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new dress codes

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  • new dress codes

    why is it everyone thinks when u run a business. everyone should look alike.

    walmart is getting ready to inforce a dress code. even for third shift. it really sucks.

    khaki colored pants with a blue pull over polo shirt. with walmart on the boob.
    k my problem is for one i dont like it enough to display it on my boob.
    for two i work third noone is freakin there so y should i have to wear it.

    i just dont get it. dress codes are not me dont like em at all.

    me id rather wear a tank top so when im working im not getting hot and sweating.
    and jeans cause they dont show the filth from the floor and backroom.

    that place is nasty.
    instead they want everyone to see how nasty the place is i guess.
    I Have Nothing But The Thoughts Of Uselessness

  • #2
    Is your store open 24 hours?

    Or are you working during times when the store is still open? If so, I can understand having a dress code. If you are on the floor, they want you to be in uniform so you can help customers if needed.

    We are going to be open 6 or 7 am to 11 pm starting Black Friday--I imagine I will have to be in uniform for at least the time the store is still open while I am working.
    Knowledge is power. Power corrupts. Study hard. Be evil.

    "I never said I wasn't a horrible person."--Me, almost daily


    • #3
      So is WM doing away with the blue vests with the "How can I help you" on the back?
      "If you are planning not to tip, please let your server know before ordering so they can decide whether or not to wait on you" - from an advice column I read some time ago


      • #4
        Quoth Giggle Goose View Post
        So is WM doing away with the blue vests with the "How can I help you" on the back?
        They've realized that they don't hire enough people to actually help their customers? Or pay them enough to make them want to help their customers?


        • #5
          When I worked at the Evil Empire Store, cashiers were required to wear khakis or slacks, but the floor workers could wear the rattiest jeans ever known to man. I never thought that was fair, because their pants were more noticable than ours were.
          I'm bringing disdain back...with a vengeance.

          Oh, and your tool box got out again.


          • #6
            I got "evaluated" today, as in a manager checked I was wearing the right uniform and I was working efficiently. I got everything perfect except for one thing - I wasn't wearing the uniform belt! lol When I started I was told I didn't need one cos my pants fit nicely. But now the manager's gonna track one down for me.

            Though I did tell him that if he ever checked if I was wearing it by lifting my shirt a little (we don't tuck them in) then I'd slap him. He said that was fair.
            Michael: Maybe you'll be inspired by the boat party tonight and start a career as a pirate.
            Tobias: I haven't packed for that.
            <3 Arrested Development


            • #7
              When I first started my job, the dress code was different than what it is now. It used to be: Khaki pants or shorts with a white collared shirt ,and an apron with the store logo. If you wore the shirt with the company logo on it, you didn't have to wear an apron.

              Well I bought a shirt with the company logo just so I wouldn't have to wear an apron. About 6 months later or so they come up with the idea that everyone must wear the shirt with the logo on it.

              Now this would be fine except for one thing. Not only do we have to wear the shirt with the company logo on it, we also have to wear the apron with the company logo on it as well. That is so stupid. The shirt already has the company logo on it. What the hell is important about the apron.

              I'm just waiting for them to come up and say we have to wear khaki pants issued by the store.
              Take this job and shove it. I ain't workin here no more.

              Proud Air Force Mom


              • #8
                Quoth sarahj View Post
                I got "evaluated" today, as in a manager checked I was wearing the right uniform and I was working efficiently. I got everything perfect except for one thing - I wasn't wearing the uniform belt! lol When I started I was told I didn't need one cos my pants fit nicely. But now the manager's gonna track one down for me.

                Though I did tell him that if he ever checked if I was wearing it by lifting my shirt a little (we don't tuck them in) then I'd slap him. He said that was fair.
                I wonder how many visible butt crack complaints were required to make wearing a belt part of the dress code.
                Labor boards have info on local laws for free
                HR believes the first person in the door
                Learn how to go over whackamole bosses' heads safely
                Document everything
                CS proves Dunning-Kruger effect


                • #9
                  I do not like dress codes because they do not allow me to adequately express my eccentricities. Wouldn't be caught dead in khakis and a polo shirt. Things are a bit lax at Hades Burger, though. The costume I wear to work? White and blue stripéd shirt with the sleeves rolled and pressed, black tie tucked in between the second and third button from the collar, black waistcoat, black slacks, black cashmere cap and a white apron I brought from home, I didn't like the general issue ones. I'm considering embroidering the name of our establishment on it, but the week I do the place'll go under and I'll have to change jobs. Boss-Man's attire? Che Guevara T-shirt* and dacron pants.

