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The Demon Stapler

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  • The Demon Stapler

    Usually, the Library is a quiet place. There's construction going along our side of the building so we expect some noise. We know when it's going to happen and can compensate for it. At least, we can warn our readers to expect it. What happened today was completely off the map.

    There's a wall between my work-space and the Ref Desk. At the rear of the Ref Desk, a work surface becomes part of the wall. In my area you don't usually hear anything going on at the Ref Desk. Today, it was very different.

    I kept hearing something that sounded as loud as a pile driver. The problem was that it didn't have the rhythm of a pile driver. I knew there were no machines like that being used outside and the sound seemed to be coming from within the Library.

    I walked out to take a look and could see nothing. I thought I might be going mad until I walked out to take another look. That's when I saw what was happening.

    A volunteer was collating educational packets for a visit of teachers later in the day. The packets were small but there were about 50 of them and the volunteer was fastening them in a very enthusiastic way. Instead of picking up each packet and fastening it with the stapler in hand, she was putting each packet under the stapler and giving an enthusiastic "Whoomp!" on the counter.

    In the Ref area this sounded like ordinary stapling activity. Through some strange trick of acoustics, what sounded like a little 'snap' outside, sounded like a pile driver on the other side of the wall.
    Research is the art of reading what everyone has read and seeing what no one else has seen.

  • #2
    One of the attorneys I work for wants everything stapled. After stapling over a hundred items in a row, my wrist was screaming. When I called the company that made the stapler, I specifically asked them how loud it was. The one I got is fairly quiet and I love that thing to death.
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    • #3
      Quoth LibraryLady View Post
      In the Ref area this sounded like ordinary stapling activity. Through some strange trick of acoustics, what sounded like a little 'snap' outside, sounded like a pile driver on the other side of the wall.
      I can't help but think of that scene from The Last Crusade when Indiana Jones is in the library banging on the floor, and a poor librarian thinks his book stamp is making all the noise.


      • #4
        The other day I was in our break room, and heard what sounded like really loud bass. THUMP THUMP THUMP, and I could actually hear the door rattling a little bit. It sounded like someone with a loud stereo was parked behind the store (our break room is against the back wall of the building).

        Stuck my head out the back door - quiet.

        Walked around the back of the store, found out it was coming from inside a produce cooler. Walked in the cooler, and a coworker was using a wall-mounted produce slider (you put whatever you're cutting in it and pull the handle down) rather enthusiastically. It made a small thump inside the cooler... which resonated through the entire building.

        They cut veggies to sell in there - we do an incredible amount of sales of pre-cut veggies (marked up at a ridiculous rate).

