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Ever worked in a place with no staffroom?

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  • Ever worked in a place with no staffroom?

    Or breakroom, messroom, whatever you want to call it. I've worked in 2 places that didn't have one; the garden centre and the pizza place. At the garden centre, we took coffee breaks at the till... which meant that if a customer went up there, we had to serve them. I much prefered to go and sit on the cat litter sacks in one of the precious off camera sites and have my break there, otherwise my coffee would go cold cuz the previously dead store would liven up and the flipping customers just wouldn't leave me alone!

    At the pizza place, there was no staffroom either; but instead we had the kitchen which was out of sight of the shop, so we were free from being bugged by customers. We took it in turns to go and deal with any who appeared, or any phones that rang.
    People who don't like cats were probably mice in an earlier life.
    My DeviantArt.

  • #2
    Back when I worked security all breaks/meals etc had to be done at the desk or in the vehicle. If you had to go potty and you where at the desk you either had to call for coverage or wait for foot patrol or not go. Especially at the one airport where I got stuck guarding a gate at the far end of the place that was rarely used but still had to be protected. Fortuantely there was some shrubbery right nearby.


    • #3
      I've worked at a place that had a "breakroom" that looked more like a janitor's closet with a bathroom, fridge, and a table they managed to shove in there. At the pizza place I worked at we could just sit and eat at a table when it was slow and just jump up to help the one or two tables that were there. And we didn't have to clock out or anything, since technically we were still "doing work". I miss that place, but I go to college somewhere different and it's so hard to get a decent job around here because of all the competitioin from other college kids
      "If you are planning not to tip, please let your server know before ordering so they can decide whether or not to wait on you" - from an advice column I read some time ago


      • #4
        Almost every place I have ever worked.

        Car wash had a smelly closet where we could store things, Quizno's and BK had nothing, auto parts store had a small room, current place has the locker room where the laborers change and eat lunch, but I don't like going down there.


        • #5
          At the racetrack I work at, when we go on our break before the day starts(doesn't make much sense, does it?), we have to use the little resturant on the third floor. It's nice, it's air conditioned which is important to us as we hate working in the 100 degree heat. But we have to take extra special care of it in case a customer would get pissy for us not all pushing our chairs in. Kinda wish we had our own room but odds are it'd suck with no ac or no tv or no free breakfasts.
          "I've found that when you want to know the truth about someone, that someone is probably the last person you should ask." - House


          • #6
            No staff room at the restaurant where I used to work. We'd just sit down at a table. You all know what would inevitably happen....constant customer requests for service, despite the fact that I'm clearly eating my lunch and not on the clock.
            Eventually, we started taking our breaks (with our coats on) in the cold storage room. A regular customer once asked me why we all went in there to eat, and I was sort of like, Why do you THINK? What does it tell you that we'd rather freeze our asses off than be out in the open like sitting ducks for SCs?

            If you have to ask, it's probably better posted at


            • #7
              the store has a backroom for the weekends, but the administration upstairs has a decent sized room, fridge, microwave, water cooler, dishwasher etc

              only 3 chairs though which can suck
              I wasnt put on this earth to make you feel like a man ~ Mary Bertone


              • #8
                I worked at the computer store on my college campus, we had an agonizingly small back room that was packed to the brim with stock. When I went on break I either went elsewhere in the college to eat (since we were allowed to leave the store) or sat back at the slightly out of view service desk if it was not in use.

                The store I work in now has a backroom with a small employee section but what I wouldn't give for a microwave...


                • #9
                  I worked at a DQ one summer, and that didn't have a breakroom. If someone worked enough hours to get a lunch, they usually got food from there and ate it out in the dining room with everyone else. Fortunately, I don't remember ever getting bugged by customers while I was eating.

                  Sometimes I forget all about that job, because it was just for a summer, and because I just worked the fryer, and rarely dealt with customers. I didn't find out how bad they really could be until me next job.
                  Sometimes life is altered.
                  Break from the ropes your hands are tied.
                  Uneasy with confrontation.
                  Won't turn out right. Can't turn out right


                  • #10
                    There's no official staffroom where I work, but the building is an ancient haphazard construction, originally a house 110 years ago that had a storefront built in front of it ninety years ago, with incessant additions and remodels since then. As a result there are plenty of little out-of-the-way corners and tiny rooms with bricked-in windows in the confusing floorplan, in which we can hide from customers. We don't have a television or anything, though.
                    You're not doing me a favor by eating here. I'm doing you a favor by feeding you.

