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Paint can exploded today

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  • Paint can exploded today

    It's a requirement that one of us in the paint department NOT put the lid on a paint can tight enough. Today was my day to fill that quota.

    My manager left for lunch, and wouldn't you know it, I got extremely busy. We were steady all day, but as soon as I was alone.... BAM! Here comes the entire population of the county wanting their paint. So I'm mixing up 6 gallons for this customer, 9 gallons for this customer, 20 gallons (all in one gallon cans!) for this customer, and taking orders and helping other customers at the same time.

    I'm getting to the end of this rush, last paint can. Yay! I can take a breath. I pound on the lid with my mighty rubber mallet and leave to help a customer. 3 minutes later I come back and find paint all over the floor, on the half-walls and inside the paint mixer. Good thing it was a neutral color (tan type color). Last time I did that, it was blood red. More about that later. I start another gallon for the customer and get to cleaning up.
    My manager walks up and just sighs. "Yeah, I know" I say. We don't like it when that happens. So I start cleaning up. The paper towels we have suck horribly; they don't soak up anything. So I use a whole roll and I'm still not done yet. And to top it off, I have huge hands and can't get inside the paint mixer to clean the bottom. I actually got a bit stuck trying. Good thing the paint was a good lubricant. She asked me what happened. I look up at her, and just said "duh!"
    She laughed and told me not to worry, she will get the rest of it (it was time for me to get home). I spent a good 10 minutes scrubbing (on the clock or course!) and left.
    I'll hear about it tomorrow. Whomever makes a paint can explode, for whatever reason, always get ripped about it next time they work.

    The last time that happened, as I stated earlier, it was blood red and it was a 5 gallon bucket. It was a huge mess, and I cleaned it up. After I was done, my arms (especially my right arm) were covered from finger to elbow, and not all of it was dry. I walked from the paint desk to the break room. Along the way, I passed some cashiers and customers. They had the look. They thought it was real blood. I looked like something out of a horror movie. Here I come, this big guy covered in what looked like wet bloody gore. It was on my shirt, on my pants, my face and hair, and dripping down my arms. Everyone asked if I was okay. I said "Yeah, but don't look at the customer that crossed me." Again, the look. I then told them it was actually paint.

    But wouldn't you know it? I always explode the paint can (3 to date in 5 months) twenty minutes before I am sposta go home.
    Age and wisdom don't necessarily go together. Some people just become stupid with more authority.

    "Who put the goat in there? The yellow goat I ate."

  • #2
    Exploding paint sounds cool! Well, as long as you don't have to clean it up, I guess. At least no one got hurt.
    Train up a child in the way he should go, and when he is old he will not depart from it.

    Proverbs 22:6


    • #3
      (sigh) I was hoping you'd intentionally exploded a paint can... (pouts)

      Paint mixers really do spread it around if you don't get the lid on tight enough, don't they?
      Arsenic is 'natural'. Hemlock is 'organic'.


      • #4
        I'm working on way to intentionally explode a paint can on my last day. It will have to be some on sort of time release where no one gets hurt. Maybe if I can just get a paint can to ooze.....
        Age and wisdom don't necessarily go together. Some people just become stupid with more authority.

        "Who put the goat in there? The yellow goat I ate."


        • #5
          been there

          I Have Nothing But The Thoughts Of Uselessness


          • #6
            Quoth Knightmare View Post
            I'm working on way to intentionally explode a paint can on my last day. It will have to be some on sort of time release where no one gets hurt. Maybe if I can just get a paint can to ooze.....
            Pick a really bright color.
            Knowledge is power. Power corrupts. Study hard. Be evil.

            "I never said I wasn't a horrible person."--Me, almost daily


            • #7
              Quoth Irving Patrick Freleigh View Post
              Pick a really bright color.
              Like traffic yellow.

              When my mom and dad moved into our house in VA (they were just married - this was before my bro and I), they had to repaint the kitchen. Like 4 times. They go into the basement, and find a bucket of paint that matched the color of the kitchen. The label on the bucket? VDOT (Virginia department of transportation) traffic yellow.

              Durable? Yes.
              Attractive? Not so much.
              Train up a child in the way he should go, and when he is old he will not depart from it.

              Proverbs 22:6


              • #8
                Quoth thegiraffe View Post
                Like traffic yellow.

                When my mom and dad moved into our house in VA (they were just married - this was before my bro and I), they had to repaint the kitchen. Like 4 times. They go into the basement, and find a bucket of paint that matched the color of the kitchen. The label on the bucket? VDOT (Virginia department of transportation) traffic yellow.

                Durable? Yes.
                Attractive? Not so much.
                Interesting. The NCDOT puts something sparkly in their yellow paint so it reflects better at night. Wouldn't a blinding yellow, sparkly kitchen be just the very height of style and class?
                Drive it like it's a county car.


                • #9
                  Quoth thegiraffe View Post
                  Like traffic yellow.

