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Heirarchy question

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  • Heirarchy question

    For my fellow CS members who work in a smallish store do you have a staff heirarchy?

    At my work, all of the Gallery attendants are on the same level, but we have a "go to" order. Our co-ordinator then D (the assistant co-ordinator), C, and finally Me for the full timers then all of the part timers and then the casual.

    Im the newest "full timer" so apprently I rank over and above the 3 part timers who are students and one casual (who doesnt know she is but thats another topic all together).

    Problem is, its not offical or anything and so they dont really listen to any one bar the then when the co gets back and sees the work done incorrectly, the full timers get it not the part timers (because there not there). Case in point one of our 18 year old airy fairy lovey dovey part timers left her sushi mess all over the owners desk over the weekend and our full timer was supposed to make sure that part timers cleaned up after themselves... despite having no authority to...and she got rheemed out for it.

    my position is most akward because one of the part timers and the casual have been here for longer than me (only by 2 months though), but I rank above them because of my full time status (I have override codes, security clearance and can open/close and can cash out etc) still its no fun telling them what to do...

    does that make sence.... the FTers are in charge when the co-ordinators are not there.....but the part timers havent been told this offically....

    my first "supervising weekend" is coming up in which im in charge ALL weekend and I want it to go well, but I've seen/heard what the usual weekend supervisor goes through. The cash is messed up, the stores a mess, the students think they can study the weekend away cos were so quiet...they literally dump their text books on the counter and sit there for 5 hours..... I will be supervising most of December as well when our co-ordinator is off so I have to get this down the first weekend.

    Im not a wimp, I wont be doing all of their work for them, but I dont want to be a nasty supervisor at the same time... ugh Im in such a dilema. The co-ordinator wont but anything on paper because she was severly demoted a year or so ago and flys as low under the radar as possible.

    how do I keep the staff on task without being a tyrant....Im going to ask my offical boss (thats right the co-ordinator isnt my boss, shes in charge of 1/3 of my work, but we both have the same boss) in private what offical versus realistic policy is....but I have to be careful there to, because the co-ordinator gets REALLY touchy about people rocking the boat in her area of control and my actual boss is an absolute stickler for policy.... if policy said cross your t's twice she would, every, single, one. The full timers are stuck in the middle, especially me, the other FTers have age and experiance behind them... Im only 5 years older and im brand new to (not to retail but to this job)

    any advice.... please

    god dont you just love work place politics!
    Last edited by Kiwi; 11-05-2006, 04:28 AM.
    I wasnt put on this earth to make you feel like a man ~ Mary Bertone

  • #2
    Where I work, the service desk employees have authority over the checkers and baggers. I've had coworkers give me an attitude when I ask them a question or I ask them to do something.

    I agree that you should talk to your official boss. Like your official boss, I also believe that policy should be followed.
    Last edited by purplecat41877; 11-05-2006, 06:31 AM.
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