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Inventory on Easter Monday???

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  • Inventory on Easter Monday???

    Gotta love Kitty Corporate . . . they're smoking again and not sharing the love.

    Originally we were supposed to have our bi-annual Inventory last month. But because another store in our area wanted an earlier date so they could see if they would make it off the "Watch" list, they instead got our date of March 6, so we got the next available date:

    Which is set for Monday, April 13th. Day after tomorrow. Easter Monday.

    My backstock area is ready. My shelves are pretty much ready on my sections. I've spent spare time within the last few weeks tweaking shelf allocations/making sure rows were straight/installing shelf bluffers on top and bottom shelves on several sections of my main HBA aisle (they are the hardest shelves for me to stock. I'm either having to sit down in the floor to reach the back of the bottom shelf or stand on tiptoe on a stepstool and almost strain my short arms to reach the back of the top shelf.)

    All I'm doing tomorrow is going in for about 5 hours to run backstock one final time and double-check a couple of sections in the specialty sections (spices are a bit rough around the edges for my taste, as is the mops/brooms and lighbulbs.) I've already ordered my truck for Tuesday (2230 pieces but due to OOS's, I'll expect around 2100) to be worked Tuesday and Wednesday. Meaning I won't have a full day off until Thursday.

    And of course if it's not bad enough to be stuck in the backroom area with Mouth Almighty (who won't have any vendor deliveries Monday at all) watching over the backroom counts and assisting with moving cases/reorganizing carts and pallets and the dreaded 2 pallets of reclaim that's been sitting in the Receiving area for the last 2 weeks, it'll also be running to the floor to do recounts on various sections.

    Even more amusing: not only is the DM usually present (and Mohair too) but several other managers and/or "specialists" come in - but they won't help do recounts. You can usually find them either up in the front office or in the back computer room or breakroom BS'n with one another and not lifting one finger to help out.

    The question we're all asking is will Goober actually show up on Monday, since this inventory is on him (since he was the store manager during most of the time since last Inventory in September.)

    Reason why we're wondering? Seems as if Goober left our store leaving some loose threads, as in not signing off on annual evaluations so that the associates in question can get raises. Cheetah has contacted him several times about this, as he refuses to clean up Goober's mess (and I have to agree with him on that point.) We heard (via Cheetah) that Goober hung up on him and now won't talk to him by phone about the matter. Cheetah has even contacted Goober's DM to try to get this sorted out, but so far nothing's been accomplished.

    So now we have several employees not getting raises b/c the evaluations weren't completed and won't be for who knows how long.

    It'll be a mess Monday . . . and I'm ready to just call in dead now and get it over with.
    Human Resources - the adult version of "I'm telling Mom." - Agent Anthony "Tony" DiNozzo (NCIS)

  • #2
    Originally, I thought our inventory was going to be on a Friday.

    Which would mean the inventory team would be in Friday night.

    About the busiest time of a normal week.

    Instead, it's going to be May 13, which is a Wednesday--and just over a month away. O noez.

    I have already pledged to hang myself if I'm sent outside to do reconciliation in lawn and garden. But store manager says we won't have to do that on most of the plants, because they're going over to scan-based trading (whatever that is).
    Knowledge is power. Power corrupts. Study hard. Be evil.

    "I never said I wasn't a horrible person."--Me, almost daily


    • #3
      Luckily for us, tomorrow is a non-truck day, so counting the backroom will be slightly easier. Not much, mind, but slightly.

      Or was supposed to be. We got our combo truck in this morning. Somebody forgot to either erase the old grocery order before adding on or had already started it on another handheld and didn't communicate with Cocoa Puffs (our Grocery manager, who usually does the ordering) but we ended up with a double truck.

      Instead of the planned 600 pieces, we got around 1700 pieces. Makes for a sad Cheetah, who after the initial flipping out in the backroom contacted Mohair to inform him of the situation.

      Turns out our shelf level is quite low due to the Easter weekend holiday (and we also still have some EBT movement right now) we should still come out okay. Or at least that was the impression we heard from Mohair when he came by the store to take a visual look a short time after the call from Cheetah. So hopefully we won't have as much left for backstock, but it's sure putting a hurting on our stock crew of 4.

      Not only were Cheetah and Opie both slinging product out on the cleaning aisle shortly before I left, they were also recruiting our Produce Manager - Sarge (called this b/c he's ex-military) to help run freight out to the floor.

      And in additon, we had an AssMan from another area store in this morning, who was helping Cheetah run backstock this morning and when I left was in the process of getting part of the backroom set up for counting (the hallway between the backroom area and Produce is now used for the stuff stored on bunkers.)

      I'm not worried about my HBA though . . . my backstock room has been ready since last week - just had to tweak some more and see how much more I could get to the floor one last time today as well as check shelf conditions and straighten a few stray sections. I was in by 8:30 this morning and gone by 12:40. Butt-Head and Moe (Dairy Guy) were busting butt on their deliveries and trying to get their coolers/freezers ready.

      But for me, I'm ready for anything. Bring it on and let's get it over with, people.
      Human Resources - the adult version of "I'm telling Mom." - Agent Anthony "Tony" DiNozzo (NCIS)

