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Weirdo in the store

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  • Weirdo in the store

    This happened yesterday. Sundays are really busy. I was closing manager and I planned to be on the register for the last hour because the manager only scheduled a closing service desk person. I just got on the register when the associate in shoes told me that a customer needed to talk to me right away. I called an associate from the floor to take over for me as the line was long and it was just the service desk person and me ringing up customers.

    The shoe associate told me that a customer was in the restroom with her two daughters and saw a man hiding in one of the stalls. I went over to the customer and she told me that he was standing on the toilet in the next stall looking into the next one. She immediately left and moments later he exited the restroom and looked at her straight in the face and walked away. She pointed him out to me and he looked at all of us and walked out.

    I followed him out and watched him walk a few stores down and then turned around and got into his car to only park it again and sit there. I went back into the store and the customer was afraid to leave. A couple of us were looking out the window to see what he was doing. But we could not see him. The customer left and I went to call our District Loss Prevention Manager (we did not have LP in the store that day) But before I was able to do that we all thought we saw the man walk back in but wearing a different shirt. It turns out it was him and he went to his car to change his shirt and put on a hat. I called the DLPM to see what he wanted me to do but he did not answer.

    We watched this man walk around the store and at times he would duck behind racks of clothing. At this time it was getting near closing time and many associates were getting scared. We were all women working that night except the associate in shoes (who I had earlier get this guys license plate number when he came back into the store) I decided to call the police. As I was getting ready to do this he left.

    The customer called me when we were closed and told me that she called the police. I told her I get his license plate number so the police came to take a report and they told me that they have been getting calls about this same man looking over fences of homes and doing this same thing in other stores but they don't have enough evidence to do anything. They have talked to him but he acts like he can't speak English.

    I was off work today and I got a call from a co-worker that was there last night and said that this man came back into the store today and she saw him going towards the restroom He saw her and turned around and just walked around the store like he did last night. She called the police to tell them he was back but he left the store while she was calling.

    This is creepy and I hope they get this sicko fast.

  • #2
    Wow, I sure hope they catch him quickly as well!

    I wonder how much he'll like being watched in jail while he pees and poohs and snorkels Uncle Fester....if he dares such a thing.
    You really need to see a neurologist. - Wagegoth


    • #3
      Hopefully this guy is just a peeping Tom and not actually dangerous. But definately call the police every time you see him, don't even take the time to wonder if you should call them. Just do it. People like this guy don't deserve to be out with the general public.
      "I'm working for popcorn - what I get paid doesn't rise to the level of peanuts." -Courtesy of Darkwish

      ...Beware the voice without a face...


      • #4
        Your PD is clueless. Sorry.
        Labor boards have info on local laws for free
        HR believes the first person in the door
        Learn how to go over whackamole bosses' heads safely
        Document everything
        CS proves Dunning-Kruger effect

