left, he was saying very bad things about me. I know this because a store employee was sitting outside smoking a cigarette. He called me the following: "a fucking kid", "He needs a REAL job!", "What a fucking loser!!", "He was a fucking asshole to me!!". Apparently his significant other told him that HE was the asshole, which is hilarious. They then got into a huge curse-fulled argument. When told to get into the car, he then proceeded to urinate on the car next to theirs in the parking lot.

    Absolutely amazing. If I was told of this before both cars left, I would have paged the owner of the urinated-on car and told them what happened. I would have suggested to call the police because I have no tolerance for people like this.

    I had this incredible feeling that I NEED to get revenge on this guy, but I realize that this website does not condone this. When somebody personally insults me in such a way, I cannot just sit and take it even though that is what a respectable person is supposed to do. Luckily, there is nothing that I can do. I can't put a note on his account since it belonged to his significant other (she appeared to have a mental capacity beyond a gnat, unlike him). Please don't reply saying that we don't condone revenge...I know. I just need to calm down.

    I hope karma bites this guy in the ass and he gets arrested eventually. I would LOVE to see him thrown in the back of a police car.

  • #2
    You should inform management about that customer. Behavior like what he displayed is completely unacceptable.
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    • #3
      I can understand how the customers can get so upset with me, I'm the one who is not bringing them their food fast enough. Food is important. Food is energy.* But these are just motion pictures, just another stupid little way to while away your time on this Earth. You don't have my motion picture? Well then how the Hell am I going to bring myself another hour and thirty-nine minutes closer to my death? Surely an interruption in my constant stream of visual stimulus will cause me to go blind. I will now empty my bladder upon this automobile, for it might be yours.

      *Why the accidental presence of an oily sauce of lard and whipped eggs or two slices of a vine-growing fruit of the Nightshade family is going to drastically inhibit your energy absorbtion and cause you to wither and die is beyond me, but still.
      You're not doing me a favor by eating here. I'm doing you a favor by feeding you.


      • #4
        Quoth obod7x7 View Post
        When told to get into the car, he then proceeded to urinate on the car next to theirs in the parking lot.

        I had this incredible feeling that I NEED to get revenge on this guy, but I realize that this website does not condone this.

        I hope karma bites this guy in the ass and he gets arrested eventually. I would LOVE to see him thrown in the back of a police car.
        If you got this on tape/have reliable witnesses, consider mentioning it to the manager, suggest that he is a potential liability issue, and recommend banning him from the premises.


        • #5
          Thanks for the replies everyone.

          Unfortunately, I don't think there is anything we can do about this guy. We do not have his name and the guy who actually saw him do this probably doesn't want to go through the hassle of trying to get him banned. At least two store employees (myself and the guy who saw him do things in the parking lot) know what he looks like, so if we see him again, we can keep a close eye on him.


          • #6
            On the bright side, no sex for him tonight!


            • #7
              What a dick! I highly doubt he has one anyways!

