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well tonite sucked

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  • well tonite sucked

    sooooooooo yea

    bossman didn't work tonight so that minus one employee
    and the hallmark person did an earlier shift, so rather 5-9 did like 1-5 or something, so i was on my own after that.

    it was me, my CW A, and V--woohoo

    it was mad busy all day, including the pharmacy. i got almost no work done, ended up having to ring in the rx for about a half an hour, i finally get back to the front store to do work, and i get a phone call, and at the exact time V goes on her break. One other store was calling to let me know truck was on its way.


    our truck was supposed to come at 9:45 pm, not 7:15. so i had to go take it in myself, and leave A by herself. i felt really bad, but i had to take truck in, thankfully one of the rx techs helped out for a few minutes. because A was ringing and doing photo.

    by the time i finished that i barely had anytime to do anything before doing cash.

    damn you bossman...

    now he knows he had "jury duty" today. yet still scheduled himself. and that was part of his 45 hours. whether or not he did jury duty, and depending if he closes tomorrow or not, ill email the ethics line again to "update" them.
