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Time keeps on slippin'

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  • Time keeps on slippin'

    This happened a couple of years ago and still makes me laugh everytime I think about it.

    Before and after this incident CaptF was one of the nicest people you will ever meet. I think this was just stressed out this day.

    Several months before this incident, when she was still fairly new to the sq I had joked with CaptF telling her she wasn’t going to fit in with the rest of the officers because she came to work on time and actually put in a full days work. Well I guess she remembered me saying that.

    The office I worked in at the time had two doors in it, one to the outside and one to the rest of the building. This meant that most of the people who worked in my building had to walk through my office to get to theirs. On the wall between the two doors was our one office clock.

    On the day in question I needed to talk to the NCOIC of one of our other sections in a different building. I new his section did PT during the mornings and they usually got in around 0830. So I am staring blankly at the clock trying to determine if he would be in or not. I hear the outside door open and close, which brought me back to my senses. I looked down to see who had come in, it was CaptF and then back up at the clock to see if it was time to make my call.

    CaptF doesn’t know what I’m doing she just sees me look at her then the clock. So she came over to my desk and I get treated to a 5 min rant about her being an officer and her and the rest of the officers are busy and not everything they need to needs to be done in our building and just because they are not in our building doesn’t mean they are not working and they don’t appreciate a lowly E5 trying to keep tabs on them etc etc. I tried to interrupt and explain what I was really doing and that I really didn’t care when they came and went, but she was having none of it.

    Later that morning when I was telling my boss what happened my boss asked me “When did all this happen” I replied:

    “If your really must know it was at eight forty-seven”
    翻訳サーバーは現在オフ・ラインである。 後でもう一度試しなさい。

  • #2
    I always hated new officers. worked in a hospital. so fun. the nurses straight out of college were the worst. Power trippin'! The enlisted turned officers were awesome but the docs were the best. probably due to being sleep deprived they depended on us to keep them on track.
    "Failure is not an option. It comes bundled with your software."