                  When my mom and dad moved into our house in VA...they had to repaint the kitchen. They go into the basement, and find a bucket of paint that matched the color of the kitchen. The label on the bucket? VDOT (Virginia department of transportation) traffic yellow.
                  My dad deliberately painted our house with highway paint (same thing) in white. No glass beads in it, but it was whiter than white. He used it because it was supposed to last forever.
                  Labor boards have info on local laws for free
                  HR believes the first person in the door
                  Learn how to go over whackamole bosses' heads safely
                  Document everything
                  CS proves Dunning-Kruger effect


                  • #10
                    Quoth hauntedheadnc View Post
                    Interesting. The NCDOT puts something sparkly in their yellow paint so it reflects better at night. Wouldn't a blinding yellow, sparkly kitchen be just the very height of style and class?
                    This was back in the early 80's (when mom and dad moved in), so I'm not sure if it was reflective back then. I just know that it was very. VERY. bright. It took like 4 coats of off-white to cover it lol.
                    Train up a child in the way he should go, and when he is old he will not depart from it.

                    Proverbs 22:6


                    • #11
                      I have lost count of al the paint spills I have been a party to, but some ofthe most memorable are;

                      The Purple Blob: A customer bought 4 gallons of bright purple and he thought he could carry them up front. Yeah right! He made it almost to the counter and droped all four. And you would not believe how many people tried to walk through the blob.

                      The Jumper: One day I was restocking and as I put a gallon on one end of a shelf and the gallon on the other end jumped off.

                      The Bouncing Quarts: We have to put extra quarts in the shaker to balance out the one the customer is buying and one of our old employes was bad at not removing them and if you were is a hurry and stuck a gallon in to shake, you had a quart (usually colorant) bouncing around inside the shaker.

                      The Killer Kilz: Last year, the water-based Kilz primers started coming in plastic cans, but I did not notice this until I put one in with a metal can. It seems that the metal can was just a little taller as the plastic one came flying out of the shaker.

                      The Ancient Can: I walked in on a spill when someone brought in a can to be shaken up, but it must have been in his garage for 10 or more years. The seam on the side of the can split out and coated the shaker.

                      And of course there is my first spill. It was a quart of Smurf blue and I forgot to hammer the lid back on after checking the color. The customer carried it up to the counter and Dawn picked it up and dumped it all over her self.

                      To this day I imagine her husband still finds blue spots somewhere on her.
                      "First time I ever seen a chainsaw go down anybody's britches,"


                      • #12
                        Dark Psion: How smurfalicious I am sure!

                        thegiraffee: Wow highway paint for a kitchen. That sounds cool I would so do that, even with the crystals in it.

                        I've painted my entire car hunter orange before, a ford pinto none the less so who am I to say anything.


                        • #13
                          Quoth wagegoth View Post
                          My dad deliberately painted our house with highway paint (same thing) in white. No glass beads in it, but it was whiter than white. He used it because it was supposed to last forever.
                          At first, I thought about how often I see the DOT repainting this street/that curb/those highway lines, and about how our lot striping barely survives a year's worth of rain, sleet, snow, ice, snowplow, sand, salt, gas spills, kitty litter on gas spills, tires, cigarette butts, what have you. But I suppose --well, I hope-- the siding on the house doesn't go through all that.

                          Can you imagine if someone painted a house with the reflective-beaded highway paint? Turn on the porch light, half the neighborhood will think the Mothership has landed. Someone parks in the driveway and leaves their headlights on, the little old lady four houses over starts Walking Toward The Light. Turn on the Christmas lights and voila! Instant bad acid trip!
                          "Love keeps her in the air when she ought fall down, let's you know she's hurting 'fore she keens...makes her a home."


                          • #14
                            Quoth Rahmota View Post
                            Dark Psion: How smurfalicious I am sure!

                            thegiraffee: Wow highway paint for a kitchen. That sounds cool I would so do that, even with the crystals in it.

                            I've painted my entire car hunter orange before, a ford pinto none the less so who am I to say anything.
                            Never lose THAT car in the parking lot.


                            • #15
                              Quoth counterjockey View Post
                              At first, I thought about how often I see the DOT repainting this street/that curb/those highway lines, and about how our lot striping barely survives a year's worth of rain, sleet, snow, ice, snowplow, sand, salt, gas spills, kitty litter on gas spills, tires, cigarette butts, what have you. But I suppose --well, I hope-- the siding on the house doesn't go through all that.
                              Down here (Central Florida), we don't get the snow, sleet, ice, or snowplow. We're lucky if we get an inch of snow every 20 years lol (and that's not all at once - it'll all add up to an inch MAYBE). However, we have 10 months of 90+ heat on a daily basis, as well as all of the other lovely stuff you mentioned.

                              We see them restriping...ehh....every 5 years or so? Though with all the construction, it's really hard to tell what's from construction and what's from wear-and-tear. It's not yearly though - I can tell 'ya that much.
                              Train up a child in the way he should go, and when he is old he will not depart from it.

                              Proverbs 22:6

