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    'Scuse me I need to scream for awhile.

    Brief background: I'm the graphics department and I work with salespeople all day.

    The rant:

    When I say that I need the logo in vector format and I include a list of file extensions for that, do not send me a FREAKING JPG!!! JPG is not vector! It's raster! That thing I said I couldn't do it from! I know your customers are stupid, but I figured a nice company like that would have a vector format logo. Why? Because the logo is entirely text, that's why!

    It's obvious that these companies have vector format or at least Photoshop files of their logos. Why do all it I get are faxes, photos of t-shirts (YES, t-shirts), business cards to scan (when I'm lucky) and 72-dpi fuzzy POS off the web? I look on their website and hey, they have a PDF of something! Dare I dream...? Nope, the logo is some fuzzy thing that looks like they scanned it off a printed out Word document. These are national freaking companies with hundreds of locations. Why can't I get a good logo?

    The other thing, you salesmen READ MY EMAILS DAMMIT!!! Oh, I gave you a packet of information? So your job would be easier? And I wouldn't have to nag you? READ IT DAMMIT!!! If I send out a dozen different emails saying the same thing? YOU SHOULD KNOW IT BY NOW!!!

    The problems? The things that are entirely too difficult for these grown men to figure out?

    - Put things in the correct box. The boxes are clearly labelled and I'm sitting right here so they could ask me. No, orders don't go in samples. No, samples don't go in orders. What's the difference? You want SAMPLES for one. No, finished orders that you want me to sign off don't go in FREAKING Completed Contractor Orders! You're a new guy! You don't even DO contractor orders yet? Why are you on that side of the table?

    - They get sample labels in one size. ONE. Yes only one. Oh, but you want it your way? Start your own freaking business.

    - Fill out all of the mockup request. Yes, the full address. Yes, the size. Yes, THE COMPANY NAME.

    - I realize the spot where it says 'Chain' is confusing. That's why I have sent out MULTIPLE emails explaining it. That's why its explained it in the packet I give to all the new salespeople. The packet I just updated and handed out to everyone I thought had a chance of reading it. WHY WON'T YOU UNDERSTAND?!!!

    All these problems would just go away if the damned salespeople weren't so freaking lazy! If they would just read and do what it says, I wouldn't have to pester them.

    ... well, I feel better.
    Curiously Lydean - curious interests of a curious person.

  • #2
    So would a GIF be better...

    My Karma ran over your dogma.


    • #3
      .... sometimes. GIFs can be less fuzzy.

      It's just, I try SO hard to communicate clearly, since I know they don't understand ANY of this, but they just don't listen!

      ... I'm repeating myself, aren't I?
      Curiously Lydean - curious interests of a curious person.


      • #4
        Yeah, the TPS reports have a new cover sheet that they go out with now. Did you get a copy of that memo, Peter?

        /knows it's going to be quoted correctly shortly, just had to get it in

        Anyway, I think you need to smack some people. It's not like it's even hard to change from a jpg to an ai (Illustrator file, in other words, a vector file!) Place the jpg in Illustrator, Find outline, fill the resulting shapes with color as needed.
        /extremely simplified, as it has been a while since sie used find outline, couldn't remember what menu it's under *shame*
        "I call murder on that!"


        • #5
          Some places will take a JPG or a PNG if it's 300 or 600dpi. That still usually comes out looking smooth. unless you're talking about a banner or something.
          DJ Particle


          • #6
            I'm the graphics department. I have to burn plates to print on mugs and raster files tend to look pixelated. And it seems like most of our customers don't have ANYTHING better than the 72dpi POS logo off their website.

            And Illustrator's find outline is a joke. The easiest way for me is to use the brush tool and outline it and then fix it. But that takes at least half an hour usually. And half the time I can TELL, they had a vector file at some point. It can be obvious, but they can't get it to me. Did their designer not give them it? I can't believe they just got a jpg.
            Curiously Lydean - curious interests of a curious person.

