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Bad Signs

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  • Bad Signs

    I keep thinking about a place I used to work (damn, they're not out of business yet!). When I started I could see that it wouldn't last, besides the just plain weird 'vibe' of the place. There were all sorts of hints and if I can catch on to them it's pretty obvious.

    My list of bad signs for a job
    - There's no time clock because the office manager is too lazy to figure out hours
    - high turnover in a small office (like 5 different graphics people, that I *heard* about, in a 8 person office)
    - using Limewire to get the software essential to the job. Yeah, not even a single copy of Photoshop installed on all five computers, just plain stealing it.

    What are some other signs that the business/job isn't going to last?
    Curiously Lydean - curious interests of a curious person.

  • #2
    Our burger establishment is a bit ramshackle, and I can tell the enterprise isn't making any money. Fortunately if the whole deal falls through I can get a job at one of the family's other restaurants, this place is decent experience and I'm endearing myself to future employers.

    Bad signs:

    We get most of our stock from other restaurants in the family, it's a rare week when we actually get a proper delivery man by. Not only that, but most of the ferrying of materials is done in our cook's 1968 Mercury Colony Park.

    We have a safe, we don't use it. Boss-Man never set a combination for it. When we need change, we go next door, to the café father of Boss-Man runs.

    Once a week I get to work and nobody's opened the place up yet. So I have to, and that's really not my job, plus I get there at a eleven, (when we're supposed to open the doors,) and it takes until noon to get everything up and running.

    We too have a time clock we don't use, but I think it's just broken.
    You're not doing me a favor by eating here. I'm doing you a favor by feeding you.


    • #3
      While this wasn't a place where I worked, the signs were painfully clear that this particular business was in trouble.

      It was an indoor play area, with all kinds of different activities. It wasn't a babysitting service, as in, you had to remain there with your kids, which I'm sure caused more than a few SC incidents. They did, however, have things for the adults to do as well. There was a TV, some video games and pinball machines, some board games, and some magazines. My son usually wanted me to play with him while we were there, so I'd usually be chasing him thru the tubes, the ball pits, and whatever else.

      When I first started taking him there, the place was doing a decent amount of business. But over the next few years, I was seeing more broken toys, and less people. Then they started cutting their hours of operation. I wasn't the least bit surprised when the place went out of business, you'd have to be blind not to see the signs.

      It was a shame, too. My son loved it there, and it was something nice to do when it was too cold or wet to play outside, and I didn't want him tearing around in the house.
      Sometimes life is altered.
      Break from the ropes your hands are tied.
      Uneasy with confrontation.
      Won't turn out right. Can't turn out right


      • #4
        Yeah, where I work now. We hardly have customers come in, because of the area. FedEX and UPS, is screwing with our products, by not getting them to us. And our pay checks, oh boy, UPS screws us on them, by not delivering them, on Payday. which each time, I have to sign for them.
        Under The Moon Paranormal Research
        San Joaquin Valley Paranormal Research

