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I wasn't killing them and burying them in the back yard! I swear!

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  • I wasn't killing them and burying them in the back yard! I swear!

    Since August I've gone through FIVE Christmas staff... Now this wouldn't seem like much in the scheme of retail holiday turn over, except that the most at one time working in my studio will be 3-4 people MAX. You can't fit more than 4 people in my studio. There just ain't room to manuever, both Gatekeeper and Ree can vouch for this.

    Prior to Jemma leaving on Mat, we hired one girl named Nina. She seemed like a nice girl, excited to start, had all her hours, was to begin training... Except she never showed up... At all... To any of her shifts.

    1. Nina. - kaput by reasons of sheer invisibility.

    Then we hired Megan... Megan seemed scared of her own shadow from the get-go. I poorly attributed it to interview jitters, and hired her anyway. She had aspirations of opening her own studio some day, except didn't like taking the photos, interacting with the customers or selling her photos. But she liked pushing the button. She finally quit due to personal reasons. In a twist of sheer unbelievability, during her 'last shift', she quit and unquit about 5 times. Finally I had to 'fire' her because I asked if she could GUARANTEE that she'd be here for the entire Christmas season. She said she couldn't. Bye Megan.

    2. Megan - kaput for personal reasons.

    Then we hired Krista. Krista was a little weird from day one... Apparently on the run from her abusive husband, she'd fled Alberta to get away from him. Frequently would phone in for her shifts, claiming some crisis or another. Court date after court date... During her training shifts. I hadn't even had her on camera yet. During the interview she said she could get a sitter for weekends if we gave her enough notice. We make the schedule for a whole month in advance. I asked her if she could guarantee availability. She claimed that she told me 'day care hours.' I told her she told me she could get a sitter. She would also giggle incessantly about nothing. Got snippy with my DM when she asked Krista to use a ruler to measure and cut passports. She fought the 'quitting' said I fired her unjustly. DM knows she's crazy. Ignores this and writes up termination papers.

    3. Krista. - Kaput by reason of insanity and availability.

    Then there was Paul. Paul was what we referred to as Golden Boy. He was handpicked and hired by another of the management team. Put on camera on day TWO of six days of training. Quick to pick up on everything and anything. Bright, cheerful, said he could see himself doing this for YEARS!!! Was being groomed for management of Studio C. Came in for a shift and then disappeared completely - leaving the studio unmanned. Rumour was he went home in tears and bawled in his mothers arms for 2 hours. The man is 23.

    4. Paul - Kaput by reason of insanity.

    Finally there's Anna. Avid scrapbooker, dog lover and giggler. She giggled ALOT. She also took crappy portraits. But she was a warm body. We were going to keep her for weekends after Christmas. She phoned last night and said that she'd found another job and wasn't going to show up for her shift that night. Or any shift for that matter. That she hoped we weren't angry with her and to have a GREAT DAY! DOING THIS TWO WEEKS BEFORE OUR XMAS RUSH IS OVER AND NOT BE ANGRY?! Linda - my shining star says she IS angry and wants to run her over with her car. I see no problem with this, do you? I found out about this one, about 5 miles from home, at the mall, on my celly via text from CMH. "PHONE LINDA." I hyperventilated into a A&W bag for a bit because I thought this meant I wasn't getting my MUCH NEEDED weekend off. I'm getting it anyway. :-P

    5. Anna - Kaput by reasons of stepping on the little people.

    I'm going away this weekend. Ciao people!

  • #2
    Quoth Retail's Bitch View Post
    claiming some crisis or another.
    I had a friend who was like this. Always something going on that was keeping her from her committments. Nothing was ever her fault either. She may have wronged you in some way - she'd apologize but then pass the blame back to you or something, somewhere, someone else thereby making her apology bunk.

    Notice the word "had" in the first sentence. Yeah, it's I only have so much of a threshold for someone who can't accept responsibilities for their actions.
    "I'm still walking, so I'm sure that I can dance!" from Saint of Circumstance - Grateful Dead


    • #3
      I had interviewed several people, and chosen one. She called the day before her first shift and said "you know how i was supposed to start tommorrow..." I hoped she was just going to start a day later, but no, something had come up and she didn't want the job anymore (I am not that scary, honest)
      "...and you've got people. Billions of people walking about like happy meals with legs...." Spike


      • #4
        Quoth tintaglia View Post
        I had interviewed several people, and chosen one. She called the day before her first shift and said "you know how i was supposed to start tommorrow..." I hoped she was just going to start a day later, but no, something had come up and she didn't want the job anymore (I am not that scary, honest)
        Sucks, but at least she called.


        • #5
          Heh, we had a period this summer where a lot of that happened...

          New Hire #1: Former Morgue worker, comes in for two shifts, vanishes off the face of the earth.

          Theory: He saw living people all over and got scared

          New Hire #2: Comes in for Orientation, overhears someone say "Dude, guy is Captain America in disguise." Leaves halfway through and never comes back.

          Theory: Red Skull captured him, and tortures him even now in his hidden base

          New Hire #3: Misses his Orientation. Director wants to pass on him, Assistant Directors talk into giving him another change. Misses second Orientation.

          Theory: Moron

          New (Un)Hire(d) #4: Fails to show up for Interview 3 times.

          Theory: Moron

          New Hire #5: Gets hired, works out fine, is caught sleeping by Engineering staff in the hotel spa. Was caught previously watching TV in the guest club area.

          Theory: Sleepy and Lazy. Canned.

          New Hire #6: Gets hired, works out fine for a while, gets along with staff, abuses wife, goes to jail.

          Theory: Sleezebag. Canned.

          New Hire #7: Has a severe learning problem, does not act well under pressure, but is covered by the American Disabilities Act. Cannot be denied employment based on his disability, so he gets hired despite the fact that he does not have the tools to operate in a Security capacity. Works as a constant travesty for the three month probationary period, by the end of which it is obvious he cannot do the job, and he is then finally let go legally.

          Theory: Nice guy and all, but this wasn't a good job for him, and being forced to hire him only set him up for failure 3 months later.

          New Hire #8: Gets hired, seems nice enough, installs 18 porn programs onto the work computer which have to be found and purged by me (I'm the de-facto computer guy in our department), and all of which are easily tracked back to him.

          Theory: Horn-dog. Canned

          So yeah, we were cursed there for a while...sometimes I'm amazed we're fully staffed right now...
          "That's too bad. Hospitals aren't fun to fight through."
          "What IS fun to fight through?"
          "Gardens. Electronics shops. Antique stores, but only if they're classy."


          • #6
            RB, why am I being punished with the thought that even having the dreaded Jemma around would be a huge improvement?
            Unseen but seeing
            oh dear, now they're masquerading as sane-KiaKat
            There isn't enough interpretive dance in the workplace these days-Irv
            3rd shift needs love, too
            RIP, mo bhrionglóid

