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Really? Just Fricken REALLY? *rantage*

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  • Really? Just Fricken REALLY? *rantage*

    Ahhh Tuesdays (happened on the 9th) the day when mail is supposed to be lighter from the Monday mail of catchup Sunday the day most carriers love. However we have a NEW person who is running the plant. This person came from a plant that handled far more mail then what ours does and has turned it to that we only need to tours now insted of three. But then that just means that we have two full crews instead of three skeleton crews.


    From what I was told Monday mail was BAD and HEAVY. Heavy mail days suck, glad I was away for it. But then come in Tuesday to see supposedly MORE mail then Monday had. Goodie.

    Get to the case...oh lookie a MESS. *twitch*

    Get MORE mail dropped off and told it MUST go out TODAY cause the sale started yesterday. O.o *twitches*

    Check the truck when we get keys note that no one who drove my truck put gas into it. *twitch*

    Go back in a get everything cased in and check out the time, ten minuets to get my parcels, load the truck, and leave. NOPE we have to have a twenty minuet long meeting.

    Get parcels, load, leave... now 20 minuets late for the route.

    COAST into the gas station after running out of gas. Grumbling as I fill it up and sigh until someone knocks on the side of the truck and tells me I'm leaking. Say what?

    Go around to the other side of the truck and whimper as bright red oily fluid flows from under the truck. Go in to inform gas station and to call my boss.

    Boss calls WMF, they will be out pronto with a new truck for me and if I can just not move it that would be wonderful.

    Time late to starting route, 40 mins...

    Wait...wait....wait....WAIT.... YAY VMF comes and helps me switch mail around and then switch my personal stuff around. Okay we can get to the...route? Replacement truck needs gas.

    Time late to starting route, 47 mins...

    Finally get truck fueled, hand over receipt to VMF they leave, I leave and head to the start of the route. Oh lookie a tiny vehicle tried playing a big vehicle and lost...all over the road.


    Time late to starting route, 55 mins...

    Gave a statement and was jumpy because I was running far behind and the cop let me go after getting my route number, name, phone, address.

    Got to my first stop and scanned in...time late to starting route, 1:03 mins...


    Heard how many times I was running late? Too many to count.

    Got to my second set of apartments to pavement. *twitch twitch twitch*

    Time leaving second set of apartments, 1:52 mins...LATE

    Get to third set of boxes on the route and get yelled at for being late, I glared I glared bad.

    Get to third apartments and told off for running behind because dangit she NEEDED the ad I had...not to mention it was her ONLY piece of mail. (How that happened I don't have a clue.)

    Call the bosses, "I NEED help."

    Finally get a half hour of help, yay. Get back to the office at 17:98, I get into trouble if it hits 18:00 so I rush to clock back to the office. REJECTED....wait...REJECTED...17:99...REJECTED...w ait...APPROVED 18:00.

    If there was ever a day to drive me to drinking.
    Last edited by Aethian; 06-10-2009, 10:19 PM.

  • #2
    What are people standing at their mail box waiting for you or something?

    Thats like EW's who stand outside a store an hour before it opens... the mail gets there when it gets there!
    I wasnt put on this earth to make you feel like a man ~ Mary Bertone


    • #3
      Quoth Kiwi View Post
      What are people standing at their mail box waiting for you or something?

      Thats like EW's who stand outside a store an hour before it opens... the mail gets there when it gets there!
      Kiwi...I have had some follow me to make sure I'm not 'standin and gabbin' when I should be delivering mail. It doesn't matter if the mail is heavy, torrential rain, blizzard snow, they want their mail NOW and NOW +1 min is unacceptable. Of course these are mostly the ones who don't work and have flaunted to me that they don't work. And these are the first to complain that I'm late even if I'm running a half hour early.

      When I used to deliver to self made peoples (average cost of a home in the neighborhood, 600K) they didn't care what time the mail came as long as it came and we were having a good day.


      • #4
        Quoth Aethian View Post
        Kiwi...I have had some follow me to make sure I'm not 'standin and gabbin' when I should be delivering mail.

        seriously wtf?

        oh dudette I could not handle that at all, how do you cope? I'd be going postal (sorry) on them by the second week!

        excuse me while I go and weep
        I wasnt put on this earth to make you feel like a man ~ Mary Bertone


        • #5


          There are no words for this...except...



          • #6
            Quoth Aethian View Post
            Kiwi...I have had some follow me to make sure I'm not 'standin and gabbin' when I should be delivering mail. It doesn't matter if the mail is heavy, torrential rain, blizzard snow, they want their mail NOW and NOW +1 min is unacceptable. Of course these are mostly the ones who don't work and have flaunted to me that they don't work. And these are the first to complain that I'm late even if I'm running a half hour early.

            When I used to deliver to self made peoples (average cost of a home in the neighborhood, 600K) they didn't care what time the mail came as long as it came and we were having a good day.
            damn, i wish you could have our route, Mary, our carrier is a sweetheart and everybody likes her ... back when my computer desk was by the front window, she apparently was so used to seeing me sitting there she got worried and knocked on my door because she hadnt seen me in the window for a couple of days - she wanted to make sure I was ok. i had pneumonia and was flaking out on the couch. And yes, she has a standing invite to come over and use the hot tub whenever we are home and she is of a mind to =)
            EVE Online: 99% of the time you sit around waiting for something to happen, but that 1% of action is what hooks people like crack, you don't get interviewed by the BBC for a WoW raid.


            • #7
              that's old foster dad (who ROCKED) decided they (him and his wife) needed a new he ran the old one over with his snowplough (back when he worked for his own town).

