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Potential SC Owned, Opearated, and Put in Place!

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  • Potential SC Owned, Opearated, and Put in Place!

    So The Bar was getting busy, and between a bunch of drink tickets from the servers and the customers at the main bar, I was moving and grooving today. And part of that was these three guys that walked in and sat down. I told them I'd be with them shortly, and in short order I got them beers and menus. And had to run around making more drinks, cashing people out, and doing this, that and the other, though the entire time I kept telling them to be patient, I would be getting their food order as soon as I was able to do so.

    Now I have to stress that what followed was one of the trio trying to be funny, NOT being serious or assholeish. But the potential for suck was there, and I thought I did a good job of nipping it in the bud. Basically, as I was at the register, either ringing in an order or cashing someone one, Captain Oblivious piped up......

    CO: "Just remember, Jester, we are your only customers."
    JESTER: (glancing their way) "Actually,'re not."
    CO: (indicating one of his buddies) "Do you know who HE is?"
    JESTER: "No. Do you know who I am?"
    CO: (uncertain where this is going) ""
    JESTER: "I'm the guy controlling your alcohol."
    CO: "Good point. You're the boss!"

    And that, my friends, is how you can nip such things in the bud. Providing, of course, you actually are the one controlling their alcohol.

    Honestly, the guys were amusing and fun and good tippers and good customers. But I did not know that when this all started, and frankly, I was not about to put up with some self-important tampon monkey out to prove his testosterone level to his Beta Males.

    One of the rules of good service is that you (the worker) have to control your customers, not the other way around.

    That is all. At ease, and as you were!

    "The Customer Is Always Right...But The Bartender Decides Who Is
    Still A Customer."

  • #2
    tampon monkey???
    Great YouTube channel check it out!


    • #3
      That was priceless!


      • #4
        More of a GWC thread.