                  *He's got four of them. When questioned upon the subject, he revealed that he did not know what Marxism was.
                  Last edited by Sofar; 11-20-2006, 08:53 AM. Reason: Added something.
                  You're not doing me a favor by eating here. I'm doing you a favor by feeding you.


                  • #10
                    Quoth sarahj View Post
                    I got "evaluated" today, as in a manager checked I was wearing the right uniform and I was working efficiently. I got everything perfect except for one thing - I wasn't wearing the uniform belt!
                    The notion of a uniform belt troubles me. In fact, I'm going to find the most outlandish, gaudiest, Red-State-George-Dubya-yippie-kiy-yay-mofo-son-of-a-Rhinestone-Cowboy beaut of a belt I can find with a silver-plated buckle big enough to snowboard on just to repudiate the very idea.

                    Speaking of troubling notions, employees can buy a windbreaker from our company to wear during the winter months over the white shirt, tie, and khakis that are the required uniform...for a gas station. (I posted on this before, to the pity and dismay of many.) Now, it's conveniently embroidered with the company logo so that you won't want to wear it anywhere besides work, and maybe not even then. But wait! There's more! It also costs more than $50 USD!!

                    For the same money you could go to any thrift store in town and get 20-25 fleece vests/pullovers to destroy at work.

                    Or, you can do like I've done, buy two fleece vests for $5, and spend the rest of that $50 on pizza and beer. It's all a question of priorities.
                    "Love keeps her in the air when she ought fall down, let's you know she's hurting 'fore she keens...makes her a home."


                    • #11
                      yes where i work is a 24 hour store third shift is 10 pm to 7 am.

                      and yes the blue vest is going away. i never wore the thing anyways noone ever in there at 3 in morning.

                      i did cause a fuss when i asked the new store manager "with the new dress code and no vest where do i store my tampons" lol

                      he wasnt to happy to talk about it.
                      I Have Nothing But The Thoughts Of Uselessness


                      • #12
                        At a place where I used to work, I almost got sent home once for not wearing a belt. That along with many other things, was exquisitely detailed in the lengthy dress code (along with "proper undergarments")

                        At the very next place I went to work, the trainer was going over various policies. "Dress code. We ask that you wear some."

                        And that was that.
                        I was neat, clean, shaved and sober, and I didn't care who knew it. -- Raymond Chandler


                        • #13
                          Quoth TNT View Post
                          At the very next place I went to work, the trainer was going over various policies. "Dress code. We ask that you wear some."

                          And that was that.
                          Um, you had to wear a dress?

                          Think they're still hiring?



                          • #14
                            Having worked for a corporate restaurant chain or two, I am all too aware of the whole dress code thing. Even at the hotel, we have a dress code. No big deal, as they provide (most of) what we need to comply.

                            But the waterfront bar I work at is great. As I have said before, very casual place. The dress code is simple:

                            Footwear: Wear something on your feet. I usually go with socks and my black Nikes, but for the wetter days, I have recent bought a pair of boat/diver "booties" as I am sick of my sneakers soaking through. Many of my coworkers wear sandals or flip flops.
                            Pants: Pants or shorts, something that you can work in and is not unsightly or ragged. I virtually always wear my baggy cargo shorts, as they rock.
                            Apron: Provided by the bar.
                            Hat: If you want. I usually wear my ASU hat. During Fantasy Fest and other weird times, I wore weird hats.
                            Shirt: Either a t-shirt or tank top from the bar itself (which they provide) or, if you don't have one of those clean, any beer or booze shirt of a beer or booze product we sell.
                            Special: During special events, costumes or appropriate dress for the event are not only allowed, but actively encouraged.
                            The only major restriction is that we should not wear apparel from other bars in Key West. (Bars from, say, Phoenix would not be a big issue, though, as they are not competitors of this bar.)

                            Although it fits into none of the above, Saturday day, as I am working and revving up for the big University of Arizona-Arizona State University football game that night, I will be wearing mucho ASU stuff. I doubt that anyone will question me.

                            Best dress code I have ever worked with.

                            "The Customer Is Always Right...But The Bartender Decides Who Is
                            Still A Customer."


                            • #15
                              Quoth Rapscallion View Post
                              Um, you had to wear a dress?

                              Think they're still hiring?
                              I also thought it was cool when I first heard about it. But the women who worked there were animals and I got tired of them always trying to sneak a peek. It was all the worse because I was still rebelling against the previous job's "proper undergarments" rule.

                              Seriously... and who says I haven't been serious so far?... on the first break of the first day, our trainer got a call. He said, "The crack pipe is loaded. We're officially smoking the turkey." And then he hung up.
                              I was neat, clean, shaved and sober, and I didn't care who knew it. -- Raymond Chandler

