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Our store is being remodeled

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  • Our store is being remodeled

    They started to remodel our store about a month is a huge project, not only the outside is being totally revamped but also the inside.

    About a week ago we closed down the dining room and they gutted it out..all new windows..tile instead of interior tables and is going to look awesome and they project a 20 to 30 percent increase in business once the whole remodel is done.

    Well since the dining room is closed we have to take all orders on drive has been interesting for the most part, we came up with a system that seems to get the food out faster since cars are lined up throughout the parking lot and into the street. We have been able to move about 75 to 80 cars per hour out and that is with $10-20 orders at a time. If everyone is working as a team and concentrating on their respective tasks then it is a breeze, but of course I work with mainly teens and it does get crazy at times because they want to socialize most of the time.

    We haven't had too many customer sucks..although when I was on drive speaker this last Tuesday during lunch I did get a kick out of counting how many people did NOT read all the signs saying that lobby was CLOSED but yet parked their cars and walked up to the doors. One even poked his head inside the drive door asking if we were open. Duh!! Do you see all the cars right in front of you?? What do ya think?? Of course we are can't just can't come inside. Not only are there signs everywhere (including the marquee) but there is scaffolding everywhere also.

    For the most part people have been gracious and understanding and full of questions. In fact I noticed that most have been really understanding and patient with the waits. I can't wait till it is all done as I am extremely proud of the new look! It will be awesome to see how it all comes together.

  • #2
    Ahhh the old "The Customer did not Pay Attention to any signs" Don't you love how that works
    Under The Moon Paranormal Research
    San Joaquin Valley Paranormal Research


    • #3
      Perhaps if they made signs outfitted with mallets attached to robot arms designed to smack people on the head.....


      • #4
        They just finished remodeling the main restaurant/bar in the hotel, and while it took them twice as long as projected (four months instead of two), the place looks awesome. When I say remodeled, I don't mean a few minor touches...I mean they gutted the entire place and started from scratch. While the bar is in the same place as the old bar, the entire bar itself is brand new. As I tell guests who ask about the new place, the only things that AREN'T new are the bartenders!

        Okay, "finished" may not be the best word to use, as there are still things that we need done, beyond the normal kinks and bugs to work out, but overall, I am damn impressed with the way it looks. We haven't done our grand opening yet (see above for those damned kinks and bugs), but we should be doing it soon, and I am hoping for much more traffic through the place. Especially since it no longer looks like your grandmother's favorite 1920's watering hole. And I don't hear the dreaded phrase, "Oh, why are you remodeling it? It's so nice and quiet in here!" Quiet doesn't pay the bills, kids. You want quiet? Check out our lobby. Very comfy.

        Now, if I could just get the new waitstaff to (a) learn their jobs, (b) do their jobs, and (c) stop bothering me with every minor thing, most of which they can figure out on their own. Maybe THIS was the reason they gave me keys to the liquor room!

        "The Customer Is Always Right...But The Bartender Decides Who Is
        Still A Customer."


        • #5
          Been there...
          Done that....
          Still having Traumatic flashbacks
          "First time I ever seen a chainsaw go down anybody's britches,"


          • #6
            Quoth AFpheonix View Post
            Perhaps if they made signs outfitted with mallets attached to robot arms designed to smack people on the head.....
            They could make bright, flashing, shining neon signs that erupted fireworks, mooed like cows, and sprouted midgets that chased you around with baseball bats while whistling the tune from "The Bridge Over River Kwai", and people would still find a way to ignore them completely.
            "That's too bad. Hospitals aren't fun to fight through."
            "What IS fun to fight through?"
            "Gardens. Electronics shops. Antique stores, but only if they're classy."


            • #7
              Ah, but perhaps if they whistled the theme song from Hawaii 5-0 they might pay attention

